Saints Bounty Program **Payton suspended 1 year / Williams indefinitely**


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alpha;4474377 said:
During the NFC Championship game between the Saints and Packers, Favre was repeatedly hit late, hit low, driven into the ground, and hit after handing the ball off to the RB. You see this once or twice during the course of a game you might chalk it up to mistakes and/or over aggressiveness. But when you see this same pattern of behavior happen as often as it did in a single game, and couple that with the knowledge and admission of the bounty incentive policy, how much are you willing to chalk up to coincidence?
Saints fans would be singing a different tune if the bounty was on Drew Brees by the Vikings defense...guaranteed. Saints fans never seem to miss an opportunity to whine.


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The30YardSlant;4474333 said:
On could just as easily argue that Goodell is incredibly petty and arrogant for handing down a worse punishment just because someone had the audacity to not tell him everything.

I would love to hear a cogent and persuasive argument made from that perspective. I think Mike Florio of PFT said it best:

"It’s either abject stupidity or extreme arrogance or a little (or a lot) of both. They had pulled it off. They had gotten away with it. The NFL investigated (possibly half-heartedly) the allegations of a bounty, and the Saints said enough to get the NFL to go away.

"Basically, the Saints had robbed the bank and avoided the cops. And then they went back and tried to rob the same bank two more times."

But in this case, the Saints had the hubris to not just thumb their nose at the bank and cops, but the very man they knew would act as their judge, jury and executioner.


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alpha;4474404 said:
I would love to hear a cogent and persuasive argument made from that perspective. I think Mike Florio of PFT said it best:

"It’s either abject stupidity or extreme arrogance or a little (or a lot) of both. They had pulled it off. They had gotten away with it. The NFL investigated (possibly half-heartedly) the allegations of a bounty, and the Saints said enough to get the NFL to go away.

"Basically, the Saints had robbed the bank and avoided the cops. And then they went back and tried to rob the same bank two more times."

But in this case, the Saints had the hubris to not just thumb their nose at the bank and cops, but the very man they knew would act as their judge, jury and executioner.

well remember 30yd has no problem with any of this


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alpha;4474404 said:
I would love to hear a cogent and persuasive argument made from that perspective.

Goodell is incredibly petty and arrogant for handing down a worse punishment just because someone had the audacity to not tell him everything.


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burmafrd;4474426 said:
well remember 30yd has no problem with any of this

I have a problem with it because ten years ago this draws no penalty whatsoever.

The Saints arent being punished because the NFL has grown a conscience or even because bounties are inherently evil (though they are unauthorized bonuses and that is against NFL rules). They are being punished to set a legal precedent for their lawyers to point to in the future.


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The30YardSlant;4474563 said:
Goodell is incredibly petty and arrogant for handing down a worse punishment just because someone had the audacity to not tell him everything.

Let's stop pretending the Saints lies were simply an error of omission. They outright lied to the commissioner's face. For three years. After having already got away with it and told to stop. They continued to willfully break the rules and lie about their actions. If you had a child that behaved in such a way would you be as forgiving? Or would you merely be acting out of pettiness and arrogance for punishing such brazen and disdainfully insolent behavior?


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cajuncocoa;4474389 said:
Saints fans would be singing a different tune if the bounty was on Drew Brees by the Vikings defense...guaranteed. Saints fans never seem to miss an opportunity to whine.
Which is why I believe this could not happen to a nicer fanbase. Their "new" fans can go back to being whatever they were before 2006 now. Most obnoxious fans in the NFL.


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StylisticS;4474731 said:
Which is why I believe this could not happen to a nicer fanbase. Their "new" fans can go back to being whatever they were before 2006 now. Most obnoxious fans in the NFL.
Maybe #2 behind Philly. :lmao:


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I was just thinking....since the Super Bowl is here in NOLA this year, perhaps Roger Goodell would want to consider bringing along his own food instead of taking the risk of eating in New Orleans' restaurants. Just sayin'. Saints fans not feeling too hospitable right now!!


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Doomsday;4474119 said:
Any one know how much NFL Sunday Ticket costs?

-- Sean Payton

Ha Ha Payton sitting at home chillin' like the rest of us and watching games on TV. It will drive him nuts. :laugh2:
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StylisticS;4474731 said:
Which is why I believe this could not happen to a nicer fanbase. Their "new" fans can go back to being whatever they were before 2006 now. Most obnoxious fans in the NFL.

Agree with this. My ex step mother/sisters were Aints fans and were very abnoxious,

Red Dragon

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No sympathy for the Saints. They have some of the most obnoxious fans in the league (as StylisticS already pointed out).

(Yes, I know the fans are unrelated to the bounties scandal in the team itself.)


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Red Dragon;4475445 said:
No sympathy for the Saints. They have some of the most obnoxious fans in the league

Oh, the stories I could are just a couple that popped into my head:

Saints fans throw bottles (Dec. 2001)

Cops: Saints fan shoots two 49ers fans after loss (Jan 2012)

Some of the others are not news stories; just personal anecdotes from going to the Superdome as a Cowboys many beers thrown at me over the years.


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ABQCOWBOY;4474225 said:
Targeted and actually doing something illegal are different.

The fact that they were targeted to begin with is illegal itself!!!!

That is the thing nobody is getting, it doesnt matter if these players were actually taken out during a game or not, the fact that money was offered in exchange for knocking these QBs out of the game is illegal itself.

In the NFL official release it states that Sean Payton received an email from an outside entitiy that basically said $5000 on Rogers. When the investigators asked Sean Payton what this meant he confessed that this was a $5000 bounty on Aaron Rogers to knock him out the game.

You dont see that this is itself illegal? It doesnt matter that Rogers never actually was injured, a team cannot take "bets" from outside entities in exchange for knocking players out of games.

You seriously dont see anything wrong with this???


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The30YardSlant;4474333 said:
On could just as easily argue that Goodell is incredibly petty and arrogant for handing down a worse punishment just because someone had the audacity to not tell him everything.

You act surprised that penalties are harsher when you lie and cover up.

If you make a mistake at work and your boss confronts you on it, you dont think the "penalty" is going to be worse if you lie and try to cover it up instead of confessing and promising not to do it again?

It has been my experience that people are far more willing to forgive mistakes if you admit to it and apologize instead of lying and trying to cover it up. Especially if you lie to their face on more than one occassion and then later admit to it.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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The30YardSlant;4474333 said:
On could just as easily argue that Goodell is incredibly petty and arrogant for handing down a worse punishment just because someone had the audacity to not tell him everything.

Or one could argue that the NFL has needed a hard-nosed sheriff slapping down those who abuse the game... one could further argue that this is a clear message that you don't lie to the league office... maybe now, teams will start to take him seriously...

I salute Goodell for what he did...