Russia invades Ukraine *** READ RULES IN POST 6 BEFORE POSTING ***

Ridiculous. This cartoonist wants everyone to be Neville Chamberlain.

There is a difference between trying to avoid combat, and trying to avoid the end of all life.

Since the A-Bomb’s invention, we’ve always been lucky to have cooler heads around the people with access to this horrible reality. I pray that it stays that way both here, Russia and any other country that is building their arsenal.
Another Russian general has reportedly been killed by Ukrainian forces. This one was allegedly responsible for the murder of civilians in Mariupol, which likely made him an even bigger target.

Another Russian general has reportedly been killed by Ukrainian forces. This one was allegedly responsible for the murder of civilians in Mariupol, which likely made him an even bigger target.

Wow that guy looks way too young to be a general.
Wow that guy looks way too young to be a general.

Yes, he was only 48. He reportedly told his troops at the beginning of the invasion that the Special Operation would only last a few hours.

Another Russian general has reportedly been killed by Ukrainian forces. This one was allegedly responsible for the murder of civilians in Mariupol, which likely made him an even bigger target.

What is that 6 Generals they have lost? That's a lot! They have lost probably double that number in commanders, Lt. Col/Col. That has to be hugely demoralizing for the rest of the soldiers/officers in the field.

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