Video: SAS and Max discuss Cowboys, Romo, and Jerry

I am in utter shock at how he has adjusted since his first few days on the show, in such a short time combatting at the debate desk with Skip.

He has left Skip with almost no rebuttal several times in just the last few days, something Stephen A. rarely did in the 3 or 4 years they were together.

Shannon is still learning, but I completely agree Bleu Star, he has done a fantastic job in his new gig and I always go to that show first on the DVR.

I'm in amazement that I'm even typing this, as I thought for sure Shannon was out of his league as it pertains to hot-take debating, and I had previously found him grating. So wrong on that one!
He has found his "fit". I've never seen him as much more than a former jock that got lucky. He is proving me wrong every single day. He has even mellowed Skip out with his incredible takes. It always seemed like Skip would yell on FT just to match SAS's
Jerry knows more about football than any internet GM on here. Fans need to get over this crap he doesn't know football, and all that goes with it.
now some of his choices and decision can and should be questioned.
But he is not making these, or many of these decisions on players on his own.

Jerry has played football all his life, and now owns a team. And people think he is football dumb. I question those that think that own intelligence.
However, he just needs to retire from being involved, let Stephen take over. But some of his choices will then be questioned.

It all comes down to winning. Win a SB, and then it will be they won in spite of Jerry. I would bet the house on that one. Internet GM's will never give him credit, just all the blame.
Winning cures all, except for the Jerry haters.

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