Shaving (your face)

CanadianCowboysFan;3501292 said:
yeah because only gay men go to San Francisco or go to hairdressers

I know a few straight men who go to "stylists," which is bad enough, but not "hairdressers." Congrats, you're very unique. In a bad way.

P.S. There are these people called barbers. Look them up when you grow a pair.
Bob Sacamano;3501309 said:
This is an interesting back and forth lol

CCF's a bit of a dandy. Must be hell on his wife to fight him for mirror time.
bbgun;3501307 said:
I know a few straight men who go to "stylists," which is bad enough, but not "hairdressers." Congrats, you're very unique. In a bad way.

P.S. There are these people called barbers. Look them up when you grow a pair.

hair dresser/stylist are the same thing.

Barbers can't cut or style hair worth crap. Oh they can give bowl and buzz cuts but that is about it. I haven't been to a barber since I was oh 12 and he cut my hair so uneven it was pitiful.

Interesting thing of course is that most guys who get into cutting hair are gay so in the end, you prefer to have gay males run their hands through your hair when they wash it. Interesting.
How do you guys get the best shave possible? I shave daily but I'm always left with my neck still looking like it has short black hairs. It bothers me because it's just long enough to be visible but just short enough that it gives the appearance that my neck is dirty even though it isn't. Any tips?
DallasCowboysRule!;3501351 said:
How do you guys get the best shave possible? I shave daily but I'm always left with my neck still looking like it has short black hairs. It bothers me because it's just long enough to be visible but just short enough that it gives the appearance that my neck is dirty even though it isn't. Any tips?

Wash your neck, that isn't hair! :D
I use a cheap Norelco electric. I use the clipper side of it every day or so and just leave stubble. Nice quick 2 minute shave and thats it.

Never been a big fan of being clean shaven.
Joe Realist;3501314 said:
Any of you shave anything other than your face? Head, chest, nether regions, pits or legs?
Now wait a minute... I want one point of clarification. Are we talking about SHAVING or trimming? I am not a porn star or a shirtless model, so I am not shaving or waxing. But I prefer not to look like I'm wearing a sweater when I'm shirtless or like I got a chia pet in my drawers. I may not be as hairy as BP, but I do prefer to trim those two spots about once every 1-2 months with a wahl hair trimmer with nothing but the small blade guard.
peplaw06;3501444 said:
Now wait a minute... I want one point of clarification. Are we talking about SHAVING or trimming? I am not a porn star or a shirtless model, so I am not shaving or waxing. But I prefer not to look like I'm wearing a sweater when I'm shirtless or like I got a chia pet in my drawers. I may not be as hairy as BP, but I do prefer to trim those two spots about once every 1-2 months with a wahl hair trimmer with nothing but the small blade guard.

I love my sweater... Its manly ;)

I won't comment these "nether regions".
peplaw06;3501444 said:
But I prefer not to look like I'm wearing a sweater when I'm shirtless or like I got a chia pet in my drawers.
DallasCowboysRule!;3501351 said:
How do you guys get the best shave possible? I shave daily but I'm always left with my neck still looking like it has short black hairs. It bothers me because it's just long enough to be visible but just short enough that it gives the appearance that my neck is dirty even though it isn't. Any tips?

First get a Badger Hairbrush between 30-40 (you do not need one more expensive then that) use hot water and what ever you want shaving cream soap the old time soap that does not matter. It opens your pores up and makes your hairs stand up then use what ever razor that alone will get you a better shave.

If you want a more aggressive shave then go back to a single blade Safety razor. A lot of people like Merkur's their are other brands most sites and people suggest to start with a classic and then work up to a more aggressive safety razor.

The Blades that get the best review for Sharpness and I have to agree from my testing is the Feather "High Stainless Platinum" Double-Edge Blades Japanese blade

I switched from all that mach crap and after using the quad blade when it cam out it all it did was pull my hair. I went back to a single blade and brush and it is the best shaves I ever had something to say about old school
peplaw06;3501444 said:
Now wait a minute... I want one point of clarification. Are we talking about SHAVING or trimming? I am not a porn star or a shirtless model, so I am not shaving or waxing. But I prefer not to look like I'm wearing a sweater when I'm shirtless or like I got a chia pet in my drawers. I may not be as hairy as BP, but I do prefer to trim those two spots about once every 1-2 months with a wahl hair trimmer with nothing but the small blade guard.

Yeah, that basically sums up my thoughts on the subject. I'm not busting out the razor, but keeping a damn forest from sprouting out down there is not necessarily a bad thing.

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