I missed the first game, but have been watching some of this houston game.
The main thing I dont like is the uniforms, like the one last year there is no continuity, and it is like each team
just makes a uniform they like, so to me it sort of looks like watching HS teams or college teams play.
They should have used the older nfl style and all been the same with different colors.
Also the fonts for number should be standard, not these pointy fonts.
Then the helmets should have the logo not the team name. and they should be simple and clear.
Like in this game houston has the derrick like the oilers, but it is too artsy and is hard to see clearly.
LA just has LA and mixed colors so from a distance you cant tell what is on the helmet.
If they did the uniforms better this could be a lot better than it is.
As far as the play goes, it is ok, but you have to be able to like a team, and part of that is the uniforms.