First of all how about we just call it the same old league this is the week to week league full of parity that this year has really come to fruition...
this is what the league wanted any given Sunday five days a week now and you could blow a team out one week and get blown out the next you get beat by lesser teams and then you beat up on good teams this is just how the regular season goes this is normal now this is what normal NFL football looks like and yet you're saying same old Cowboys, no it's not the same ole Cowboys , until we don't get past the second round again into an NFC championship game... You can pretty much input it's the same old and then add the names Steelers Packers Commanders giants Cowboys it's a it isn't the same old teams it never will be in the state it's the same old Cowboys it's really the opposite this is the new age look of the NFL and until we accept that we're gonna have so many of these overreactions every week..... It has become a very week to week league and that's just how it is...
If you want to complain then that's fine but you have to realize this is not a product of the Dallas Cowboys this is a product of the NFL by design... I mean look at all these backup quarterbacks playing each other Saturday and Sunday, it's crazy and they're winning games too and there are a lot of teams who are getting beat that shouldn't be getting beat and they are it is just a fact of life now in the NFL... I think a lot of the old school guys here I am one of them but I'm not the one sitting here believing this should be our 80s and 90s teams this is not what the NFL is any longer... So trying to make a comparison that somehow in your eyes this should look and feel different that is your expectation that is your disappointment to live with me I've learned that this is how it is and this isn't even the worst drought in NFL history they're far worse some people have never won a Super Bowl some people only have one there have been 51 years for the Kansas City Chiefs or 60 years for the Eagles I mean this is just part of it being a fan you get frustrated get down feeling like you're never going to get back to one again and then bam one of these days we're gonna break through....