Shawne Merriman explain why Cowboys fall to Colts

I thought this was pretty solid.

"The leadership of this team getting exposed.......... when down, you don't see any players on the sidelines getting into each others faces, nobody saying anything. And Normally, that would come from a QB position, but Dak doesn't play well enough to be that type of leader....."

Merrimans success in the nfl is due to steroids. With that being said, Dak isn't the leader of this team. Zeke is the leader. Dak is a guy with a psychology degree who knows how to look the part off the field. He speaks well at press conferences. He stood next to Jerry with his hand on his heart. He knows how to physically look like a leader, but he doesn't have the ability to lead. Deep down inside, he knows they'll look at him funny if he talks because his play is substandard.
I mean, the guy played in the NFL at a very high level for a few seasons and was a ferocious player and defender. I'm gonna side with he's probably forgotten more about playing in the NFL than you'll ever know.

That's fine. He also took steroids and potentially has CTE with some of the comments he makes. Its not about understanding "football". His opinion isn't a "football opinion" its a opinion based on personalities. So if you want to hold his opinion in high regard because of his knowledge of x's and o's that's fair. But his opinion isn't any more valid than yours when it comes to the Cowboys.
That's fine. He also took steroids and potentially has CTE with some of the comments he makes. Its not about understanding "football". His opinion isn't a "football opinion" its a opinion based on personalities. So if you want to hold his opinion in high regard because of his knowledge of x's and o's that's fair. But his opinion isn't any more valid than yours when it comes to the Cowboys.

Actually, it's an opinion of motivation and leadership in an NFL locker room and one other people with NFL experience have expressed. If you want to discredit it simply because you don't agree, that's fine, but as far as opinions go, which is all any of this is, his is educated and yours isnt.
You share that girl

Oh, yeah?

I am tired of ye snark and fahlderah!

From now on speak to my attorney or mum.
I can assure you they dont do indolence, midlands harvest lout!

Or ...

Take yer village grievances to @Redball Express.
He will lull you with one-line prophesies and sorcerer lingo and then ask fer yer EBT number!
Rough? I can play rough, you Chadwick St. tough! Rough like Tina Turner!

Do not reply to me. Reply to the above mentioned three masters of the universe (not you @LocimusPrime and definitely not Tina).

Be best!
Actually, it's an opinion of motivation and leadership in an NFL locker room and one other people with NFL experience have expressed. If you want to discredit it simply because you don't agree, that's fine, but as far as opinions go, which is all any of this is, his is educated and yours isnt.

How is his opinion educated when he's not a Cowboy or in their locker room? You're agreeing with him because his misinformed opinion shadows your misinformed opinion. Nothing more nothing less. Do a quick youtube search of some of the stupid stuff he says as well as Jason Whitlock, Skip Bayliss, Stephen A and the long list of "experts" who say moronic stuff.

And I don't even fault them much. They are labeled "experts" be people like you when in reality no one is a "expert" and find time to be on TV 40 hours a week. There's 16 games a week.....I'm suppose to believe those guys watch all 16 teams and keeps up to date with them. We have problems keeping up with just the Cowboys alone. Your best bet is to actually listen to someone who covers the Cowboys and not the NFL.
the qb isn't a leader, the star rb isn't a leader, lee is to often hurt to be a leader. maybe jaylon smith can become that leader.
#54 has the HEART, SPEED& definitely PACKS the indelible tattoo THUMP in his game,,,but,,, he's two years "out/away" from that kinda' team leadership (IMO)
This past weekend - to me - showed you need someone to fire up the team when it's lagging on the field.
You miss Dez sometimes.
I think a lot of commentators go easy on the cowboys b/c they don't want to deal with the hate mail and social media fallout. Its easy to pan the Bucs. But if you go after Dallas, you better get ready for the sh- storm.
any press is good press
If only there was a player who wasn't satisfied with "okay" and showed passion when things weren't good enough...
I'll do the job if they will pay me the kind of money needed to take care of all my medical bills and such cause when I am done with them, they are gonna kick my little fanny back to the locker room. :laugh:
Actually, in the past. It has come from WR's like Irvin and a little bit from Bryant. Course, Aikman did get in the faces of some. That was during a pre season game. So, shut up Shawn. You know squat about the Cowboys. Or their history. Romo wasn't a leader like that, neither was Aikman. It was others who did. The only thing I agree with is that Dak isn't playing well, at all. And, hasn't been.
True the Cowboys QBs haven’t really been leaders recently. I would say Witten and Dez were the leaders. If Zeke is really the best player on O, it would be nice for him to be the leader.
If you don't like Dak you agree with him, if you like Dak you don't. Same thread, same guys taking the same side as they do in the 40 other Dak threads in this forum.
If you don't like Dak you agree with him, if you like Dak you don't. Same thread, same guys taking the same side as they do in the 40 other Dak threads in this forum.
Well, I kinda push one toe over the line,one side or the other, myself, wholly dependent upon the aftermath of weekly game play,,,weak minded,indecisive,,, or perhaps even wishy- washy could easily be construed in one's out right opinion, yet, I personally couldn't care what my fellow forum members of fandom think of me concerning the opined opinions of the current Quarter back position,as it's certainly no bizness of mine,,,er,,,and,,, that glove for the other hand is as equally well fitting,as neither mine,yours nor theirs opinionated aspects, amount to beans in the grand scheme.o_O

Just saying,Bro:starspin:
Shawn’s an idiot. Grown men aren’t looking to qbs as leaders they really only care about their own personal game and monetary contracts.

If a frail guy like Jared Goff got in Aaron Donald’s face he would turn it into soup.

Dez was the last true leader of the cowboys team.

Oh here we go with the Dez Hero worship.

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