Scale from 1-10 how excited are you for the season?


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Out goes carrot wally

In comes round mike
with a winning history, plus on paper we are a potentially good team.....
we'll see ,one game at a time etc etc ....


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
There will definitely be a start to this season. But I’m setting the over/under at 10 games. Because of some interruptions, I think we will have a 10 game season with some stoppage in the middle, followed by a playoff scenario and a SB champion. I think it will be much like the strike shortened ‘82 season, which only had 9 regular season games, but did have a champion.


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3. With the virus and everything going on in the world plus my mother passing away I am just not interested in sports this year.
Sorry to hear that your mom passed away. I feel your pain because I lost my mother this year too. I'm trying to get excited for football but it's hard. 2020 is a year I would just like to put in my rear view mirror.


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Sorry to hear that your mom passed away. I feel your pain because I lost my mother this year too. I'm trying to get excited for football but it's hard. 2020 is a year I would just like to put in my rear view mirror.
I feel you. There's so much to be excited for this season but it's hard knowing my mother and friend is gone. I really was looking forward to this year and when she passed alot more important things that need to be handled have come up. I appreciate the well wishes and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. :)


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10 being the highest.

I need the perspective of others right now. I am struggling to get excited. I should be because the new coaching staff is a big shift. Good offseason with the draft and FAs. The Dak contract is a dark cloud but he is the QB right now so there is hope they can get something done. All that said I am not getting excited. Don’t know why exactly. Am I getting older and sports just doesn’t excite me as much? Am I too distracted with my family and all that is going on? Is the woke NFL crap getting to me? Is over 2 decades of futility getting to me? Is it because I think the season is not going to happen? Is it the empty stands?

I have been a fan for 40 years. I love football. I used to be clued in every day on camp news and excitement for the season. What the hell is wrong with me? I am a 3 out of 10 now. With McCarthy and Co I should be at an 8 or 9. WTH?

How are you all feeling about this season?


Captain Catfish
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Between the officiating and other issues I’m at about a 1. I was much more excited for hockey to resume, I really don’t care what happens this season but a nice little bonus from a bet I made that the Cowboys would win the SB would be cool but it still didn’t increase my enthusiasm as much as I had hoped.
If you were hanging with me like one of my boys, I would either slap you across the face or kick you in the nuts...


Captain Catfish
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I'm finding it hard to get excited about anything this year because things can be, and have been, cancelled just like that.

This year, man. :facepalm:
Wake up, and get ready.
Make sure you buckle your belt so your pants dont fall down when you need them to stay up.


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If you were hanging with me like one of my boys, I would either slap you across the face or kick you in the nuts...
Lol, sounds hot.

Man, it wasn’t until I got the NFL package a few years ago that I realized how bad officiating is league wide. Between the new rules, inconsistency in calls, the obvious non calls, etc I’m just sick of seeing games determined by the officials and not the teams. It seems like it’s happening more and more every year and this isn’t specific to the Cowboys. I don’t care who’s playing, I just want to see a mostly consistently officiated game and there have been more and more ridiculous rules put in place. It’s just not nearly as fun for me to watch anymore, I’ll take college football over NFL any day.

Then throw in the college they’re playing to get drafted and make a big payday so they play hard and keep their mouths shut (for the most part). Once they get drafted they start slipping and once they get paid some (not all) become all out divas, selfish and pushing their own agendas.

The whole thing has just turned me off a lot, mostly the officiating and rule changes.


Well-Known Member
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10 being the highest.

I need the perspective of others right now. I am struggling to get excited. I should be because the new coaching staff is a big shift. Good offseason with the draft and FAs. The Dak contract is a dark cloud but he is the QB right now so there is hope they can get something done. All that said I am not getting excited. Don’t know why exactly. Am I getting older and sports just doesn’t excite me as much? Am I too distracted with my family and all that is going on? Is the woke NFL crap getting to me? Is over 2 decades of futility getting to me? Is it because I think the season is not going to happen? Is it the empty stands?

I have been a fan for 40 years. I love football. I used to be clued in every day on camp news and excitement for the season. What the hell is wrong with me? I am a 3 out of 10 now. With McCarthy and Co I should be at an 8 or 9. WTH?

How are you all feeling about this season?


Dont misunderstand me. I am happy the season is finally here. I enjoyed the offseason. Did not watch football at all. Read only a few articles. So i am not overfed when the season actually starts.

But there is one thing that bothers me and in fact a lot: the tv is killing the game with the ads. This is something wich has bothered me now for the last 3 years and it is finally coming to a point where i dont even want to watch games anymore.

In the 90s you could enjoy a game. Relax sit down. A break here and then did not destroy the mood. But now i am in constant tenseness. And that is because every 40 secs there is a advertisement break. I watch myself being more on my feet washing dishes, going to the toilet, cleaning the house etc because of those breaks. Alongside i am looking at the tv if something happend in the meantime. If it did i sit down watch for 40 secs and then up again.

Watching game these days aint no more fun. Maybe this will be the last year for me buying the nfl gamepass.

In case of dallas i stopped believing the hype. This team looks good. But that was the same last year. And i dont think we overall have better players this season (except DT).

There is also the misbelieve in the Joneses. I am just fed up with their greed and lies. This also does not support my thrill of anticipation.


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Dont misunderstand me. I am happy the season is finally here. I enjoyed the offseason. Did not watch football at all. Read only a few articles. So i am not overfed when the season actually starts.

But there is one thing that bothers me and in fact a lot: the tv is killing the game with the ads. This is something wich has bothered me now for the last 3 years and it is finally coming to a point where i dont even want to watch games anymore.

In the 90s you could enjoy a game. Relax sit down. A break here and then did not destroy the mood. But now i am in constant tenseness. And that is because every 40 secs there is a advertisement break. I watch myself being more on my feet washing dishes, going to the toilet, cleaning the house etc because of those breaks. Alongside i am looking at the tv if something happend in the meantime. If it did i sit down watch for 40 secs and then up again.

Watching game these days aint no more fun. Maybe this will be the last year for me buying the nfl gamepass.

In case of dallas i stopped believing the hype. This team looks good. But that was the same last year. And i dont think we overall have better players this season (except DT).

There is also the misbelieve in the Joneses. I am just fed up with their greed and lies. This also does not support my thrill of anticipation.



Well-Known Member
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10 being the highest.

I need the perspective of others right now. I am struggling to get excited. I should be because the new coaching staff is a big shift. Good offseason with the draft and FAs. The Dak contract is a dark cloud but he is the QB right now so there is hope they can get something done. All that said I am not getting excited. Don’t know why exactly. Am I getting older and sports just doesn’t excite me as much? Am I too distracted with my family and all that is going on? Is the woke NFL crap getting to me? Is over 2 decades of futility getting to me? Is it because I think the season is not going to happen? Is it the empty stands?

I have been a fan for 40 years. I love football. I used to be clued in every day on camp news and excitement for the season. What the hell is wrong with me? I am a 3 out of 10 now. With McCarthy and Co I should be at an 8 or 9. WTH?

How are you all feeling about this season?
It's always a 10 for me. This year has actually been easier to wait with all the sports going on right now. Usually when training camp starts its the longest 2 months ever


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I’m starved for this game, this team, the repentance from the years of Garrett idiocy and to see players and schemes that reflect the desire to do anything to win - even use the (gasp) element of surprise.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan

Dont misunderstand me. I am happy the season is finally here. I enjoyed the offseason. Did not watch football at all. Read only a few articles. So i am not overfed when the season actually starts.

But there is one thing that bothers me and in fact a lot: the tv is killing the game with the ads. This is something wich has bothered me now for the last 3 years and it is finally coming to a point where i dont even want to watch games anymore.

In the 90s you could enjoy a game. Relax sit down. A break here and then did not destroy the mood. But now i am in constant tenseness. And that is because every 40 secs there is a advertisement break. I watch myself being more on my feet washing dishes, going to the toilet, cleaning the house etc because of those breaks. Alongside i am looking at the tv if something happend in the meantime. If it did i sit down watch for 40 secs and then up again.

Watching game these days aint no more fun. Maybe this will be the last year for me buying the nfl gamepass.

In case of dallas i stopped believing the hype. This team looks good. But that was the same last year. And i dont think we overall have better players this season (except DT).

There is also the misbelieve in the Joneses. I am just fed up with their greed and lies. This also does not support my thrill of anticipation.
Watching a NFL game on TV is like watching The Weather Channel during a hurricane. We interrupt these ads to show you a disaster in the making.

The reason you are more aware of the stop downs and ads is because the TV nets have been forced to add spots to cover the expense of production and rights fees. They can't get more per spot so they have to make that up. The major ad agencies are still going to price the ads based on rating points and the ratings haven't really grown all that much and this season is a huge ?.

Some feel it's a captive audience but I disagree, the audience has already figured out alternatives to televised sports and the other major 3 sports are not doing as well with their modified presentations.

There will be a NFL audience but will it be large enough to justify what the TV nets pay to carry the games? And where it starts off the first couple of weeks is not likely to be where it ends up. It's going to get a lot of curiosity viewers but for how long? All they need is to lose some of the stars for games and it will be a disaster for the TV nets because they will be guaranteeing ratings points and that could mean even more spots within the telecasts. The NFL will do whatever it can to help the Golden Goose, short of a price break, and they added stop downs before and will again. TV timeouts, what the hell is that? Time limit on replay reviews? Time was, that existed. Wasn't adhered to but at least they made us feel better with the lie.