Simple question: Do you believe Michael Irvin's story?

zrinkill said:
WOW someone found out about the board that half the people here know about????? Man you are a real detective. If you will look at my history here mr. detective you will see that I post in the Cowboys section all the time. I was invited to this site when it was created a few years ago and I come here on game day quite a bit. On the other site we talk to each other like friends and dont need babysitters to protect people. We are very upset about one of our own being called a liar and a coward ........ and I have been very respectful here. If you dont like that ...... I really dont care.

Did I say I was a detective? No iasked for the link what does this have to do with my post. By reading your posts over there its obvious you do not like this board so why are you here?

As for being respectful you are acting like a kid following someone from thread to thread to go after them for something that DID NOT HAPPEN TO YOU. Draeg seems like a good guy and I am sure he is man enough to handle his buisness without you making HIM look bad
Draegerman said:
There were two officers involved in the arrest. My brother was the first one on the scene and issued him the three citations:

Officer Whitley was the other officer involved and was the one who was responsible for transporting Irvin to the Plano city jail. Maybe he's the one that doesn't have a brother that BHendri5 was talking about.

FWIW, I believe Irvin is innocent when he said that the paraphernalia belonged to his brother and I'll continue to believe it until proven otherwise. He did lie about the contents in the vehicle but I can understand why based on the laws in Texas in how they deal with possession.

Already, his chances of making the HoF are in jeopardy, I just hope that the voters are capable of setting aside Irvin's personal life from his on-field performance (as they should).


You guys may have already covered this, I'm sure you have this has been going on for a few days now, but there's too much ground for me to cover and I'm curious, in your first post didn't you originally say Mike had 2-3 OUNCES of pot on him when your brother busted him? Then you came back and said less than 4 ounces is considered paraphernalia. Where is the 2-3 grams coming from?

That is where this whole thing went awry IMO, because 2-3 ounces is a lot of pot while 2-3 grams may or may not be, depending on your body weight. :)
zrinkill said:
I really hope Mike is telling the truth ........ but my question is, why would a guy with all his money not pay his dang speeding tickets ?????

Probably because you actually have to make time to go in and personally pay the ticket.

I have known quite a few folks who have been delinquent on paying speeding fines.

In those cases, it had nothing to do with the money. They just kept putting it off because the had to make time to go to the courthouse and pay the fine.
zrinkill said:
Yea you really seem to be holding your emotions :lmao2:

Is me calling it how I see it emotional? You are acting childish I am letting you know how you are being percieved no emotion involved. Now being upset over what someone you don;t know and will never meet said about you is emotional
BigDFan5 said:
Did I say I was a detective? No iasked for the link what does this have to do with my post. By reading your posts over there its obvious you do not like this board so why are you here?

As for being respectful you are acting like a kid following someone from thread to thread to go after them for something that DID NOT HAPPEN TO YOU. Draeg seems like a good guy and I am sure he is man enough to handle his buisness without you making HIM look bad

As a good friend BZ tells me often, actually to often. :D Dont let facts get in your way. Or is that your'e? I dunno.
BigDFan5 said:
Ice read the thread on your forum this is nothing but a personal vendetta who cares what was said let it go. Going to your forum and talking trash about this forum and its mods / members is lame IMO. If you guys hate it here, bail. Otherwise let us go back to our normal everyday cheering of our team without having to read these childish attacks on each other

and why did it get personal? cause latuna called draeg a liar then compounded it with coward and "not a real man" and no one asked her to stop breaking rule 4. hell, she comes back and flaunts her "power" and again, what do you expect people to do?

the whole situation is sad and lame, IMO. just because someone had to treat someone the way she did and look what happened. i'll take my responsibility for my own actions - *I* have no problem doing that.

and like zrin has said, that is a much smaller forum and we do talk in that regard - much like in this one you must talk in a different fashion. that's not "wrong" it's just life.
BigDFan5 said:
I can tell you one thing I would not be on another site getting help to bash someone. I would not be on a site I say I hate.

We were ALL already members of this site ...... I have been since it started (ask the mods)

And I never said I hated this site ...... this place is second in my Cowboys Favorites section ........... but it is plain to see that some people on this board can attack others without being called on it ..... Thats what made us so mad.

Big D we defended somone who was unfairly and without provocation attacked ...... alot of the people who have defended him on this site dont go to the other site. Draeg didnt say a bad thing to tuna till she bashed him an entire night. Now she refuses to admit she was wrong. Sorry if we are bothering you so much.
Kilyin said:
What is the "other" forum people keep alluding to?

my forum. feel free to see what jackwipes we are over there because since it is small, i don't ask people to hold back. since this got so emotional, it's only natural the posts have gotten wild.

draeg was wronged, that got "us" going. i'm sorry if people are going to see that as a "childish" route, but it is what it is - a small group of friends that tends to look out for each other and when we can't vent where we'd like, they vent there.

that's all.
Out of curosi....coururo.....just because I'd like to know, is LaTuna French for something?
BigDFan5 said:
Is me calling it how I see it emotional? You are acting childish I am letting you know how you are being percieved no emotion involved. Now being upset over what someone you don;t know and will never meet said about you is emotional

Thats the exact same thing I did about what she continued to say. look at how long it went on till I responded ...... so we are doing the exact same thing
BigDFan5 said:
I wouldn't care the keystrokes of someones keyboard has no affect on me. I can tell you one thing I would not be on another site getting help to bash someone. I would not be on a site I say I hate.

Ice, after Big D sent me an e-mail apologizing, he/she then asked for a link to your website (I thought that it was to confirm the smoking gun stuff). So blame me for how Big D got there.

FWIW Big D, I never asked for anybody's help from Iceberg's website. I just expressed how angry I was for the stuff LTN was saying about me. These guys are my friends and came here on their own accord to defend my character (something that I would gladly reciprocate as well).
Zman5 said:
I don't want to judge until I know the answer to this question.

Was Ricky Williams in town for any reason recently?
But you judge Ricky even though we all no without a shadow of a doubt Ricky doesn't smoke anymore. :rolleyes:
BigDFan5 said:
Ice read the thread on your forum this is nothing but a personal vendetta who cares what was said let it go. Going to your forum and talking trash about this forum and its mods / members is lame IMO. If you guys hate it here, bail. Otherwise let us go back to our normal everyday cheering of our team without having to read these childish attacks on each other

BigD, most of us actually do enjoy reading the sometimes excellent posts here at CBZ; we'd like nothing better than to go back to talking about the Boys. Those of us who do frequent this site are doing nothing more than disapproving of the way Draegerman was treated. We owe him that much as our friend.
Some of you guys act like it's so easy to be a mod. Do you think it's realistic for mods on this forum to enforce every rule every single time? Please! I have also been to forums that have no moderation like the old DMN and it was pure chaos. It got so bad that even the regulars of that forum that didn't want to settle here had to leave and create their own versions.

I admire the job the mods do. They let some fights slip because they know certain issues need to be settled among members. But they don't allow this place to turn into a war zone either like the unmoderated or loosely moderated forums are like.

The fact that they are allowing you guys to have your drama on this thread just reinforced the idea the moderators are more than fair here.
and why did it get personal? cause latuna called draeg a liar then compounded it with coward and "not a real man" and no one asked her to stop breaking rule 4.

Warnings are done by PM I have had a couple nobody ever knows who was warned

hell, she comes back and flaunts her "power" and again, what do you expect people to do?

What are you refering to?

the whole situation is sad and lame, IMO. just because someone had to treat someone the way she did and look what happened. i'll take my responsibility for my own actions - *I* have no problem doing that.

Thats all I am getting at Draeg is a big man he can handle his buisness

and like zrin has said, that is a much smaller forum and we do talk in that regard - much like in this one you must talk in a different fashion. that's not "wrong" it's just life.

Talking smack about this forum its mods and its members is wrong IMO. If you don;t like the people here or how the forum is run why stay?
zrinkill said:
We were ALL already members of this site ...... I have been since it started (ask the mods)

And I never said I hated this site ...... this place is second in my Cowboys Favorites section ........... but it is plain to see that some people on this board can attack others without being called on it ..... Thats what made us so mad.

Big D we defended somone who was unfairly and without provocation attacked ...... alot of the people who have defended him on this site dont go to the other site. Draeg didnt say a bad thing to tuna till she bashed him an entire night. Now she refuses to admit she was wrong. Sorry if we are bothering you so much.

Noit all of you were members I believe one of the people from your site in this thread has like 12 posts. This is your second favorite Cowboys section then lets talk about the Cowboys and get over this childish "she was mean to me and wont say sorry act" Draeg did not ask you guys to defend him, and yet here you are following people around. All you are doing is making Draeg look like he can;t handle what someone says about him and needs his buddies to back him up.
Taking my mod cap off...Well I happen to know people on both sides of this issue, posters I respect alot, and have respected for a long time.........

As a member on this board I am about fed up with the never ending baggering taking place......again on both sides. I like a good debate as well as the next person but this is way past the debate stage. It's now regressed to who can get in the last word.

Putting mod cap back on: When this Old man gets fed up...I get to the point where I could care less who is right..... who is wrong.....who started what.....who said this who said that... he called me this and she called me that.......Now end it.

And if anyone has anything to say to me it had better be by PM.
mr.jameswoods said:
Some of you guys act like it's so easy to be a mod. Do you think it's realistic for mods on this forum to enforce every rule every single time? Please! I have also been to forums that have no moderation like the old DMN and it was pure chaos. It got so bad that even the regulars of that forum that didn't want to settle here had to leave and create their own versions.

I admire the job the mods do. They let some fights slip because they know certain issues need to be settled among members. But they don't allow this place to turn into a war zone either like the unmoderated or loosely moderated forums are like.

The fact that they are allowing you guys to have your drama on this thread just reinforced the idea the moderators are more than fair here.

True, but wouldnt it have been a tad different if it was a newbie who said some of the things Tuna said? I know people banned from this site for a lot less, yet she says she wasn't even warned. Hmmmmmm

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