Seattle vs. Green Bay

Damn, I can't believe I'm saying this, but please Seattle, win this game.
****.....seattle was favored by EIGHT pts. this morning. It's a huge upset, especially the way they did it. Check yourself.

Both teams are 12-4. I dont give a **** about some vegas odds and add to the fact that Seattle's offense is such hot garbage. This is not an upset.
I told you. If the Packers reached the 20th point, this game would be over.

P.S., watch. That's not going to be overturned.
Oh please call it a touchdown and let there be a blown call against the Packers it would be justice.
He stepped out. If the pass had been a little better, that's an easy score.
Marshawn Lynch will have to win the game on his own...And I see the league is ok with setting a blatant basketball screen/pick for other teams
One thing is for sure... GB #42 is better than our #42

New England is going to win the SB

Get ready for Brady >>> Montana talk. A lot of it.
Seattle beat GB by 20 earlier in the season - nobody saw this coming. Nobody.

LOL. Way to speak for all NFL viewers. Some people saw this coming, regardless of what you want to believe. The 2 best teams in the NFC played each other last week bro.
Also, Green Bay was a .500 team on the road. Lost to the Buffalo Bills!