Schefter today: growing sense Zeke short suspension **merged**

Yes, it does, unless you think it's perfectly fine to get in a bar fight. I don't know of any bars that advertise "Fight Night: Destroy our property and your opponent on us." ;)

If you are engaged in an act that is prohibited, that's morality. :)
If someone punches me in the nose because thry are drunk or I said hey to their woman it isn't immoral to pummel them

It takes 2 people to have a fight but usually it only takes 1 jerk at a bar
Lol, talk about a witch hunt. Here's a long list transgressions of a clearly troubled and disturbing person.

1) May 2016: Caught on snaphchat in bed with a girl.
2) July 2016 Accused of domestic violence. Police did not pursue charges due to conflicting accounts by witnesses. Text messages later showed the accuser asking for people to lie for her.
3) August 2016: Went to a weed dispensary in Seattle.
4) March 2017: Pulls down the shirt of a woman and exposes her breast in a St. Patrick’s Day celebration. The woman, a friend of Elliot, then went on to expose her breast on her own again. Then continued to party with Zeke through the night.
5) April 2017: Cited for speeding going 100 in a 70.
6) May 2017: Hit his head in a accident as a passenger and missed a a week of OTA practices.
7) July 2017: Accused of punching and breaking a man's nose at Clutch Bar in Dallas. the man himself drunk and couldn't identify who hit him. A friend of a man said it was "That Dallas runningback." No charges filed at the moment. Incident under investigation.

There it is. What a troubled young man. Social media justice warriors fighting the good fight. Is Zeke dumb? Yes. Is he "troubled," Nope, not yet at least. There's not 1 arrest on that list. How can a man be troubled but not arrested once. There's is a huge leap from being dumb to being troubled. A leap that is very consequential and should not be taken lightly but being thrown around at Zeke by social media justice warriors and the so called click baiting journalist are running with it.

For the record I'm not going to say poor Zeke. He's a famous athlete making millions and willingly being stupid. But part of being just means you have to point out the hypocrisy, bias and non-sense when you see it. And there is just no way a man could have that list of "transgressions" and be considered a troubled young man. Most of that isn't even news. So spare me the admonishment and outrage until something actually happens and Zeke gets into real trouble.
WOW that is some list.........sike........ who cares about his life off the field
Your morals aren't the same as my morals, which aren't the same as so-and-so morals. Just saying.
I understand that. But that's like saying your dad isn't my dad and his dad isn't the same as my dad.
Nevertheless, the concept of "dad" exists.
I don't care to argue whose morality as that goes beyond what we can discuss. But there's no denying that morality exists. That's my point.
If someone punches me in the nose because thry are drunk or I said hey to their woman it isn't immoral to pummel them

It takes 2 people to have a fight but usually it only takes 1 jerk at a bar

Uh, okay. But the person who punched you under the first scenario would have committed an immoral act.
No, not just my opinion. The opinion of the bar owner and the law - the former because he kicks him out of his establishment, the latter who charges him with a crime.
Morals have little to do with the law. If I was raised to think it was OK to hit people, than I morally feel that's OK, despite what the law says. Why is this concept so hard for you to understand?
Morals have little to do with the law. If I was raised to think it was OK to hit people, than I morally feel that's OK, despite what the law says. Why is this concept so hard for you to understand?

Actually, you have it backwards. Morals have EVERYTHING to do with law. Laws reflect what society sees as right and wrong. We have laws against murder because we - as a society - believe taking innocent life to be wrong.

What you're getting confused is WHO gets to decide WHICH morality is accepted, not whether morality exists. Hence, my "dad" example. You may think your dad is better than my dad, that's a matter of debate. What's not in dispute is whether the concept of "DAD" exists. :)

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