But, it doesn't have to do with his alleged 'woman beating' incident because he didn't beat her. There's a reason why that conviction was expunged from his record. Just like the DA stated...he wasn't comfortable with what his ex-gf, Holder, stated in her testimony versus what she told police and the evidence.
It has more to do with Hardy allegedly drinking too much and missing meetings. Although one has to wonder if the Cowboys are making some of that up to get rid of the PR nightmare and simply because the FO and Garrett cannot be trusted.
The FO and Garrett seemed to be okay with McClain getting suspended and showing up out of shape. Or the failed tests by Randy Gregory and Demarcus Lawrence. But, when Hardy says he plans on coming out guns ablazing, that's where they seemed to draw the line on what to be concerned with.
The facts are that Hardy likely didn't do anything to Nicole Holder. But, the facts are that the Cowboys as an organization cannot handle the bad PR that comes with that accusation just like they can't handle habitual pot users in order to get them to stop smoking weed.