Sean Taylor Will Be prosecuted

The man signs a contract worth 7 figures and he is worried about 14,000. Could go to jail for that. STUPID. That is if he was thinking at all- and I doubt that. This is a PUNK who grew up well off with a cop as a father- so he could get just about anything fixed.
If I was the DA he would be EXACTLY who I would want to put in jail just about more then anyone else. We need more of the rich and famous doing jail time- we need to show that money does not buy everything.
jterrell said:
I doubt anyone else steals anything from Sean Taylor.

Yeah, hopefully because he's in jail.

I don't care how you justify your "manhood", but if one of those stray shots coming from you or Sean hit an innocent kid or bystander (as has been the case many times), we'll see how "manly" you feel.

Fine. Be a man, pound your big gorilla chest after you "handled your business", but just remember that if being a "man" sends you to jail, it's your fault and no matter if another "real man" would have done the same, you did wrong and deserve to serve time.

I hope Sean feels real manly as he drops the soap in the shower.
jksmith269 said:
So your saying if a couple guys down the block from you stole your atv's or something you wouldn't go looking for them. I'm not saying to shoot them or anything like that but I know I would go looking for my ATV's and if I found them and knew they were mine with out doubt I'd attempt to beat the crap out of the guys who took them I may get arrested but hey atleast I'd have gotten the chance to take my own revenge.

and I never said it was self defense heck Dewight Smith has pulled guns on people twice his last time he did it was in FL and skated both times.

...if someone stole your ATVs and you found them are you telling me that you would go and try to beat the crap out them?

What if the two individuals were known criminals who are much bigger than you and also have had a long history of violent crime?

Most people who are involved in grand theft usually have some other background in crime. They aren't all library grannys.

Wouldn't it make sense to alert the Police of the theft and the be at the scene for the arrest and get your satisfaction in that sense. At the very least you would avoid any fallout from an attempt at vigilante justice and you would avoid putting yourself in a situation which could cost you more than a jail sentence.

If you were a NFL rising star with millions in salary on the line why wouldn't you engage the help of the police in a crime against you in order to avoid jeopardizing your career?

Would you side with Taylor if he arrived at the scene confronted with the two men and got a 38 special through the forehead? Boy, those two ATVs would be really worth it. What are they worth, 1/1000th of his signing bonus and salary????
Wheat said:
in the begining on your post, you mention how Lewis and Lewis are stars...and that matters. But later on, you mention how much the DA's would love to nab a NFL player because it would be like their Superbowl. That's inconsistent.

Considering the conflicting stories between Taylor pulling a gun 1st, and Taylor actually being SHOT at 1st, without him firing back.

I agree that this spoiled, overpaid, 2nd year player will plea down to a lesser charge....or do something like Jamal Lewis where he'd serve time AFTER the season is over.

Something like that.

I wasn't doing anything more than making two statements that I feel are true. You make it sound like I contradicted myself and so my argument wasn't valid.

*I think it might matter that Lewis & Lewis are stars. I'm not sure but it might. That's a true statement.

*I think that the DA's office would love to nab Taylor and make an example out of him. I believe that to be true as well.

Those two statements do conflict a bit... but I feel that both could be right.

The DA's office could love to put Taylor away, while the jury could be wowed a little by a real life NFL star. That way both of the above statements hold true.

You assumed I meant that the DA's office would let him off light if he were a star... but that's not what I meant at all. It could help with public perception, with the jury, or heck, even with the judge. But I really think the DA's office is gonna want to "win"... and they do that by sending him to jail.

I don't think Taylor being an NFL player will help him out one iota with the DA's office... that wasn't what I meant.
StonetheCrow77 said:
Uh, Dwight Smith pulled a BB gun one time... can you really count that??

I think that's a completely different ball of wax there. BB gun vs. a real firearm is apples and oranges.

I dont think that a BB gun falls under Florida's 10-20-Life laws.
jksmith269 said:
So your saying if a couple guys down the block from you stole your atv's or something you wouldn't go looking for them. I'm not saying to shoot them or anything like that but I know I would go looking for my ATV's and if I found them and knew they were mine with out doubt I'd attempt to beat the crap out of the guys who took them I may get arrested but hey atleast I'd have gotten the chance to take my own revenge.

and I never said it was self defense heck Dewight Smith has pulled guns on people twice his last time he did it was in FL and skated both times.
hunting down the ATVs or the alleged perps is one thing. drawing down on the alleged perps is another.

there's a little thing called "insurance" - and most people carry it in the event of just such a scenario. i don't care how nice your ride is - it just ain't worth doin' time over. or worse.

cops are employed by city, state, and federal governments to serve a purpose. next you'll tell me taylor didn't have a cellphone or the wherewithal to dial 911.

sorry... no sale.
tothewhipbill said:
i don't view this as a "self-defense" situation. we're not talking about taylor's kidnapped family member. it's his ATV and after-the-fact.
Bingo. I'm a card-carrying NRA member, and even I'll tell you if you leave the scene and return with a handgun, that's not self-defense. That's called pre-meditated murder, only he was lucky that no one got killed.
TheSkaven said:
Bingo. I'm a card-carrying NRA member, and even I'll tell you if you leave the scene and return with a handgun, that's not self-defense. That's called pre-meditated murder, only he was lucky that no one got killed.
Bingo we have a winner!
jksmith269 said:
So your saying if a couple guys down the block from you stole your atv's or something you wouldn't go looking for them. I'm not saying to shoot them or anything like that but I know I would go looking for my ATV's and if I found them and knew they were mine with out doubt I'd attempt to beat the crap out of the guys who took them I may get arrested but hey atleast I'd have gotten the chance to take my own revenge.

and I never said it was self defense heck Dewight Smith has pulled guns on people twice his last time he did it was in FL and skated both times.

Better yet, if you know where the guys are, or had a pretty good idea where they are and who they might be, call the police, and wait for them to show up so you can approach the party that perhaps stole your vehicle.

Why get into a fight and put yourself at risk and possibly in trouble? That is rather foolish. There are better ways to handle a situation if you just use your brain. :enough:
This will be interesting if it goes to trial. The Chief Justice of the 11th circuit in Miami-Dade County got his law degree from the University of Florida. :cool:
I wonder if he is a rabid gator fan?

In case you'd like to let him know what you think of all this:
[email protected]

:suxskins: :skins:
It's truly sad that there are people in this forum (of all places) that would side with Taylor in this absolutely ludicrous behaviour. I mean the Miami fan is a right off from square one. Any fan of thug U is just part of the problem. But it's disapointing to say the least that anyone else in here could support this juvenile, self destructive macho crap and go to the point of suggesting that law abiding people are weak, stupid lemmings for not wanting to be a part of this cancerous ideology. I mean seriously who the hell cares if they're trying to "disrespect" him. Sean Taylor had more talent and earning potential than a hundred thousand of them put together. To throw that all away for 14k or a pi$$ing contest is... Well let's just say I'm one of the lemmings who would call the police, tell them to investigate these guys for my stuff, go to training camp, hug my 10 mil and get the insurance on the 14K if the cops couldn't retrieve it.
big dog cowboy said:
I agree with Yeagermeister he won't spend any time in jail. He will plead down and just do some kind of community work.

And then it will be interesting to see what kind of suspension the league hands down... given that Michael Irvin got 5 games for drugs and hookers, and Jamal Lewis got 3 games for dealin' dope, maybe ol' Sean will get suspended for a half a game for waving a gun around...

After all, Tags IS a well-known Commanders fan...
jksmith269 said:
So your saying if a couple guys down the block from you stole your atv's or something you wouldn't go looking for them.

No, I wouldn't... I'd call the cops, and let them deal with it...

You see, that's what you do if you're not a sociopath, or a street punk...

A real MAN only fights to protect himself, or those he loves...
Ashwynn said:
Anyone that considers jail a haven or vacation is an idiot.

I guess if you're into gang homosexual rape, prison might be your idea of a vacation... :eek:
Who Cares, this is the same guy who got burned for a last second touchdown by a guy who was picked like 200+ draft picks after. Let his stir up some more drama in 2005 and continue to be a cancer on the Skins.
silverbear said:
And then it will be interesting to see what kind of suspension the league hands down... given that Michael Irvin got 5 games for drugs and hookers, and Jamal Lewis got 3 games for dealin' dope, maybe ol' Sean will get suspended for a half a game for waving a gun around...

After all, Tags IS a well-known Commanders fan...

I am still so pissed about that.... you can make a VERY long list of those who got less suspension time when they came up guilty in the urine test...Mike never tested positive...pleaded no contest and got I do not know for sure if Mike ever admited to the cocain being his...He has admitted his love for women has caused him if the rock belong to someone else...than Mike got 5 games for having sex..while others get 4 for trying to kill people while driving and boozing it up...
Yeagermeister said:
I still say he'll never see any jail time.

agreed. prolly his 1st offense, plus he has a 1st rate lawyer. That's enough to keep you out of jail.
silverbear said:
No, I wouldn't... I'd call the cops, and let them deal with it...

You see, that's what you do if you're not a sociopath, or a street punk...

A real MAN only fights to protect himself, or those he loves...

We are in agreement here. I applaud you for your character. Aces.

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