burmafrd said:
Most annoying poster has to be a judgement call- what annoys some a lot does not annoy others as much. Homer- really we only have a few extreme ones and they do not post much. FRANKLY, our pessimistic ones post a whole lot more.
it's quite possible it's done out of "passion" for the team itself and that's easy to overlook cause it's a negative message.
i love this franchise. notice i say franchise and not team cause this current rendition of a "team" to me is nothing more than hired hands (to a point, coach included) and not a "team" in the sense i've come to know and love our cowboys to be.
i don't like the approach we're on, never have, and it makes no "logical" sense to me. it makes even less sense that people can so easily say "in bill i trust" (or ireland now) and that alone should relegate our own opinions worthless. why? cause we're not the coach? talent evaluator? those come and go EVERY FREAKING YEAR in this business and there's so much more to all of this than 1 man "calling the shots"
so i get negative because what i love so much and have put so much of my time, effort and pride into is now a royal mess (to me) and i can't simply yell "Go Cowboys!" and look away. i can't "cheer on TO" and forget all the hate simply because he's now a cowboy.
sometimes you let yourself get so wrapped up in a team and your facination for it you forget it *is* a game. it *is* entertainment. nothing more nothing less. business? sure. but it's an entertainment business.
we wear our team colors cause we *want* to be affiliated with a winner. but when that team isn't winning and makes some very strange moves - what do you do? cheer 'em on anyway or voice your opinions?
the negative ones are probably more vocal, that's pretty normal. look at politics as an example (moving along now woodysgirl!) and many other ares. negativity gets attention, right or wrong.
but in this case i know my own negativity is simply because my mind can't put the pieces together to formulate a "long term" plan (i miss those) and what i see short term i don't feel will add up to winning (so far not even the playoffs have been sniffed since bill started building bills team) so it hurts to see this as "wasted time" cause to me, it is.
we won't win, we'll have to "start over" with a long term plan sooner or later and i'd rather do it now than try this shotgun approach.
so its hard to see the positives when the negatives are so in the spotlight to me.
i'd have to think many of us negative fans are negative for the very same reasons, not that we wanna go piss someone off.