Should Dak Reduce His Salary To Allow Team To Sign Free Agents


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All these stars making enough money for 7 generations, they cannot even spend in a normal life all the money they make each year. Why make so much that their team cannot afford great players at other positions?

Dak's salary is impeding the Boys' ability to bringing in free agent impact starters. The draft alone has not brought the Boys to the big game. They must supplement their draft picks, undrafted free agents with impact players who are free agents who fill an immediate need for the team, or trades that are steals.

Lots of you will say Dak will never do it, reduce his salary, but my suggestion is the only possible way to improve the team.

Jimmy Johnson knew he needed more talent. He brought in Plan B free agents Jay Novacek and James Washington. He traded for guard John Gesek, DE Charles Haley, safety Thomas Everritt and DT Tony Casillas. He received a treasure of draft picks for Herschel Walker who had led the NFC in rushing in 1988. He knew the team's weaknesses and always made moves to improve.

Our 2023 team did not have enough talent to make it to the top. Porous run defense, not enough run stuffing LB's, average run blocking OL. We need more than a draft to get this team over the malaise of the past 28 or so years.

Tom Brady

Why NE won so many super bowls. With his endorsements. He was crushing it. Dak is a greedy Slob


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Any of you who would not reduce a 40 mil/season salary a bit to win a super bowl are simply not very good people. That's an automatic for me. We're not talking about the difference between making 50 thous and 100 thous/year. That's a huge difference. The difference between making 40 mil/year and 45 mil/year is nothing. Why? There's just not anything w/i reason you can do for 45 mil that you can't do w/ 40 mil. Same amount.


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Any of you who would not reduce a 40 mil/season salary a bit to win a super bowl are simply not very good people. That's an automatic for me. We're not talking about the difference between making 50 thous and 100 thous/year. That's a huge difference. The difference between making 40 mil/year and 45 mil/year is nothing. Why? There's just not anything w/i reason you can do for 45 mil that you can't do w/ 40 mil. Same amount.
He can add 20 more LV purses to his collection. IT's a huge deal!


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Some like to pretend discounts are the norm, but outside of Brady late in his career, it isn't at all. But it's something for people to complain about, which seems to be the primary goal of some fans.
Yeah you’re right.
So called “team friendly deals” are mostly a fan’s fantasy. The thing about pro sports most of us fans don’t understand is most veteran professional athletes are paid according to “market value” for their position, not their actual accomplishments or perceptions of their value based on what fans think. It is nothing at all like the real world we live in.

NFL QBs are the highest paid football players. Period. And that is 100% based on how difficult it is just to find a decent starting QB. It’s Economics 101. The basic “supply and demand” part of economics. The demand for a decent QB is extremely high. The supply is also extremely low. So the market dictates that QBs are paid the most % of the cap.

Thinking a QB who despite his poor play at the worst moments has also been reliably good in the regular season is going to take less than market value is unrealistic.

Look I’m tired of watching Dak’s poor play in the biggest games too. But this organization put all their financial eggs in Dak’s basket a few years ago and frankly have not managed some other key parts of the roster wisely. The defense was atrocious in that playoff game last Sunday, and as bad as Dak was, even if he had played a perfect game, it would have taken at least 49 points to win that game.

This team has a lot of holes besides QB.


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All these stars making enough money for 7 generations, they cannot even spend in a normal life all the money they make each year. Why make so much that their team cannot afford great players at other positions?

Dak's salary is impeding the Boys' ability to bringing in free agent impact starters. The draft alone has not brought the Boys to the big game. They must supplement their draft picks, undrafted free agents with impact players who are free agents who fill an immediate need for the team, or trades that are steals.

Lots of you will say Dak will never do it, reduce his salary, but my suggestion is the only possible way to improve the team.

Jimmy Johnson knew he needed more talent. He brought in Plan B free agents Jay Novacek and James Washington. He traded for guard John Gesek, DE Charles Haley, safety Thomas Everritt and DT Tony Casillas. He received a treasure of draft picks for Herschel Walker who had led the NFC in rushing in 1988. He knew the team's weaknesses and always made moves to improve.

Our 2023 team did not have enough talent to make it to the top. Porous run defense, not enough run stuffing LB's, average run blocking OL. We need more than a draft to get this team over the malaise of the past 28 or so years.
what FAs and what impact players? who did we want that was an impact player and we couldn't sign. last year we had 20M on the cap and didn't choose to sign anyone. this year we had 25M on the cap before signing Diggs.

Jerry chose not to sign anyone. he went cheap. we could have signed anyone we wanted. we could have changed other contracts.

this salary cap stuff is so easily manipulated.

am I saying Dak should be highest paid or deserves to be paid? absolutely not. but the salary is not the reason behind cowboys failures. it wasn't when he was on his rookie contract. Jerry just can't build a winning team


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He’ll never do it. He’s all talk when he’s talking about the “team this and team that” , it’s just not air and BS . He’ll be an le to really enjoy his money when he’s finally out of the league and has the legacy of a loser .

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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All these stars making enough money for 7 generations, they cannot even spend in a normal life all the money they make each year. Why make so much that their team cannot afford great players at other positions?

Dak's salary is impeding the Boys' ability to bringing in free agent impact starters. The draft alone has not brought the Boys to the big game. They must supplement their draft picks, undrafted free agents with impact players who are free agents who fill an immediate need for the team, or trades that are steals.

Lots of you will say Dak will never do it, reduce his salary, but my suggestion is the only possible way to improve the team.

Jimmy Johnson knew he needed more talent. He brought in Plan B free agents Jay Novacek and James Washington. He traded for guard John Gesek, DE Charles Haley, safety Thomas Everritt and DT Tony Casillas. He received a treasure of draft picks for Herschel Walker who had led the NFC in rushing in 1988. He knew the team's weaknesses and always made moves to improve.

Our 2023 team did not have enough talent to make it to the top. Porous run defense, not enough run stuffing LB's, average run blocking OL. We need more than a draft to get this team over the malaise of the past 28 or so years.
Dak played for peanuts on a 4th round rookie contract for 4 years.
He is looking to make up for it.
It's amazing that with the money they had to build the rest of the team we never did squat.
That's on Jerry, Stephen and Garrett.


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Ask yourself, if you were Dak would you? The owner of this team could not give a rats behind about anything but $$$$$, so if I am Dak I am fleecing him for what I can. Now, would it be nice if Dak would forego the stupid contract he will eventually sign for the benefit of the fans and team? Sure, but this will never happen with a professional athlete about due for the biggest contract they have a chance to grab in the prime of their career