Sean Taylor's felony charges have wrecked several lives

J.Jones21 said:
No Way Im Reading All That I Went To High School And Did Less.

If Someone Wants To Summarize It Then I'll Join The Discussion.

thank you.
riggo said:
heres a better summary-
"So let me get this straight. Taylor owns some atvs. Has them on his property. A couple of ******** thugs steal his atvs. Taylor supposedly pulls a gun?? Is that it? He pulled a gun??? Whats the big deal? Seems to me the retards are lucky they didnt get shot."

yep. thats a good one.

if you all werent so homerific, you'd see that the article states that the states star witnessand the person who had charges dropped is a convicted felon.

""Honestly, on my daddy, we did not steal that stuff from him," said Williams, a high school dropout who describes himself as ********. Hill, talking outside his mother's apartment, insists he is not a criminal. He claims to have no idea who shot Taylor's Yukon. He says he's never stolen an ATV.

Police disagreed on that last claim, at least briefly.
On Saturday, March 4, of this year, at 3:10 in the morning, two Miami-Dade Police officers pulled over a 2002 Chevy pickup occupied by two black men. In the bed of the truck sat an ATV with the ignition ripped out. A check of its seventeen-digit vehicle identification number revealed the ATV had been stolen the day before.
The passenger was Maurice "Fat Boy" Williams. The driver was Ryan Hill. The pair was arrested for grand theft, but those charges were dropped a month later."

dropped? why in the hell were the charges dropped?

a circus clown could win an acquittal in this case. you could see that if you took off the glasses...
you failed to mention in your summary that Taylor went to confront the witness about the ATVs instead of calling the police like civilized people do.
riggo said:
a circus clown could win an acquittal in this case. you could see that if you took off the glasses...
And if you'd take off the glasses, you'd see that the outcome of this particular case is beside the point. The point is that Taylor is a POS criminal who leads a life that will eventually lead to jailtime -- or worse. Truth be told, Taylor is fortunate that none of the bullets that hit his car found his body.

But will he learn from it and change? Nope, he apparently isn't smart enough for that.
riggo said:
how do you know he made that page?

Ah, I see.

Part of the "conspiracy" that is in play in the world to continually make the Washington Commanders and it's players look bad.

There are plenty of MySpace profiles that are false. Judging by the mode of this one, I would be willing to bet it's accurate.
BlueStar22 said:
you failed to mention in your summary that Taylor went to confront the witness about the ATVs instead of calling the police like civilized people do.

haha yeah cuz im sure the cops would of made it a Huuuuge priority. Not saying what he did was right, but i can see why he didnt go to the cops.
Chocolate Lab said:
And if you'd take off the glasses, you'd see that the outcome of this particular case is beside the point. The point is that Taylor is a POS criminal who leads a life that will eventually lead to jailtime -- or worse. Truth be told, Taylor is fortunate that none of the bullets that hit his car found his body.

But will he learn from it and change? Nope, he apparently isn't smart enough for that.

You are wasting your time, Chocolate Lab.

Again, you are preaching to the very same imbeciles who derided Michael Irvin, yet out of the other sides of their mouths praise this street hood. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

It doesn't surprise me that Commander fans embrace scum. They have always had no class.
riggo said:
heres a better summary-
"So let me get this straight. Taylor owns some atvs. Has them on his property. A couple of ******** thugs steal his atvs. Taylor supposedly pulls a gun?? Is that it? He pulled a gun??? Whats the big deal? Seems to me the retards are lucky they didnt get shot."

Actually they werent on his property they were at the gansters house in the projects.

As for "whats the big dea" you must be an idiot to think its ok to pull guns on people. Seems to me the ATVs werent there, and Taylor made a mistake

if you all werent so homerific, you'd see that the article states that the states star witnessand the person who had charges dropped is a convicted felon.

and? Does that mean its ok that someone committs a crime against you because you committed a crime a few years before?

dropped? why in the hell were the charges dropped?
Who knows maybe because the original charges were wrong? Maybe the person who the ATVs belonged to knew these guys? Maybe these guys recovered the stolen ATV's, nobody knows. Only Commanders fans would automatically assume the Miami DA's office is letting criminals go to get poor little Sean

a circus clown could win an acquittal in this case. you could see that if you took off the glasses.

Guess we will find out. I notice you didnt mention the part where Taylor took a gun to a nightclub and ran from cops
Alexander said:
Ah, I see.

Part of the "conspiracy" that is in play in the world to continually make the Washington Commanders and it's players look bad.

There are plenty of MySpace profiles that are false. Judging by the mode of this one, I would be willing to bet it's accurate.

You honestly think that taylor opened up a myspace account??
genghiskhan said:
How far have we fallen as a society when someone is lauding someone else who is complaining that it's too much work for him to read?

The one lauding the laziness was a Commander fan.

Think about it.
apickmans said:
You honestly think that taylor opened up a myspace account??

Given his track record of immaturity and ignorance? Yes.
"His house got sprayed and then the ATVs got took. But if your ATVs got took, you don't go trying to shoot other people for something that somebody ain't do. That's wrong, man."

how can you argue with poetry like that?

BlueStar22 said:
you failed to mention in your summary that Taylor went to confront the witness about the ATVs instead of calling the police like civilized people do.
There is a thing called cival action. Most famouse one was WAAAAAAY back when our country first started a farmer retaliated againts a taxer and got his money back...cival actions can be good and defenatly can be bad
apickmans said:
haha yeah cuz im sure the cops would of made it a Huuuuge priority. Not saying what he did was right, but i can see why he didnt go to the cops.
that's not the point. he skipped step #1 altogether and went straight to taking it in his own hands.
Alexander said:
You are wasting your time, Chocolate Lab.

Again, you are preaching to the very same imbeciles who derided Michael Irvin, yet out of the other sides of their mouths praise this street hood. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

It doesn't surprise me that Commander fans embrace scum. They have always had no class.
I guess I am a little shocked... I went to ES about an hour ago (haven't been able to get the site to work since) and at the time there were maybe 30 replies in the thread and only one poster was *not* defending Taylor... Amazing.

One idiot even said, "That article makes me like Taylor even more." (Or if I were being correct in quoting him, I'd remove the caplitalization and punctuation.)

Unreal. I know we're rooting for laundry, but to excuse behavior like this because a guy wears a certain uniform is stunning.
Chocolate Lab said:
I guess I am a little shocked... I went to ES about an hour ago (haven't been able to get the site to work since) and at the time there were maybe 30 replies in the thread and only one poster was *not* defending Taylor... Amazing.

One idiot even said, "That article makes me like Taylor even more." (Or if I were being correct in quoting him, I'd remove the caplitalization and punctuation.)

Unreal. I know we're rooting for laundry, but to excuse behavior like this because a guy wears a certain uniform is stunning.
Chocolate Lab said:
Unreal. I know we're rooting for laundry, but to excuse behavior like this because a guy wears a certain uniform is stunning.

It goes with the territory.

Commander fan = no IQ and stuborn, instinctual homeritis.

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