Saturday Wild Card Games

McDaniel’s offense seems to require a specific set of circumstances to work. It doesn’t travel.
it also have to be ok with 5-7 runs a game that lose yardage

its predicated on heavy misdirection and getting the football out in 2 seconds when passing and they pass off the misdirection of the run game as well
Sports is scripted entertainment it's not the refs or just about vegas those that run the world of entertainment believe in the power of numerical ritual
I see it as them attempting to operate in the same fashion their god does
So much open space for the KC WR's. They're playing off the ball as if they expect deep throws
I didn't know that the NFLPA had agreed to let their players wear motorcycle helmets.
All good helmets disperse energy, some using different techniques. The shell of the helmet shattering in extreme cold isn’t that detrimental.
There are not conditions (such as weather) attached to equipment failure. He should have been asked to sit out a play or they had to use a TO. Refs blew it but the next play made it a moot point anyway.

Phins are bleeding out so it really doesn’t matter.
Yeah if they’re going by the book then absolutely.

I’m just saying I’m okay with the exception— really does not bother me at all

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