Show me, don’t tell me


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If you love the Dallas Cowboys then it's about the Dallas Cowboys. We all want them to win a Super Bowl. That's the goal. But whether they win it or not, we'll still be fans, we'll still love the team - it's more than the team we like, it's part of who we are as fans.

I enjoy the hype. Sell me on the team, Jerry. I want to be excited. And if we don't make it to the pinnacle this year, I'll be right back on the bandwagon yelling Super Bowl next year.
That’s fine if that gets you going. If you like the carnival barker approach, I understand. And yes, we all want them to win. All I’m saying is, show us you can do it, then talk. But that’s just me.


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This franchise has been all hat and no cattle for 20 years. P.T. Barnum and his circus tent full of clowns.

Jerry watches his Cowboys and Razorbacks replicate each other season after season.



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These same posters who cry show me dont tell me would complain like crazy if there was no news coming out of camp and if nobody talked to the media.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Agreed... Show me don't tell me.

I am tired of the bi polar nature of the team (from FO down) and the fans that come with it.

Tired of hearing how bad this player sucks, a specific group sucks or the team sucks as a whole so we might as well not even bother watching because of the boo birds wishig for the worst so they can crow the loudest later if the team fails.

I am also tired of people doing their darndest (is that a word) how good a player is going to be in multiple threads when said player or players have yet to play/start a NFL game yet, has been in the NFL for a few years but has been suspended more time than has played, has yet to show any major flash and saying how good said players will be good and anyone who suggests otherwise is be in silly.

Don't tell me how good a player or group will be, or how bad they will be.

I want to see it.

I want to see these young guys. Which show some flashes, which don't. Which play all out, which make business decisions. Which players will stay healthy and out of trouble. Which ones will get injured or suspended

I want to see it... Tired of people telling me how it will be.

Don't tell me... Show me.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Agreed... Show me don't tell me.

I am tired of the bi polar nature of the team (from FO down) and the fans that come with it.

Tired of hearing how bad this player sucks, a specific group sucks or the team sucks as a whole so we might as well not even bother watching because of the boo birds wishig for the worst so they can crow the loudest later if the team fails.

I am also tired of people doing their darndest (is that a word) how good a player is going to be in multiple threads when said player or players have yet to play/start a NFL game yet, has been in the NFL for a few years but has been suspended more time than has played, has yet to show any major flash and saying how good said players will be good and anyone who suggests otherwise is be in silly.

Don't tell me how good a player or group will be, or how bad they will be.

I want to see it.

I want to see these young guys. Which show some flashes, which don't. Which play all out, which make business decisions. Which players will stay healthy and out of trouble. Which ones will get injured or suspended

I want to see it... Tired of people telling me how it will be.

Don't tell me... Show me.
This is a very good post, BP.

But you have to understand how this fan base has been conditioned.

The front office is bi-polar and they sell that message.

Success is so long ago, there is a whole generation that has no earthly clue what excellence really means.

They just get what they are told. Either from other fans or especially the organization that sells the product in its current state.

The Fonz

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I love Jerry and I think he wants to win but I start to believe that we will not win a Superbowl anytime soon.I keep hoping but every year we face an obstacle.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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These same posters who cry show me dont tell me would complain like crazy if there was no news coming out of camp and if nobody talked to the media.
This has been a relatively quiet offseason so far.

And let's be completely honest, the organization and the media go hand in hand.

Risen Star

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The dumbest sports fan on the planet?

A Cowboys fan who doesn't loathe Jerry Jones.

The Fonz

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And sadly, you can see the obstacles in advance. We seem to do better when nobody cares.
We did change players and coaches still same result
The only thing i can think of has not been changed is the management and that could be the missing link.

Risen Star

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We did change players and coaches still same result
The only thing i can think of has not been changed is the management and that could be the missing link.

You should consider a career in the FBI.


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... Show us that the “investment” in Jason Garrett’s growth as an NFL head coach was worth it by winning something beyond a division. If he can’t cook now, after “buying all the groceries”, it’s time to find someone else who will.

But has Garrett really been "buying all the groceries"? I don't think he has the final say on draft picks, and I'm sure he doesn't have the final say on contracts, etc... Personnel decisions have killed the Cowboys in recent history. I do believe they are improving in this regard though, and showing more discipline. Still.... lots of dead money that could have been used to add some talent.


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If you’re going to take the stance of “show me, don’t tell me”, then why in the world would you even visit a message board in the off-season? LOL

Just wait for the games to start, and save everyone the trouble.
I think it’s fine for fans to talk. That’s what we do! Got no problem with that, I’m talking about this team’s PT Barnum owner/GM and front office. Let the players do the talking on the field with results.


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All or Nothing was fantastically well done, but it didn't serve the Joneses well.

Ellie Mae, Jed, and Jethro right there at the table.

One day Jed was out shootin' at some food, and up from the ground came a bubblin' crude.

And they've parked that jalopy out front and have been living in our neighborhood ever since.

With your Clampetts analogy you forgot that Jones bought the team and Texas Stadium for 300 million and today the Cowboys are worth more than ANY sports franchise IN THE WORLD at 4.8 billion dollars. That's SIXTEEN TIMES what he bought them for. Actually you sound just like Margaret Drysdale.