Simple question: Do you believe Michael Irvin's story?

Draegerman said:
Hell, I'd settle just for her admitting that he's my brother. ;)

i'm sure she'll want a blood test now to have something to refute to mask the original issue some more.
iceberg said:
i'm sure she'll want a blood test now to have something to refute to mask the original issue some more.

That's why I removed my picture because when she looks at him, it will be noted that we don't look anything alike.

I'm actually better looking! ;)
Not to be disrespectful but the constant backhanded slaps at each other by all 3 of you are bordering on childish
BigDFan5 said:
Not to be disrespectful but the constant backhanded slaps at each other by all 3 of you are bordering on childish

that wasn't my backhand. : )

someone was wrong and just won't admit it. my bulldog ways have a hard time with that when it went to the personal level it went to. i am getting better though and hopefully this will be over soon - admitting it or not.
iceberg said:
look, your original stance was HE (draeg) LIED. it's now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt HE DID NOT LIE. why can you not simply realize that and drop it? you now have to find some technicality-rock to hide behind because you for some reason unknown to anyone in mankind can admit you were wrong and he was telling the truth.

you can break it down all you want after that but you know, i know, draeg knows, irvin, hos, brainpaint, trickblue, jterrell, draegs brother, and about 2000 other people know HE DID NOT LIE.

and they know you won't admit that, only run away to a bad excuse and try to cloud up the issue just so you won't have to admit you were wrong and apologize.

I'm not one of the ones who got 'warned' today..and I don't intend to be one who gets warned tonite.

I read Brainpaints sticky, and am going to abide by it.

I said I would apologize if and when a report was published by a credible saying Mike had 'drugs' on him when arrested. That was the source of my initial complaint...that as much or more than two grams of pot were in his possession. Mike did not, according to the citation, have drugs on him. There was 'residue' on the pipe, and had your friend originally said that, I would not have challenged him.

The citation says residue. Not two grams of drugs.

Only a fat one in difference, but a critical diff in terms of MI's reputation and
the charge against him, perhaps even his tenure at ESPN.

What I hope is that Michael Irvin doesn't have to suffer rumours that he was arrested with 'drugs'. He was not.
I Loved Irvin then and still do!

He was the Heart and soul of the Cowboys and If we had 53 Irvin's we would win many Super Bowls!

I really don't care what he does off the field.....Between the lines is all I care about!

That being said...I don't believe him...Especially after reading about the baggies with Pot residue.

And I believe Pot should be legalized!....Because I like It! :shades:
LaTunaNostra said:
I'm not one of the ones who got 'warned' today..and I don't intend to be one who gets warned tonite.

I read Brainpaints sticky, and am going to abide by it.

I said I would apologize if and when a report was published by a credible saying Mike had 'drugs' on him when arrested. That was the source of my initial complaint...that as much or more than two grams of pot were in his possession. Mike did not, according to the citation, have drugs on him. There was 'residue' on the pipe, and had your friend originally said that, I would not have challenged him.

The citation says residue. Not two grams of drugs.

Only a fat one in difference, but a critical diff in terms of MI's reputation and
the charge against him, perhaps even his tenure at ESPN.

What I hope is that Michael Irvin doesn't have to suffer rumours that he was arrested with 'drugs'. He was not.

ok, LT. i'm sure you were not warned and we all know why.

you called draeg a liar and his entire story was made up. we all know better, even you. admit it or not, WE know you know and are just ducking behind any cover you can.

have fun.
I'm not one of the ones who got 'warned' today..

Amazing! second thought no.... it isnt.
BigDFan5 said:
and following someone from thread to thread berating them isn't?
I can take the stalking and harrassment, BigD. I've got VERY thick skin, and rarely do I sit here posting without laughing.

I cut my teeth on the old TSN boards, where one of my favorite pasttimes was defending Mike Irvin in the old days from Skins, Iggles, and Jints clowns.

This is like old times for me. :lmao:

Gotta go to work, darn!
BigDFan5 said:
Not to be disrespectful but the constant backhanded slaps at each other by all 3 of you are bordering on childish

I was'nt backhanding anyone. She asked me a question and I gave her an honest answer (respectful too). The part about believing it's my brother and the removing of my picture because we don't look anything alike were just jokes.

That's all

* Sorry had to edit "was to "wasn't"
iceberg said:
ok, LT. i'm sure you were not warned and we all know why.

you called draeg a liar and his entire story was made up. we all know better, even you. admit it or not, WE know you know and are just ducking behind any cover you can.

have fun.

What are you saying Jerry? Are you saying that people here on this board are treated differently based on personal relationships? :eek:
BigDFan5 said:
Not to be disrespectful but the constant backhanded slaps at each other by all 3 of you are bordering on childish

BigDFan5 said:
and following someone from thread to thread berating them isn't?
The people who have been attacking Draeg brought it back up in this thread .... not us .... But if I see a friend of mine getting attacked for no reason over and over again, I will say how classless I think that is. That is not a personal attack like calling someone a coward, I have not made an attack on anyone.

Yet the person in question is now bragging how she didn't get warned ..... like she has a secret pull with the mods ..... I find that disgusting also.
Sarge said:

i really wish you'd chatize those who are actually putting "venom" in their posts, sarge. it would make you look a lot less biased.
I've been warned several times and I did nuzzing. I guess I'm not in the moderator clique.
I'd also love to see an explanation of the lie she told that "hundreds of thousands" of people were reading what Draegerman wrote. Still waiting to see that from her...

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