Rumor: Video of Dez w/ 'Ray Rice' type of impact may exist

So Cowherd saw a tape, but the Cowboys haven't. It doesn't make any sense. Dallas would not have offered a long term deal or be willing to apply the Franchise Tag if a video existed that showed any kind of DV. AND if Dez knew one existed he would have signed for 20m guaranteed which was the reported offer.

Dallas could still offer franchise tag and be free and clear after year if there was too much public outrage if that rumor was true (and I don't believe it's true). Plus the rumors are saying that video is from years ago so I don't think league would have any basis for punishment.
Now schefter is talking about it. Color me interested now......

transcript: (cc from this reddit post )

What's going to happen to Dez Bryant in Dallas?

Schefter: [long pause] That's a very interesting question.

What's the video? What is going on?

S: [pause] Hm. I'll just say this, check back with me on that one.

So you've heard about this video?

S: [incredulously] Heard about it?

Yeah. Do you know what's on it?

S: Yeah. [side note: you really have to hear his tone on this one. The subtext is kind of like "oh boy, do I ever..."]

Have you seen it?

S: I have not seen it.

Okay, first of all, how could this not have been released at this point? Is he doing something criminal? Can you talk about it?

S: [long pause] Ummm...I'll say this. I've been working on this since September.

Since September??

S: Since September.

Is it criminal?

S: [pause] Like I said, I've been working on it since September. There's a lot involved.

Is this going to come out?

S: Don't know. Don't know yet.

Wow. I have never heard about this until the weekend.

S: [laughing] It's taken up a lot of my time this season, I'll say that.

And you did it in a very clandestine way, it sounds like. Did you have to?

S: Well listen, whatever we've been working on is not ready for publication, and maybe never will be, who knows. You gotta be very careful on these things. You know, people can talk about videos, they can talk about this and that... The fact of the matter is, it doesnt mean anything, and it's really not fair to him right now, until you have all your facts in line. Which we spent a long time trying to do.

[They go on to ask what the Cowboys know, and if it affects his contract negotiations. Schefter sidesteps the question, but he does state that he believes Bryant will remain in Dallas.]
i don't give a flying pigs intestine how bored the media is. their job is to report news not make crap up in a LOOK AT ME fashion.

sick and tired of the drama the media creates and the insane desire far too many people have to get sucked in by it time and time and time again.
Owned my favorite quote of the whole thread.
Now schefter is talking about it. Color me interested now......

transcript: (cc from this reddit post )

What's going to happen to Dez Bryant in Dallas?

Schefter: [long pause] That's a very interesting question.

What's the video? What is going on?

S: [pause] Hm. I'll just say this, check back with me on that one.

So you've heard about this video?

S: [incredulously] Heard about it?

Yeah. Do you know what's on it?

S: Yeah. [side note: you really have to hear his tone on this one. The subtext is kind of like "oh boy, do I ever..."]

Have you seen it?

S: I have not seen it.

Okay, first of all, how could this not have been released at this point? Is he doing something criminal? Can you talk about it?

S: [long pause] Ummm...I'll say this. I've been working on this since September.

Since September??

S: Since September.

Is it criminal?

S: [pause] Like I said, I've been working on it since September. There's a lot involved.

Is this going to come out?

S: Don't know. Don't know yet.

Wow. I have never heard about this until the weekend.

S: [laughing] It's taken up a lot of my time this season, I'll say that.

And you did it in a very clandestine way, it sounds like. Did you have to?

S: Well listen, whatever we've been working on is not ready for publication, and maybe never will be, who knows. You gotta be very careful on these things. You know, people can talk about videos, they can talk about this and that... The fact of the matter is, it doesnt mean anything, and it's really not fair to him right now, until you have all your facts in line. Which we spent a long time trying to do.

[They go on to ask what the Cowboys know, and if it affects his contract negotiations. Schefter sidesteps the question, but he does state that he believes Bryant will remain in Dallas.]

If he thinks Bryant will remain in Dallas, it can't be "five times worse" than the Ray Rice video. That would make no sense.
Now schefter is talking about it. Color me interested now......

transcript: (cc from this reddit post )

What's going to happen to Dez Bryant in Dallas?

Schefter: [long pause] That's a very interesting question.

What's the video? What is going on?

S: [pause] Hm. I'll just say this, check back with me on that one.

So you've heard about this video?

S: [incredulously] Heard about it?

Yeah. Do you know what's on it?

S: Yeah. [side note: you really have to hear his tone on this one. The subtext is kind of like "oh boy, do I ever..."]

Have you seen it?

S: I have not seen it.

Okay, first of all, how could this not have been released at this point? Is he doing something criminal? Can you talk about it?

S: [long pause] Ummm...I'll say this. I've been working on this since September.

Since September??

S: Since September.

Is it criminal?

S: [pause] Like I said, I've been working on it since September. There's a lot involved.

Is this going to come out?

S: Don't know. Don't know yet.

Wow. I have never heard about this until the weekend.

S: [laughing] It's taken up a lot of my time this season, I'll say that.

And you did it in a very clandestine way, it sounds like. Did you have to?

S: Well listen, whatever we've been working on is not ready for publication, and maybe never will be, who knows. You gotta be very careful on these things. You know, people can talk about videos, they can talk about this and that... The fact of the matter is, it doesnt mean anything, and it's really not fair to him right now, until you have all your facts in line. Which we spent a long time trying to do.

[They go on to ask what the Cowboys know, and if it affects his contract negotiations. Schefter sidesteps the question, but he does state that he believes Bryant will remain in Dallas.]

Wow, holy ****. Consider me officially nervous. TMZ and other gossip columnists sometimes not so much but Schefter is a pretty reliable reporter and is dotting his "Is" and crossing his "Ts" on this and has been for quite some time. This is not good. Not good at all.
If they've been working on it since sept then it happened a long time ago.

"The source " is Ed Werner
Wow, holy ****. Consider me officially nervous. TMZ and other gossip columnists sometimes not so much but Schefter is a pretty reliable reporter and is dotting his "Is" and crossing his "Ts" on this and has been for quite some time. This is not good. Not good at all.

Watch it be nothing at all.
Wow, holy ****. Consider me officially nervous. TMZ and other gossip columnists sometimes not so much but Schefter is a pretty reliable reporter and is dotting his "Is" and crossing his "Ts" on this and has been for quite some time. This is not good. Not good at all.

Ya, this is what worries me too.
There sure is a lot of smoke, here. It'll be interesting to see the extent of the fire.
There sure is a lot of smoke, here. It'll be interesting to see the extent of the fire.

yea thats what I am thinking too. Its been my experience that when there is this much smoke there is almost always the shoe that drops soon after.
I thought we were talking about Dez not McClain

Shefter is a cowboys hater and a punk. it would make him happy if the cowboys got rid of Dez. so take what he says with a grain of salt. theremay very well be a tape of Dez doing something wrong. but prove what he did is worst than Ray Rice knocking the hell out of his girlfriend. PROVE IT! i am sick and tired of these unproven rumors. PROVE IT. and it better be something like or worst than Ray Rice did.if it's not. these rumor monger reporters need to lose their jobs.
Watch that story go for 5 more weeks, guess what day it is then....April fools day.

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