Video: SAS and Max discuss Cowboys, Romo, and Jerry

Kellerman also highlighted how Jerry's grip on the team cripples us, and how that contrasts to how other successful teams go about doing their business. It should appeal to a great deal of our members. We need more prominent talking heads pointing out how neutered our HC is.

Or maybe we don't, but his points (Kellerman) were articulate and relevant.
His main complaint was the HC should decide or announce this, but really other owners do same thing, they just dont get on a radio show and announce it.
And these guys can say whatever, and it wont change the way the jones boys run the team or the HC.
Jason is a puppet, he has very little say in things concerning the top players, but other coaches are puppets too to some degree.
Here with the jones boys, they just make it obvious .

My take is , that it is insanely stupid to say now what your going to do 5-6 weeks from now.
I would have waited, then told my coach at that later point if I wanted romo put in or dak to stay, and let him announce it.
That would be the proper and smart way to do it.
If dak lights it up and is 6-1 to keep dak in would mean jerry would have to eat his words, and do some fancy jerry speak.
If dak is 3-3 then easy to put romo back in, but if he is 4-3 still easy, but if he is 5-2 or 6-1 I think dak should keep playing.
Hilarious calling CBoy fans delusional. From a guy so self centered, pompous and only thought is to yell getting an opinion out. The definition of delusional. Sad.
Max is totally right. What other owner/gm goes out there after week two and just says something like this?

The coach decides who plays and doesnt. Why in God's green earth is Jerry talking? Just makes the Cowboys look like a joke.
This is exactly why I stopped watching tv a long long time ago. Unless it's nfl, motocross or the universe documentaries I will not watch it. Everything is so driven by drama and fake bs anymore.
Max is totally right. What other owner/gm goes out there after week two and just says something like this?

The coach decides who plays and doesnt. Why in God's green earth is Jerry talking? Just makes the Cowboys look like a joke.

The owner has final say. Like it or not. It's his team.
It's all a game. Stephan A knows what he's doing. He secretly likes the Cowboys.
By being loud mouth Stephen A, he gets more ratings. Smart business. Anything about Cowboys gets you ratings.

#go Cowboys
Hilarious calling CBoy fans delusional. From a guy so self centered, pompous and only thought is to yell getting an opinion out. The definition of delusional. Sad.

How are Cowboy fans delusional?

In the prediction thread, half the posters think we are going to lose to the Bears. I don't see to many "we are going to the SB" threads.

Just saying.
SAS will always badmouth the Cowboys, no matter what, while at the same time, Jerry is only too happy to provide him with plenty of ammunition to do so. Jerry is, and has been, hell bound to be involved "with everything from jocks to socks" without letup, much to the dismay of many.

As the same token, barking loudly about his loathing for the Cowboys gets SAS precisely the degree of attention he so desperately craves. Some things never change, although it'd be a blessing if they did. If the word "blowhard" were in the dictionary, SAS's pic should reside next to it. -- lol.
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Name one area of life we see on TV, in the movies, or hear on the radio that doesn't use this platform.

I'm guaranteeing Beyonce has stains in her panties. Obama has skid marks. Rhianana picks her nose. Bruce Springstein cheated on his wife. with his back-up singer. Elvis, Michael J. and Prince, along with Hendrix, Joplin and a long long list had serious drug problems that ended in death.

They are not who we think they are.

Our society - the American society - spends its time looking for entertainment. Sing your song, do your dance, act out your character, the masses scream. (To be sure i am as immersed as everyone else.)

"Did you see that movie?" "Hey, did you hear that new song?" "Wow, that political speech last night was brilliant."

Even to the point there is a contest during the Super Bowl, for the best commercial.

Makes you wonder as much as this country has to offer, are we as a society so unhappy we have to have a diversion? I know I wonder that about me.
FYI : baby wipes take care of all skid marks before they happen. A 21st century movement---(accidental Double entendre)

Everything else is fair.
I'm not going to lie. I like me some SAS... But I must admit, Since Skip & Shannon Undisputed debuted, I have been watching that instead of First Take. Shannon Sharpe is brilliant.
Name one area of life we see on TV, in the movies, or hear on the radio that doesn't use this platform.

I'm guaranteeing Beyonce has stains in her panties. Obama has skid marks. Rhianana picks her nose. Bruce Springstein cheated on his wife. with his back-up singer. Elvis, Michael J. and Prince, along with Hendrix, Joplin and a long long list had serious drug problems that ended in death.

They are not who we think they are.

Our society - the American society - spends its time looking for entertainment. Sing your song, do your dance, act out your character, the masses scream. (To be sure i am as immersed as everyone else.)

"Did you see that movie?" "Hey, did you hear that new song?" "Wow, that political speech last night was brilliant."

Even to the point there is a contest during the Super Bowl, for the best commercial.

Makes you wonder as much as this country has to offer, are we as a society so unhappy we have to have a diversion? I know I wonder that about me.
I'm not going to lie. I like me some SAS... But I must admit, Since Skip & Shannon Undisputed debuted, I have been watching that instead of First Take. Shannon Sharpe is brilliant.

I am in utter shock at how he has adjusted since his first few days on the show, in such a short time combatting at the debate desk with Skip.

He has left Skip with almost no rebuttal several times in just the last few days, something Stephen A. rarely did in the 3 or 4 years they were together.

Shannon is still learning, but I completely agree Bleu Star, he has done a fantastic job in his new gig and I always go to that show first on the DVR.

I'm in amazement that I'm even typing this, as I thought for sure Shannon was out of his league as it pertains to hot-take debating, and I had previously found him grating. So wrong on that one!
Name one area of life we see on TV, in the movies, or hear on the radio that doesn't use this platform.

I'm guaranteeing Beyonce has stains in her panties. Obama has skid marks. Rhianana picks her nose. Bruce Springstein cheated on his wife. with his back-up singer. Elvis, Michael J. and Prince, along with Hendrix, Joplin and a long long list had serious drug problems that ended in death.

They are not who we think they are.

Our society - the American society - spends its time looking for entertainment. Sing your song, do your dance, act out your character, the masses scream. (To be sure i am as immersed as everyone else.)

"Did you see that movie?" "Hey, did you hear that new song?" "Wow, that political speech last night was brilliant."

Even to the point there is a contest during the Super Bowl, for the best commercial.

Makes you wonder as much as this country has to offer, are we as a society so unhappy we have to have a diversion? I know I wonder that about me.

Your spot on Two Deep. Just look at "reality" TV. It's not real but it's characters who act in real situations and it's so popular right now and evidently mesmerizing for us to witness the drama. We're curious creatures all looking back at the car accident and we all listen to the shock jocks to hear what they have the nerve to say (pro/con) about an endearing situation. We as Americans are evidently drooling for more because this stuff keeps playing as long as we're buying.
I myself am caught up and now I'm really trying to moderate my time with it. Its a hard habit to break since it's in your face everywhere you go. In the car, listen to iPhone playlists, keeping the tube off during the week. Trying to stay off this dang Cowboy forum but it's addicting.

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