Sean Taylor's felony charges have wrecked several lives

Alexander said:
His "MySpace" profile:


Not only is he a thug, it appears he is ignorant and immature.

Im confused. what part of this makes him appear ignorant and immature???
apickmans said:
Im confused. what part of this makes him appear ignorant and immature???

Keeping a "MySpace" profile is step one for starters.
Alexander said:
It goes with the territory.

Commander fan = no IQ and stuborn, instinctual homeritis.

haha i love how you first say Commander fans have no class, and then you go and insult all of us with this. Pretty funny how much of a hater you are. My fault for thinking eagle fans were the more Homer fans of them all.
Alexander said:
Keeping a "MySpace" profile is step one for starters.

haha do you know how many people have myspace accounts????? i bet like half the people in this board do....hahaha and is that it?? Why would keeping a myspace account make him ignorant and immature since youre prob calling a lot of people in this forum that also?
apickmans said:
haha i love how you first say Commander fans have no class, and then you go and insult all of us with this.


You come to a rivals board and don't expect to be insulted?

I could go right to one of your boards and be called Cowturd, cowboy, cowboy, you name it. So spare me the bleating.

Pretty funny how much of a hater you are. My fault for thinking eagle fans were the more Homer fans of them all.

If you don't like it, I am positive there are several Commander boards you can visit.
Alexander said:
The one lauding the laziness was a Commander fan.

Think about it.

laziness is your opinion. i happened to be busy working. dont bother asking or anything.

and this from the one that thinks thats actually sean taylors myspace page.....
J.Jones21 said:
No Way Im Reading All That I Went To High School And Did Less.

If Someone Wants To Summarize It Then I'll Join The Discussion.

I believe you 100%.
Look, i know Sean Taylor prob. in fact did pull out his gun when asking where his ATVs were and he will probably not go to jail after its all said and done. I'm not going around screaming thats hes innocent and that hes an angel, but you guys are going on about him like he murdered a bunch of people and is gonna avoid jailtime. You guys make it seem like Taylor is the only "thug" in the NFL and should be locked away forever. If he didnt play for the Commanders you guys would obviously not hate as much. I understand that. Taylor is young and has acted immature as times but i think with time he will get better.
ok. so, in summary...

a self admitted retarted man who was pulled over with stolen ATV's- but the charges are dropped - steals ATV's from taylor, he waves a gun in an attempt to get them back, gets shot at, the prosecutor get dismissed for using his position to further his career as a DJ, taylor rejects an offer that includes no jail time.....

nothing wierd there.
Alexander said:

You come to a rivals board and don't expect to be insulted?

I could go right to one of your boards and be called Cowturd, cowboy, cowboy, you name it. So spare me the bleating.

If you don't like it, I am positive there are several Commander boards you can visit.

haha yeah im sure you being called a cowturd or cowboy is the same as being called an idiot, someone with no IQ. I expect to come to a rivals board and be insulted only when i say something stupid.
apickmans said:
haha yeah im sure you being called a cowturd or cowboy is the same as being called an idiot, someone with no IQ. I expect to come to a rivals board and be insulted only when i say something stupid.

You are a Commander fan.

Therefore the label fits.
apickmans said:
Ok man whatever. Anyways i think found Sean Taylor's other myspace account. Wow who knows how many he has! Must make him even more ignorant and immature right???


edit: wont let me paste the link.....oh well.

i found his 'real' myspace page.************/index.cfm%3Ffuseaction%3Duser.viewprofile%26friendid%3D44994374+sean+taylors+birthday&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=1

it wont work either. but you get the idea....

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