Russia invades Ukraine *** READ RULES IN POST 6 BEFORE POSTING ***

Hard to believe, but this appears to be true.

A 5th Russian General has been killed.

That has to hurt morale.

My wife's sister and her family live in Volgograd (formerly, Stalingrad) a city of 1.1 million about 600 miles SSE of Moscow.

Aside from the near collapse of the Rubel, prices on general goods and services are up 20-30%. In adition, they are starting to see shortages in the local markets.

During our conversation this morning, my sister-in-law had an intersting observation: as long as the "west" makes the war about Putin, then gradually the Russian population will turn on him. As soon as it becomes "Russia's" war, she thinks many will start, or continue, siding with Putin. protrayed My wife's family had an intersting
My wife's sister and her family live in Volgograd (formerly, Stalingrad) a city of 1.1 million about 600 miles SSE of Moscow.

Aside from the near collapse of the Rubel, prices on general goods and services are up 20-30%. In adition, they are starting to see shortages in the local markets.

During our conversation this morning, my sister-in-law had an intersting observation: as long as the "west" makes the war about Putin, then gradually the Russian population will turn on him. As soon as it becomes "Russia's" war, she thinks many will start, or continue, siding with Putin. protrayed My wife's family had an intersting

Yeah, I could see that.

I don't think the focus will drift from "Putin's War" to "Russia's War".
My wife's sister and her family live in Volgograd (formerly, Stalingrad) a city of 1.1 million about 600 miles SSE of Moscow.

Aside from the near collapse of the Rubel, prices on general goods and services are up 20-30%. In adition, they are starting to see shortages in the local markets.

During our conversation this morning, my sister-in-law had an intersting observation: as long as the "west" makes the war about Putin, then gradually the Russian population will turn on him. As soon as it becomes "Russia's" war, she thinks many will start, or continue, siding with Putin. protrayed My wife's family had an intersting
That is exactly why the US has to be careful about the moves it makes.

Sure, everyone wants to prevent a world war, but as I posted a few days ago, right now most (not all, but most) of the world is united behind Ukraine because it is a Ukraine-Russia war. That unity would fracture the moment the US got directly involved.

The really sad thing is the Ukranian and Russian people are the ones who are and will continue to suffer all for the actions of one person.

I hope once this has all ended that everyone will remember that a lot of the Russian people never wanted or supported the war and many have risked their lives making that fact known.
English speaking report from reporter embedded with Russian troops in Mariupol. Utter devastation, no gore...

the only way Ukraine would have had a chance is if a no-fly zone is established...barring Europe stepping up for one its own, Ukraine will either need a negotiated settlement or Putin will just level Ukraine.

There are non-NATO countries that could establish a no-fly zone. No one wants to call Putin's bluff...
the only way Ukraine would have had a chance is if a no-fly zone is established...barring Europe stepping up for one its own, Ukraine will either need a negotiated settlement or Putin will just level Ukraine.

There are non-NATO countries that could establish a no-fly zone. No one wants to call Putin's bluff...

You're assuming that he's bluffing and has the same mindset on Nuclear war than we do. He's been preparing for years for one with drills, preparation of underground facilities, stockpiling anti-rad treatments, and other things. Does that mean he believes it's inevitable? No. It just means that he likely views it as if the right circumstances come and they can achieve a tactical advantage and do a sufficiently strong first strike, they can win it. How often has he bluffed as opposed to doing what he said he was going to do?

Do you really wish to gamble with humanity's fate over the mindset of a madman? A no fly zone would trigger a bigger war and there would be far less world support for Ukraine as we would be seen as the escalators and the sentiment would shift. That war might even go nuclear. That's a huge risk for "calling Putin's bluff" when we don't know if he's actually bluffing or not. Personally, I think he would press the button if he thought he has lost and was being removed from power if he can. It's up to those in power near him to stop him...not us.
Even the Russians admit their losses in Ukraine have been enormous.

And if this is what the Russians themselves are saying, it’s almost certainly worse than this.

1,000 men killed or wounded every day is obviously not sustainable.

You're assuming that he's bluffing and has the same mindset on Nuclear war than we do. He's been preparing for years for one with drills, preparation of underground facilities, stockpiling anti-rad treatments, and other things. Does that mean he believes it's inevitable? No. It just means that he likely views it as if the right circumstances come and they can achieve a tactical advantage and do a sufficiently strong first strike, they can win it. How often has he bluffed as opposed to doing what he said he was going to do?

Do you really wish to gamble with humanity's fate over the mindset of a madman? A no fly zone would trigger a bigger war and there would be far less world support for Ukraine as we would be seen as the escalators and the sentiment would shift. That war might even go nuclear. That's a huge risk for "calling Putin's bluff" when we don't know if he's actually bluffing or not. Personally, I think he would press the button if he thought he has lost and was being removed from power if he can. It's up to those in power near him to stop him...not us.

Putin cannot push the button all by himself. I read recently there are about 11 people who must agree and execute. This Putin War is already unpopular with the Russian people. You think everyone there is going to kill their families and children for that idiot by allowing him to go nuclear ? Establishing a no- fly zone means hitting Russian targets on Russian land - not a good idea. But if Putin keeps pushing by using chemicals or provoking NATO, his bluff will be called. And if it’s the World, or Putin, that punk is going down. And the Russian people will do it. He ain’t going to be allowed to be Hitler 2.0.
Urban warfare is the most difficult.

Time will tell if Russia is up to the task.

I have my doubts given the fierce resistance Ukraine is putting up.

I agree….and have 3 words for comrade Putin: Stal in grad
Even the Russians admit their losses in Ukraine have been enormous.

And if this is what the Russians themselves are saying, it’s almost certainly worse than this.

To put it in perspective, on a deaths-per-day basis, that's around 450x worse than the American loss of life in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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