Save Us TNA

BraveHeartFan;4193262 said:
I remember that thread and if I recall correctly the discussion pretty much ended right there cause Dash simply blew away the kids entire BS argument.

And now, weeks later, RXA is trying to talk that same trash... to me, that's contemptibly dishonest...

I used the word "weasel" earlier in this thread, it still seems appropriate to me...
DallasGirl50;4193447 said:
I was bored the other night & watched some old Taker...I found some of the stuff he did with Kurt. Classic! The bit where Kurt gave Taker the little scooter still is funny. Taker has said he liked working with Kurt over almost any other guy. Two masters in the ring.

Undertaker gave me the single greatest line I've ever heard from a wrestler, while talking with Angle...

Kurt was in the ring, Taker was near the entrance to the arena, both were on mics... Kurt said something, I can't remember what, and Taker came back with this:

"I'll come down there and kick your teeth so far down your throat you'll be able to chew your own *** out for pissin' me off"...

Tell me that's not greatness... LOL...
Romo 2 Austin;4193558 said:
I find it funny you claim Mr.CMPunk message me and told me he wasn't leaving has more credibility than I do.

I took that for what it was, delicious sarcasm...

Also worth mentioning here, adding Mr.McDonald's Cashier back to ignore.

Yeah, running and hiding from your butt-kicking is probably the best option at this point, Mr. I Make Crap Up About People...

But one piece of advice, even if your antagonist IS a McDonald's cashier, I'd go easy on insulting other people's jobs, when you don't have one of your own... besides, calling somebody a McDonald's cashier in an attempt to insult them is beyond weak, the kind of thing I'd expect from a 12 year old...

Oh, wait... :D
zrinkill;4193585 said:
Thats not what happened and that right there is exactly why you have no credibility.

It was months and months ago after they got back from the Europion tour ...... people were asking him questions on Twitter.

The guy before me asked how was the trip. I asked about the rumors of him leaving the WWE.

His answer was "paraphrasing" ..... "Tired after the tour, and just rumors"

And you called me a liar because it did not fit in with your belief that he was going to TNA.

I told you months later it was a work and you said I did not know what I was talking about.

Zrink, liars lie... don't let it bother you...
silverbear;4194070 said:
Undertaker gave me the single greatest line I've ever heard from a wrestler, while talking with Angle...

Kurt was in the ring, Taker was near the entrance to the arena, both were on mics... Kurt said something, I can't remember what, and Taker came back with this:

"I'll come down there and kick your teeth so far down your throat you'll be able to chew your own *** out for pissin' me off"...

Tell me that's not greatness... LOL...

BH already mentioned Taker saying that but it is greatness no matter how many times it is really is that funny. Taker really did knock out several of Kurt's teeth during their first ever match. Accidently of course.
silverbear;4194072 said:
I took that for what it was, delicious sarcasm...

Yeah, running and hiding from your butt-kicking is probably the best option at this point, Mr. I Make Crap Up About People...

But one piece of advice, even if your antagonist IS a McDonald's cashier, I'd go easy on insulting other people's jobs, when you don't have one of your own... besides, calling somebody a McDonald's cashier in an attempt to insult them is beyond weak, the kind of thing I'd expect from a 12 year old...

Oh, wait... :D

I have a job :).
Romo 2 Austin;4194161 said:
I have a job :).

Terrific... the problem is, we already know you lie whenever the mood suits you, so this claim is less than compelling...

Are you starting to realize the heavy price you're gonna pay for making a claim about Zrinkill, and then refusing to prove what you said was true??

In court, if a witness is shown to have lied on one subject, he is presumed to be lying whenever he opens his mouth... that's where you find yourself now, here in the CowboysZone Court...

And to think, you did all this to get over in a stupid freakin' online argument... once again, how pathetic... I say that a lot to you, don't I?? Me, I'd rather lose the argument if I have to lie to win it...

I do hope when you finally grow to be a man, you'll learn the value of personal integrity, it's clear that you don't understand the concept right now...

Oh, and have I mentioned that TNA is a second-rate wrestling organization??
silverbear;4194073 said:
Zrink, liars lie... don't let it bother you...

It does not ..... kid has not changed unfortunately since he became an "adult".
RoyTheHammer;4193957 said:
Sting is back to his old gimmick for those of you who didn't like the joker gimmick for some reason.

BH.. i understand the show didn't grab you the entire way, but imo, it was the best overall wresling program i've seen in awhile. It was def not the status quo and i'm really excited by the new direction the new writers seem to be going.

They got a couple real nice things going right now. I'm looking to see if they keep it going and do some real good business.
zrinkill;4194295 said:
It does not ..... kid has not changed unfortunately since he became an "adult".

There's nothing adult about him... emotionally, he's 10 years old...
silverbear;4194179 said:
Terrific... the problem is, we already know you lie whenever the mood suits you, so this claim is less than compelling...

Are you starting to realize the heavy price you're gonna pay for making a claim about Zrinkill, and then refusing to prove what you said was true??

In court, if a witness is shown to have lied on one subject, he is presumed to be lying whenever he opens his mouth... that's where you find yourself now, here in the CowboysZone Court...

And to think, you did all this to get over in a stupid freakin' online argument... once again, how pathetic... I say that a lot to you, don't I?? Me, I'd rather lose the argument if I have to lie to win it...

I do hope when you finally grow to be a man, you'll learn the value of personal integrity, it's clear that you don't understand the concept right now...

Oh, and have I mentioned that TNA is a second-rate wrestling organization??

:laugh2: What a realistic court, trying the one who made the true comment instead of the one who claims to have been messaged by CMPunk, when simply viewing @CMPunk proves he was not.

Troll has never even posted a screenshot after all the times hes been called out on it. You want to see Trolls comments about Crimson? Look for yourself, I have him on ignore, that's where he is staying and I don't really care at all what you think of me, immature, arrogant or whatever. It's an internet forum and you don't know me, your just doing exactly what troll wants you to do.
I do remember almost every regular wrestling thread fan TRYING to tell you R2A that Punk was not leaving WWE but you kept insisting you had those bases covered & instead he stayed..always was going to stay...I remember that well. I remember as well Z posting that Punk had tweeted something about being really tired from traveling & rumors. I don't think he even remotely implied he knew Punk or had some pipeline to him...although he very well may . One never knows who knows who.
Romo 2 Austin;4194821 said:
:laugh2: What a realistic court, trying the one who made the true comment


I don't really care at all what you think of me, immature, arrogant or whatever.

Of course you don't... that's another example of your immature arrogance...

You see, when it's all said and done, all a man has is his good name, his integrity... if you piss on that (which is exactly what you're doing), then you don't have anything...

If you were a man, I wouldn't have to explain that to you...

It's an internet forum and you don't know me, your just doing exactly what troll wants you to do.

Even you don't believe that BS... I have ALWAYS marched to the beat of my own drummer in here, and spoken my mind plainly... and when I speak, it's my mind talking, not something somebody else wants me to think...

Go back to your pimply faced little punks on the wrestling boards, perhaps they'll respect you for who you are... but please accept my assurance that nobody in here respects you... the most you'll get from any of our regulars is bemused tolerance... I've even tried to offer you that, but you just can't help acting immature and arrogant, and worse, dishonest...
DallasGirl50;4194913 said:
I do remember almost every regular wrestling thread fan TRYING to tell you R2A that Punk was not leaving WWE but you kept insisting you had those bases covered & instead he stayed..always was going to stay...I remember that well. I remember as well Z posting that Punk had tweeted something about being really tired from traveling & rumors. I don't think he even remotely implied he knew Punk or had some pipeline to him...although he very well may . One never knows who knows who.

He posted @zrinkill @zrinkill something lie from Punk, if you view @cmpunk you will very easily see he never sent zrinkill a message. If it was a DM it would've been a different format.
DallasGirl50;4194913 said:
I do remember almost every regular wrestling thread fan TRYING to tell you R2A that Punk was not leaving WWE but you kept insisting you had those bases covered & instead he stayed..always was going to stay...I remember that well. I remember as well Z posting that Punk had tweeted something about being really tired from traveling & rumors. I don't think he even remotely implied he knew Punk or had some pipeline to him...although he very well may . One never knows who knows who.

Just another point that the kid doesn't understand and never will. He's a product of the moronic wrestling websites he goes to spouts off about like they're the Gospel.

The sooner he wakes up and realises that those forums are not the be all, end all, the better off he'll be and the smarter wrestling fan he'll be.

Of course it looks like it will take till he's about 25 or so to figure this very simple fact out but as long as he's happy with thinking that the forums he goes to represents the 'majority' of wrestling fans (which has always cracked me up no matter what type of forum you're going to, when said forum or its members try and proclaim themselves the voice of the if they've ever spoken to every single person out there whose a wrestling fan to get such a stupid view point) then I guess he'll be happy about being blissfully ignorant.
BraveHeartFan;4199126 said:
I guess he'll be happy about being blissfully ignorant.

He is still trying to claim I am lying, and of all the people who read that thread he is the only one who thinks that.

I have an 18 year old son and have 3 teenagers working for me at my plant, and I have never seen a kid willingly make a fool of himself on a regular basis like he does.
BraveHeartFan;4201303 said:
Awesome. Have a great time at the show! Let us know how it goes.

Will do! I already spent a little time chatting with Mark Henry @ an event here...super nice guy...he had his belt with him. He said he was very tired. Got just a few hours rest so he was whipped. He was very gracious to chat..take pics..sign autographs for kids. He said Taker was hanging around last nite...I would love to see him.

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