Simone Biles: Quitter or champion of mental health?

Funny how it takes negativity to get people interested. Did I say funny, try sad,

She takes meds they are not allowed in Japan, we can start there. Something obviously is broke and needs fixing, not the big deal some try to make it out to be.

Well, anytime the "all time greatest" in anything abruptly quits in the middle of the biggest event , its going to draw negative attention. Go figure.
Not trying to be cute or funny, I don;t play that. I heard this on the radio today...

Was she on her period?

That never crossed my mind, why couldn't that be a very real possibility? As my three older sisters taught me, not a good time of the month for little brother.
In this case, I don't even think you have to know her to process what happened. She won the olympic trials last month. She was at peak performance level headed to Tokyo. She is physically healthy by her own admission. Even if she had been abused when she was younger, she was still able to win Olympic gold 4 years ago as well as numerous World Champion titles. Whatever abuse she suffered has never held her back or impeded her....... until this week. It makes no sense. I think she simply isn't accustomed to failing and is so psychologically fragile that she couldn't bounce back from a bad vault. So she's now playing the mental health card. Didn't Kerry Strug or someone do a vault on a broken ankle a few Olympics ago and help her team claim gold? A broken ankle is adversity.

Is she still “psychologically fragile”?
Is Simone still a “selfish quitter”?
not at all... not when all is going well and she is living up to those high expectations..... but as soon as she made a mistake, she bailed. Could you imagine Brady bailing after a horrendous playoff game saying he needed a break to work on his mental health? Why is it that society is all supportive of her, but had that been a man hed been CRUCIFIED!
not at all... not when all is going well and she is living up to those high expectations..... but as soon as she made a mistake, she bailed. Could you imagine Brady bailing after a horrendous playoff game saying he needed a break to work on his mental health? Why is it that society is all supportive of her, but had that been a man hed been CRUCIFIED!


Simone did not “bail as soon as she made a mistake.”

She temporarily could not compete due to the issues she was having at the time. She literally couldn’t land her routines, and was struggling with the basics.

That is not “bailing”. It was actually DANGEROUS for her to continue, because she couldn’t land correctly.

This isn’t like Brady quitting because he had a bad game. It would be like Brady missing a few games because he literally forgot how to throw a football.

Have you seen the videos of her during practice at the time struggling to land, and failing basic routines?

Simone did not “bail as soon as she made a mistake.”

She temporarily could not compete due to the issues she was having at the time. She literally couldn’t land her routines, and was struggling with the basics.

That is not “bailing”. It was actually DANGEROUS for her to continue, because she couldn’t land correctly.

This isn’t like Brady quitting because he had a bad game. It would be like Brady missing a few games because he literally forgot how to throw a football.

Have you seen the videos of her during practice at the time struggling to land, and failing basic routines?
which bluntly spoken should have had the coach considering substituting someone else in
I am always leery of deifying sports figures. Or pretty much anyone for that matter.
you seem to want to do that

Simone did not “bail as soon as she made a mistake.”

She temporarily could not compete due to the issues she was having at the time. She literally couldn’t land her routines, and was struggling with the basics.

That is not “bailing”. It was actually DANGEROUS for her to continue, because she couldn’t land correctly.

This isn’t like Brady quitting because he had a bad game. It would be like Brady missing a few games because he literally forgot how to throw a football.

Have you seen the videos of her during practice at the time struggling to land, and failing basic routines?
Correct me if I am wrong... wasnt this right after she had a bad routine that took her out of Gold medal contention? Was there anything PHYSICALLY wrong with her?
which bluntly spoken should have had the coach considering substituting someone else in
I am always leery of deifying sports figures. Or pretty much anyone for that matter.
you seem to want to do that
Not me.... Mahomes is like a
"After further medical evaluation, Simone Biles was withdrawn from the final individual all-around competition........."

Notice how they are wording this to try and salvage her reputation. She didn't withdraw...... rather she "was withdrawn" implying a team of medical experts deemed her unfit to compete. The whole thing is just ridiculous. She is perfectly healthy. It is clear she doesn't want to be there. She had a bad vault and simply doesn't have the mental toughness to pull herself together.
You banging sectionals too aren’t ya?
She is literally the platoon leader who abandoned the troops when the fighting started. Never seen anything like this in 40 years of watching the Olympics.
We should all look to you for leadership and bravery. The way you stepped up at the Piggly Wiggly and took that extra shift when you were tired and sore is the stuff of legends.
We should all look to you for leadership and bravery. The way you stepped up at the Piggly Wiggly and took that extra shift when you were tired and sore is the stuff of legends.
She is a world class athlete at a level I will never compete at. But when bombs started landing near my area I didnt have the luxury to walk away. I was just a normal guy that did a job. So it is laughable to me that she just quite as soon as she faces any adversity. As long as she is atop the leader board, shes all good. As soon as she isnt... I have issues that wont allow me to compete. WEAK IMO.
She is a world class athlete at a level I will never compete at. But when bombs started landing near my area I didnt have the luxury to walk away. I was just a normal guy that did a job. So it is laughable to me that she just quite as soon as she faces any adversity. As long as she is atop the leader board, shes all good. As soon as she isnt... I have issues that wont allow me to compete. WEAK IMO.
Right on bro. I guess I never thought of the clear and uncanny parallel between women’s gymnastics and war.

Biles put peoples’ lives at risk.

There was no use for her to continue back then if she put her self at risk and would have hurt her team by not being able to do the events without screwing the up.

Heck, if she knew she was having problems doing the routines but stayed in there for selfish reasons and brought down the score of the team people would been mad at her and rightfully so.

Frankly it was disgusting how people talked about her and treated her when going through some mental issues.

The fact that she came back this time around and nailed it is enough to tell those complaining before that if she could have did she would have did it.

So many people to easy to condemn and judge some people without being in their shoes or understanding some of the issues they might go through when your mind is not right. Most of the people that dogpiled on her and said most of the disgusting things would not ever be able to do the things she has done in life and never have that kind of pressure on them.

And as gump said in the movie....That's all I have to say about that.
There was no use for her to continue back then if she put her self at risk and would have hurt her team by not being able to do the events without screwing the up.

Heck, if she knew she was having problems doing the routines but stayed in there for selfish reasons and brought down the score of the team people would been mad at her and rightfully so.

Frankly it was disgusting how people talked about her and treated her when going through some mental issues.

The fact that she came back this time around and nailed it is enough to tell those complaining before that if she could have did she would have did it.

So many people to easy to condemn and judge some people without being in their shoes or understanding some of the issues they might go through when your mind is not right. Most of the people that dogpiled on her and said most of the disgusting things would not ever be able to do the things she has done in life and never have that kind of pressure on them.

And as gump said in the movie....That's all I have to say about that.


And all this thread is a moot point since she came out on top in the end.

And as far as people trying to relate this to military experience or everyday jobs ......... grow up ........ this young lady worked all her life for this and her experience and Military experiences are nothing alike and have no relation at all.
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