“And this guy Wade Manning (rookie cornerback) came to me and says, ‘Harvey, Harvey, what are you going to do with the wreath?’ I just snapped. I grabbed the wreath, walked out the door, and asked directions to the visiting team’s locker room. I had never been there. I walked up, opened the door, threw the wreath into the middle of their prayer, and told them ‘Take this da&# thing back to Washington with you.’”
A photographer from the Associated Press snapped a photo of Harvey carrying the wreath down the hallway. Coach Landry was not happy with Harvey the next day when the photo appeared on the front page of the papers. Harvey sent telegrams to the Commanders and the Washington D.C. newspapers apologizing for his action.
But here’s the really funny and ironic part of the whole thing. A reporter for the newspaper Washington Star, Betty Cuniberti, reported that the person who sent the wreath from the florist in Maryland was actually a Cowboys fan who was just trying to fire-up the Cowboys.
Harvey never believed that version of the story.
“Yeah, I still believe (the Commanders) sent it to me,” Harvey told Spagnola. “A Cowboys fan? No sir, I don’t believe that. Hey, they didn’t’ like me, I didn’t like them.”