Site Layout Change in Honor of Sean Taylor **** PLEASE READ ****

I've also done more lurking than posting, but I must say that this is a wonderful gesture on behalf of the mods/admins here on CZ.

My husband and I awoke yesterday to a phone call informing us that Sean Taylor didn't make it. I'm heartbroken as is my husband who is a HUGE Skins fan and Taylor fan. My heart goes out to him and the rest of Commander nation, and Sean Taylor's family.

I tried not to cry, but when my husband went to bed last night with his Taylor jersey on, I could no longer keep it together.

Taylor's death and knowing his precious little girl will grow up without him just breaks my heart. :(

R.I.P Sean Taylor
Wow! I've witnessed something I never thought I'd see. The coming together of Commanders and Cowboys fans in mutual grief. I never thought something like this would happen to someone so vibrant and full of life and love for the game. I think Sean said it best when he said he didn't fear death because God had been good to him. Sean was human and had his moments, but the love for his little girl made him a man. It saddens my heart that his little girl will have to grow up without him. He was a worthy opponent that made us pause. Such a tragedy. My condolences to his family and to his extended family.... his fans. May Gods grace be upon them all.

R.I.P Sean Taylor

Great job Reality.... proud to know you and to be a member of this awesome site.

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