Video: Shout out to Erik Williams


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He was the most dominant lineman In the league pre-accident. He’s the only man I ever saw that could handle Reggie White.

“I remember White on the sideline talking about how Williams on the opening play hit him in his throat with his fist, or take his thumb and poke White in the eye blurring his vision. I had never seen a player leg whip Reggie or dive in the back of his legs like Williams did. Williams was able to reduce one of the greatest rushers of all time into a non-factor in the game.” —from article

Can we please have another bully that just doesn’t give a ****?
Every lineman on our offensive line could handle Reggie after Larry Allen got up to speed.
Tuneup Nate. Donaldson Allen Williams.
Reggie couldn't beat any of those. Remember watching him walk up and down the line trying to find a weakness , he got frustrated and started pitching a fit and yelling at out offense. Our offensive line showed the world that Reggie wasn't all pro against real men. :). That line above was the best ol ever in the history of football.