San Fran 0 points allowed in 2nd half last 4 games


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The Cowboys will have to win a game to get to SF unless they fall to where they meet SF in round 1 again.

They are the worst matchup of the potential playoff teams and DAL has yet to prove they grasp playoff football and the physicality needed. They didn't have to imagine what SF was coning to do, they told them. DAL's answer? 14 penalties and sloppy tackling and they didn't have this RB.


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We would have not shut out the saints.. also if we only scored 13 on the saints we probably lose.. Their defense is ridiculous, and the way their offense is built is not good for us
I don't give a **** whether we shut them out or not as long as we win the game. Stats are for losers, Wins are for winners.


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One thing is for sure is that if we get to the NFC Championship game, you can bet we're gonna get red and gold again.

I know there's an "if" we get to the Championship Game or not, but if we do get there..... it's gonna be those guys visiting us again, or we're going to Santa Clara.

We need to prepare for this inevitability. Get Odell in here. If we get crushed by them again, it's on the guys here who are constantly like "forget Odell. Don't need him."
This is way the SLOW PRESCOT STARTS have got to be addressed! If the Cowboys plan to make or get deep into the playoffs Dak has to play BETTER! 1st half points will help the Cowboys dictate games, if they're chasing teams in games, those teams will be able to play to their strengths against our weaknesses, which we all know how those games turnout...........................


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I would really dig seeing the WC Cowboys beat Tampa, Philly and SF on the road to the SB. Then, listen to the "pundits" come up with excuses why it happened for the next month.


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One thing is for sure is that if we get to the NFC Championship game, you can bet we're gonna get red and gold again.

I know there's an "if" we get to the Championship Game or not, but if we do get there..... it's gonna be those guys visiting us again, or we're going to Santa Clara.

We need to prepare for this inevitability. Get Odell in here. If we get crushed by them again, it's on the guys here who are constantly like "forget Odell. Don't need him."
The Cowboys, Eagles, and 49ers are all good enough to win the NFC. Any of them could do it. The Super Bowl winner will be one of the Cowboys, Eagles, 49ers, Chiefs, or Bills.


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I guarantee ya the Colts will try to run wide on us early and often with Their rb's. We MUST set the edge and contain well. Thats what the Niners do so well.

No doubt.. Taylor is big and fast just like Barkley but he has been gimped up to some degree all season. I don't think he has his usual full top end speed and a bad wheel will also take away some elusiveness. Let's hope he waits another week to round into form.


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The next 2 opponents should not exceed 14 points in either game Indy or Houston . Jacksonville has skill position players it’s a road road game yeah the intensity for 60 mins needs to be there so the Eagle game can mean the East . Doug Perderson is obviously a good HC.


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People keep saying that Jimmy G is not all that, but imo he has been quite fine. SF at this point is still a more physical team than we are, not sure how this will all work out.


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People keep saying that Jimmy G is not all that, but imo he has been quite fine. SF at this point is still a more physical team than we are, not sure how this will all work out.

Any time your coach will only let you throw the ball 7 times in a playoff game you are not "quite fine." That alone should tell you what they think of him. Then add in that they traded a boatload of picks to draft his replacement. I agree that they are a more physical team than the Cowboys.. but hopefully if they square off in the playoffs again both Dak and Zeke will have two healthy legs. That alone makes me feel a lot better about that matchup ...


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2 of many things that might help beat the worrisome 9ers.

1 each for O and D.

Grab lead, make Jimmy play catchup all game.

Neutralize Bosa!


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I just wonder which team from the NFC South will get to host a playoff game after winning the division with a 6-11 record. :laugh:

But you're right about the 49ers.

They need to adjust it to where winning the division gets you a playoff spot, but the better record gets you the home game.


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If they had a better Qb than Jimmy G they would be favorites to win the super bowl.


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Pollard murdered them two years ago then got cut out of the game plan for the playoffs while they wasted downs letting Zeke try the B gap. Seems like that at least has been fixed.


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One thing is for sure is that if we get to the NFC Championship game, you can bet we're gonna get red and gold again.

I know there's an "if" we get to the Championship Game or not, but if we do get there..... it's gonna be those guys visiting us again, or we're going to Santa Clara.

We need to prepare for this inevitability. Get Odell in here. If we get crushed by them again, it's on the guys here who are constantly like "forget Odell. Don't need him."

Forget Odell. Don’t need him.

Let’s revisit this in 3 months. OK. I’m certain you are very wrong.


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Spare me the greatness of the 49ers defense. I watched the Chiefs hang 44 points and 500 yards on them. I also saw the Falcons beat them while hanging 170 rushing yards on them. They've fattened up on some weak sisters. The only teams with a winning record they've beaten all season has been the Chargers and Seahawks. They got the Dolphins this week and what's likely to be a desperation mode Bucs team the week after followed by a visit to Seattle and then that Washington defense coming to their place. Money says the narrative on them will be quite different a month from now.

exactly what I’ve been saying


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We haven't won the Super Bowl since 1995. We scare NOBODY.
San Francisco hasn't won the Super Bowl since 1994. Somehow, they scare EVERYBODY. Weird.
And please don't tell me they've been there. THEY HAVEN'T WON SINCE 1994. Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades.
Dude I am sorry but since 1994 they have 13 playoff wins. They have played in 2 superbowls. They have played in 6 conference championship games. Just last year they beat the pants off us on their way to another conference championship. They are a dynasty in comparison to us.


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Dude I am sorry but since 1994 they have 13 playoff wins. They have played in 2 superbowls. They have played in 6 conference championship games. Just last year they beat the pants off us on their way to another conference championship. They are a dynasty in comparison to us.

6 points is "beat the pants off us?" Interesting thought process.