Scariest Scene in the History of Cinema

dcdallaschick;2636202 said:
I'm still creeped out by this...


Saw this movie WAY too young...

haha trilogy of terror, loved it.
Any time that Barbara Streisand, Cher, or Susan Sarandon is on any screen, it's utterly terrifying!! I can't sleep for weeks...................

Halloween and Jaws really got to me, as I was in my early teens when they came out. Halloween showed us all, for the first time, that you could get stapled to a closet door just walking into your home at night. Really freaked me out for a while...............

"The Hills have Eyes" movies will also render you shaken a bit.

"The Jackel" with Bruce Willis..........when he's testing that mega-weapon out in the woods and blows that putz's entire shoulder and arm off just for practice, that was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!
Joe Rod;2635431 said:
The Evil Dead. I was eight when I first watched it and that scene where the girl started listing off the card names when she was staring out the window (camera pointed on the back of her head). Turned around and was possessed by whatever the heck it was that tree raped her.

Of course, I watched it again when I was twelve and laughed my hiney off (the claymation dated pretty quick).

I was gonna mention that one.
That is a good one.
The opening scene in 28 weeks later really screwed with my head for about a week.
I am 32 and a kid who grew up in the 80s.

Like every other kid, pop culture was as important as school. Looking back it seemed to be exploding at the time.

Anyway, everyone talked about the nightmare on elm street movies. I finally saw it when my sister and her friends got a copy of it.

The scene where freddy sucks johnny depp into the bed and the blood went everywhere was something I could never get out of my mind. I hate horror movies to begin with and that just made me hate them even more.

I used to babysit my cousins on saturday nights at their house when I was 13 THey lived in a big house all the bedrooms were upstairs and all the rooms shared a long creepy creeky hallway. My parents and my aunt and uncle went out every saturday night and My sister and/or I would watch my younger cousins....well one week I somehow started watching the exorcist after they fell asleep....good grief. I didnt sleep good for a week.

I really hate horror movies. Although finding out how they filmed that johnny depp scene is very interesting. Making an upside down set and then firing the blood out.....I read somewhere that wes craven said a bunch of cameras got destroyed filming the scene and everyone on the set got drenched because they miscalculated the impact!!!!
This has to be the most scary scene in all of history. The climax to Halloween. Dr. Loomis is at the bottom of the stairs and looks up to see Michael Myers standing at the top of the stairs and shoots him repeatly

Then climes the stairs and finds him standing in the room and shoots him till he falls out a window. He and laurie look out the window and see him laying lifeless on the lawn below. Then Laurie asks..."Was that the boogie man?" And Dr. Loomis responds..."As a matter of was"

Then they look out again and he's...gone! Cue the scary music.
jimmy40;2635338 said:
When Linda Blair's head spins around is one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen.

Yeah, really.

My sisters talked me into watching that movie when I was 10 thinking it would scare me half to death. Unfortunately for them I ended up laughing throughout the majority of it.

Even then when the girl was scream "*** me, *** me" and I think she was doing something else (which I won't mention), I was thinking these guys are going to face a tough afterlife for making that scene alone. :laugh2:
BrAinPaiNt;2635424 said:
I don't know about scary, maybe more bizarre or disturbing would be a better description for me.

The part in John Carpenter's The Thing when the guys head comes off and sprouts spider legs and is crawling away.

Poltergeist II. The old preacher man Kane freaked me out. Walking around looking so creepy while singing Singing God is in his holy temple.

The original Salem's Lot when the kid is floating outside and scratching at the window of the other kid's room and is wanting in.

The ending of Sleepaway Camp...I guess one could say the crying game scene before the crying game was made.

The scene in the omen when the nanny is on the roof and screams It's all for you Damien and then hangs herself.

Cabin Fever...not sure which was more disturbing. The girl shaving her legs/skin, the one sex scene or the crazy hillbilly ninja kid screaming pancakes, biting the guy and doing karate.

Deliverance Squeal...Nuff Said.

That was a pretty freaky scene. I know many horror movie purists appreciate that scene because it wasn't overly dramatic, there was no loud music to startle you, and the makeup on those boys was pretty simple, nothing too elaborate.

That scene is enough to make anyone trim any bush or tree branches that rub up against windows.
CliffnMesquite;2637055 said:
This has to be the most scary scene in all of history. The climax to Halloween. Dr. Loomis is at the bottom of the stairs and looks up to see Michael Myers standing at the top of the stairs and shoots him repeatly

Then climes the stairs and finds him standing in the room and shoots him till he falls out a window. He and laurie look out the window and see him laying lifeless on the lawn below. Then Laurie asks..."Was that the boogie man?" And Dr. Loomis responds..."As a matter of was"

Then they look out again and he's...gone! Cue the scary music.

There are a lot in Halloween.
When Laurie is on the floor crying and in the background Myers sits up.
After she falls down the stairs and looks up and he's standing there.

One of my favorites: Black Christmas, (the original) Spoilers! Don't read if you've never seen it! Awesome old horror film, worth watching.

Olivia Hussey goes to check on her friend and finds her dead, she sees the killer staring at her through the crack in the door.

After the cop on the phone tells her that the obscene calls are coming from inside the house.
I am a pretty big Stephen King fan and although his movie adaptations are often pretty weak, some scenes from the books really stand out and are a bit disturbing. Here are a few.

First from IT:

Any part of the story that features Patrick Hockstetter. This dude is a nutjob.

The part where a young boy falls victim to Pennywise after running away from his abusive father.

The scene where where a mother puts her toddler on the potty and steps out of the room for a few seconds, only to come back to a grusome discovery.

The act that the kids perform in the sewer to "always have something in common". This part of the book will never be adapted to the screen.

Eddie and the Hobo


From The Stand:

The part when the militant group takes over a TV station and hold a lottery.

The part with the duct tape.

The Kid.

I can't remember too well, but there was a gang of guys who survived the flu and rounded up women of all ages and made them do "things". The blonde woman and one of the little girls in the movie were rescued from this group.

The whole sequence describing how people got infected was pretty well written.


From Misery:

The movie makes use a sledge hammer, but the book uses and axe and a blow torch.

The part where the highway patrol man visits the house.

Paul becomes quite addicted to the codein drug given to him, the movie never portrayed it, and it changed my opinion of the ending.


The Running Man:

The person is released to the public rather than in a building. People get prizes for tipping the hunters off.

The plane crash.


Apt Pupil:

He becomes a little too obsessed with "getting his thrills".

The freeway scenes.
Only two movies have ever really bothered me after watching them. The first one was Mel Gibsons Apocalypto just from the pure brutality of the movie and then "The Life of David Gale" with Kevin Spacey being executed for a murder he did not commit. Bothered me for days.....
dcdallaschick;2636202 said:
I'm still creeped out by this...


Saw this movie WAY too young...

Oh, man, why'd you have to pull that one up from my subconscious? :(

That was some scary stuff.

Two others for me ...

The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock (made into a movie)

Food of the Gods (when all these animals like rats turned Supersize. I thought that stuff could really happen.)
The dead kid floating outside the window in "Salem's Lot" caused quite a few sleepless nights.
The birthday scene in the movie "Signs". The film itself is not scary at all...But when you first see the alien walk by the camera...Freaked me out big time.
ChldsPlay;2636000 said:
I laughed my *** off the first time I saw the Exorcist. I was like 24 at the time, but I found it much more humorous than scary.

Is that... is that.... pea soup? :laugh1:

dcdallaschick;2636202 said:
I'm still creeped out by this...


Saw this movie WAY too young...

That little :bastid: scared the skit outta me. Too young also.

Ever see the sequel?

Much funnier as an adult. lol
i was eight years old when i watched this movie..

this scene was awesome.

DemonBlood;2639754 said:
The birthday scene in the movie "Signs". The film itself is not scary at all...But when you first see the alien walk by the camera...Freaked me out big time.


That one scene is singularly the best one in the movie and also one of the best scenes in any movie I've seen personally. The rest of that movie kind of sucked actually.

For some reason a lot of the traditional horror movies don't get me. I guess I've kind of desensitized myself to 'em, and the whole gore/sudden scare thing.
ScipioCowboy;2634442 said:
Not really.;)

However, I'm a horror movie buff. I've been watching horror films for as long as I can remember. And I can say with absolute certainty that this scene from Superman III, which I first watched at the tender age of 5, terrified and traumatized me more than anything from Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, or any other graphic slasher flick.

As you might've concluded (and quite reasonably), Superman III is not a horror movie. It's barely an action picture. By my recollection, no one dies in the film, not even the bad guys. Superman III was a pure camp fest wrought with B-movie cliches and devices.

But there is a pivotal scene: One of the female antagonist is trapped and robotized by the evil supercomputer, which (as was the case with most supercomputers in movies of the 1980s) developed self-awareness and immediately devised a plot to take over the world.

Literally five minutes after the woman is robotized, Superman shows up, saves the day, and the woman returns to normal.

Watching the scene now, you'll probably laugh uproariously at the poor special effects and acting. But just remember a five-year-old me, balling his eyes out on his couch at home and plagued by nightmares for the next few years of his life.

Scipio, I know exactly what you mean. Robot Lady is creepy as heck, especially when you first see it as a kid.

SM3 as a whole is so strange, and so terrible, that it's hard to believe they even made it. Who greenlit that? It's a Richard Pryor movie with a crappy Superman plot thrown in.

At least there is one saving grace - the coolest Superman scene of all time:


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