Sean Taylor fined 4 games checks, will not be suspended

1fisher said:
why does it shock you? If and when ST plays for another team I'll bet money none of the skins homers will be taking up for this dirtbag!

It doesnt shock me since there is a daily ST thread here. Greg Williams and Gibbs love Taylor and when Williams takes over as coach im pretty sure he will want Taylor locked up for life (haha i know how bad that sounds).
1fisher said:
Find a thread where I've "stuck-up" for a tird like ST.....

i was just referring to the fact that you too would probably not be in this thread if Taylor was not a Commander.
5Stars said:
None of the RedStinks would have been here if not for two lousy games this past season!

They were not to be found for the last 7 or 8, someone sprinkled a little sugar on the floor, and here come the roaches...pests...!

Typical and pathetic...


just wondering how many years this message board has been up for..
apickmans said:
just wondering how many years this message board has been up for..

It's been up for quite if you did not know!! Don't play stupid!

Wait,'re not playing...

Taylor did not make a plea regarding gun charges.

His plea was based on simple battery and simple assault.

Just so you guys are all on the same page.
5Stars said:
It's been up for quite if you did not know!! Don't play stupid!

Wait,'re not playing...


haha should not of expected anything else from you.
SkinsandTerps said:
Taylor did not make a plea regarding gun charges.

His plea was based on simple battery and simple assault.

Just so you guys are all on the same page.

Well, well, well, here comes's just "simple" violence, huh?

Well, then...why don't you bake the punk a cake?

5Stars said:
Well, well, well, here comes's just "simple" violence, huh?

Well, then...why don't you bake the punk a cake?


I know you cant help it most of the time. But ...

Well, well, well, here comes 5 knuckle expert. Close your door so mommy wont see you slapping it so hard.
SkinsandTerps said:
I know you cant help it most of the time. But ...

Well, well, well, here comes 5 knuckle expert. Close your door so mommy wont see you slapping it so hard.

Did you come up with that all by yourself? Or did little Art teach you that?

SkinsandTurds, they don't punish people for doing NOTHING wrong!

Get it? Yet, here you roachs are, protecting the species...

MossBurner said:
The point is this:

Sean has never been convicted of any crime, not even a DUI. WHY SHOULD HE BE SUSPENDED?

If he were found guilty of driving drunk, or punching his wife, or pulling a gun on someone then I would agree whole-heartedly that he should be suspended.

But like it or not, the league can not and should not suspend him if he was not found guilty of a crime.

Although, Sean was not convicted of DUI, I happen to know the bartender that served drinks at Rod Gardner’s Birthday Bash. Every other player rode in the limo that Rod rented. Sean wanted drive. By all accounts from the bartender, Sean was wasted. Also, I saw the video of him failing the sobriety test. The guy was drunk. This great athlete that you so frequently remind us of could not walk a straight line nor recite his alphabets. (side-bar, maybe knowing your alphabets are not a prerequisite for attending the "U"). So the fact he wasn't convicted is a futile attempt of yours to acquiesce because he plays for your team. Whether convicted our not, the guy was guilty of DUI.

From his 1st moments in the league, the guy has shown a disregard for authority. He skipped out on the Rookie Symposium (ironically one he should have attended), he is caught drinking and driving, he refused to return the head coaches voice-mails over the summer stating, “I just needed some time”, and last of which he is in the middle of a gun fight. Get off your high horse, the guy has displayed a consistent trait, willful disregard for any authority.

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