Sean Taylor Will Be prosecuted

There is no reason to go looking for someone to beat them up. If you wish to locate your stolen property then I suppose there may be some place for that if done judiciously. Generally that is why we have police.

There is no reason to fire a weapon out of your window at someone trying to steal your property. Firing a weapon should be used only to protect your life or someone else's. That is not proper use of force.

I'm not lecturing anyone for their sake but for the young people on this forum who do not need to hear that vigilante action is appropriate.

I'm disappointed in some people's responses here as they are not appropriate for our younger people to hear.
Sean Taylor did not fire a weapon. The dumba** brandished a weapon but did not fire it.

As someone else stated, to protect your family, self, or your home is one thing, but over some stupid ATV's is just plain ignorant.

He is a mama's boy and needs to grow up, move to DC's suburbs where crap like this is not the norm. Homesick, so this is the crap he gets involved in.

Perhaps protecting his rep ? What rep ? He is a millionaire football player. Act like a professional and let the law enforcement professionals do their jobs.

Son of a Police Chief...Unreal.
jobberone said:
We are in agreement here. I applaud you for your character. Aces.

Let's just say that it's the wisdom of age and experience speaking... I wasn't always so much of a "pacifist", and I've got assorted scars to prove it...

I believe that somewhere in the middle of my last fight, I had most of my anger beat out of me, LOL... I remember thinking very clearly, as I was picking myself up off the floor to go get knocked down again, that I wasn't really cut out to play the bada**...

If you guys think I'm confrontational now, you should have seen me when I was 20... had a bit of a problem with anger issues, I did...

Paraphrasing the movie Animal House, belligerent, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life... I've decided in my old age that just bein' stupid is enough... :D
SkinsandTerps said:
Sean Taylor did not fire a weapon. The dumba** brandished a weapon but did not fire it.

As someone else stated, to protect your family, self, or your home is one thing, but over some stupid ATV's is just plain ignorant.

He is a mama's boy and needs to grow up, move to DC's suburbs where crap like this is not the norm. Homesick, so this is the crap he gets involved in.

Perhaps protecting his rep ? What rep ? He is a millionaire football player. Act like a professional and let the law enforcement professionals do their jobs.

Son of a Police Chief...Unreal.

That's a pretty standup take on things, coming as it does from a Skins fan... I applaud your integrity, if not your taste in football teams...
silverbear said:
Let's just say that it's the wisdom of age and experience speaking... I wasn't always so much of a "pacifist", and I've got assorted scars to prove it...

I believe that somewhere in the middle of my last fight, I had most of my anger beat out of me, LOL... I remember thinking very clearly, as I was picking myself up off the floor to go get knocked down again, that I wasn't really cut out to play the bada**...

If you guys think I'm confrontational now, you should have seen me when I was 20... had a bit of a problem with anger issues, I did...

Paraphrasing the movie Animal House, belligerent, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life... I've decided in my old age that just bein' stupid is enough... :D

LOL. A wise man sees the errors of his ways and loses them quickly in youth. Again aces. I have misjudged you my friend. My apologies and my hand in friendship.
jobberone said:
LOL. A wise man sees the errors of his ways and loses them quickly in youth. Again aces. I have misjudged you my friend. My apologies and my hand in friendship.

Actually, you probably haven't misjudged me... I have my rough edges, even to this day... one rough edge that you guys don't get to see in here, on account of the rules, is that I'm pretty foul-mouthed... I'm also abrasive and opinionated (no, not YOU, Bear)...

But I do like to think that in my own way, I have a fair amount of integrity and character...

So no apologies are needed, but I'll happily accept your hand in friendship... I held you in pretty high regard even before you offered it...
SkinsandTerps said:
Sean Taylor did not fire a weapon. The dumba** brandished a weapon but did not fire it.

As someone else stated, to protect your family, self, or your home is one thing, but over some stupid ATV's is just plain ignorant.

He is a mama's boy and needs to grow up, move to DC's suburbs where crap like this is not the norm. Homesick, so this is the crap he gets involved in.

Perhaps protecting his rep ? What rep ? He is a millionaire football player. Act like a professional and let the law enforcement professionals do their jobs.

Son of a Police Chief...Unreal.

ditto.......that summerized the entire thing...........
Hoods said:
Yeah, hopefully because he's in jail.

I don't care how you justify your "manhood", but if one of those stray shots coming from you or Sean hit an innocent kid or bystander (as has been the case many times), we'll see how "manly" you feel.

Fine. Be a man, pound your big gorilla chest after you "handled your business", but just remember that if being a "man" sends you to jail, it's your fault and no matter if another "real man" would have done the same, you did wrong and deserve to serve time.

I hope Sean feels real manly as he drops the soap in the shower.

Easy to feel that way living in the suburbs where being a victim isnt a placard you carry around.

He has little to worry about in showers. Its the weak-minded call the cops types that can't deal with jail.

And when you go right to the person/s you are not putting others in danger. This wasn't some b movie drive by. Some guy got hit with a bat: guess bystanders coulda been hit too :lmao2:

He didn't shoot anyone but you dont go into a bad neighborhood to confront thieves without a gun.
Oh and check the national figures on car thefts and thefts of property and you'll see there is basically a 10% chance of recovery of items at all prolly less than 5% of being in decent shape.

Again its easy to have one take on this living in a suburban area with little crime: and another when your family wont move outta the house or area they love and live in a crappy area so you gotta worry about someone breaking in to steal stuff you bought for family members in said area.

It cracks me up that there are so many who would advocate war in Iraq based on Saddam being a jerk but not advocate confronting thieves.

There are lots of bumper stickers saying "protected by smith and wesson" yet zero saying "steal my car and I'll call the cops". I wonder which is a more effective deterrent?

Oh and just so you know my wife is police officer. I do not own a gun right now at all tho I did at 16-20 living in a bad part of town.

Bottom line is Sean Taylor is under 25 and living in a part of town worse than what most on here would ever drive through. Easy to judge from the Ivory Towers.

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