Sean Taylor fined 4 games checks, will not be suspended

MossBurner said:
Look at the situation, and think again.

Somehow, following your own advice seems to difficult for you.

Must be the "thinking again" part. One time seems to wear you out.
random Cs said:
Really? You didn't answer my other question.

If there is no degree for misdemeanor's then why don't NFL players get suspended for DUI's?

Players do get suspended for DUI's uaually starting with 1 game on their 2nd DUI. Ask Eric Warfield if they suspend guys for DUI he got 4 games.

Hell Darrenn Woodson got suspended for 1 game for hitting someone to hard on the football field!
MossBurner said:
Yeah, the US Legal system is perfect. Innocent people never get convicted, ever.

Quit arguing just to argue. Forget for a moment that you are a Cowboys fan. Look at the situation, and think again.
The irony meter just fried itself.
superpunk said:
Somehow, following your own advice seems to difficult for you.

Must be the "thinking again" part. One time seems to wear you out.

I disagree... "Thinking again" requires thinking the first time.:D
The point is this:

Sean has never been convicted of any crime, not even a DUI. WHY SHOULD HE BE SUSPENDED?

If he were found guilty of driving drunk, or punching his wife, or pulling a gun on someone then I would agree whole-heartedly that he should be suspended.

But like it or not, the league can not and should not suspend him if he was not found guilty of a crime.
MossBurner said:
The point is this:

Sean has never been convicted of any crime, not even a DUI. WHY SHOULD HE BE SUSPENDED?

If he were found guilty of driving drunk, or punching his wife, or pulling a gun on someone then I would agree whole-heartedly that he should be suspended.

But like it or not, the league can not and should not suspend him if he was not found guilty of a crime.

uhh Hello he was not found "not guilty" of anything, in the leagues eyes he was found guilty of what was it assault?

He has been fined how many times? Obviously the fines arent working.

EDIT just looked it up he is "guilty" of 2 charges, 1 charge of assault and one charge of battery

Take off the ketchup and mustard colored glasses and you could see this more clearly
MossBurner said:
Sean has never been convicted of any crime, not even a DUI. WHY SHOULD HE BE SUSPENDED?

You are so unbelievably dense.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Doss was suspended in June for violating the league's personal conduct policy after pleading no contest to a misdemeanor gun charge in Akron, Ohio, where he was arrested for firing a weapon outside a restaurant.[/FONT]
MossBurner said:
But like it or not, the league can not and should not suspend him if he was not found guilty of a crime.

Too bad the league's conduct policy says otherwise. Players can and have been suspended without being found guilty of a crime. The policy itself says players can be fined or suspended even if they plead "no contest," as Taylor did.
BigDFan5 said:
EDIT just looked it up he is "guilty" of 2 charges, 1 charge of assault and one charge of battery

You're wrong. Sean was never found guilty.
superpunk said:
You are so unbelievably dense.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Doss was suspended in June for violating the league's personal conduct policy after pleading no contest to a misdemeanor gun charge in Akron, Ohio, where he was arrested for firing a weapon outside a restaurant.[/FONT]

Different cases, different punishments. I don't know the ins and outs of Doss' situation, but the NFL must have found some reason to make him sit a game and Sean not.
MossBurner said:
Different cases, different punishments. I don't know the ins and outs of Doss' situation, but the NFL must have found some reason to make him sit a game and Sean not.

I see.

So you've changed from "He's never been convicted, he shouldn't be suspended", to "I don't know anything."

Good job.
i cant believe this thread is still alive. Taylor prob. should of been suspended at least 1 game, but he wasnt. Now no one knows why he wasnt so theres no point in arguing. On a side note...looks like another bengals player got in trouble with the law.
superpunk said:
I see.

So you've changed from "He's never been convicted, he shouldn't be suspended", to "I don't know anything."

Good job.

Just wait till Sean "the thug" Taylor is no longer on that team...and it will happen knowing how the Midget works...he will be the worst player in history and all RedStinks will say he was a waste of time anyway, and that they are glad he's gone...

That's how they are...

They won't acknowledge that he is a REAL PUNK THUG...they just hold their breath, close their eyes real tight, and cover their ears so they won't have to see or hear anything bad about "the spitter thug"...

Pathetic...yes they are!

:dissskin: Good dog, Gibbs!
MossBurner said:
You're wrong. Sean was never found guilty.

Holy Hell you can not be this dense. "No contest" IS guilty. Look up the code of conduct The NFl sees a no contest plea as the same as GUILTY
MossBurner said:
The point is this:

Sean has never been convicted of any crime, not even a DUI. WHY SHOULD HE BE SUSPENDED?

If he were found guilty of driving drunk, or punching his wife, or pulling a gun on someone then I would agree whole-heartedly that he should be suspended.

But like it or not, the league can not and should not suspend him if he was not found guilty of a crime.

dude get off the guy's (ST's) crotch.... if he didn't play for your team this thread would not exist and you would NOT be here!!!!
BigDFan5 said:
Holy Hell you can not be this dense.

You wanna make a bet on that? Mossbummer must be giving Sean "the thug" Taylor some closet loving, because he will bend over backwards (pun intended) to protect that punk!

1fisher said:
dude get off the guy's (ST's) crotch.... if he didn't play for your team this thread would not exist and you would NOT be here!!!!

couldnt that be said about you too 1fisher?
apickmans said:
i cant believe this thread is still alive. Taylor prob. should of been suspended at least 1 game, but he wasnt. Now no one knows why he wasnt so theres no point in arguing. On a side note...looks like another bengals player got in trouble with the law.

why does it shock you? If and when ST plays for another team I'll bet money none of the skins homers will be taking up for this dirtbag!
1fisher said:
you would NOT be here!!!!

None of the RedStinks would have been here if not for two lousy games this past season!

They were not to be found for the last 7 or 8, someone sprinkled a little sugar on the floor, and here come the roaches...pests...!

Typical and pathetic...
