Skins Fans Crying


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It would be very interesting to see what the media would be saying if we signed TO and Dallas signed Lloyd and Randle El.

I think Dallas would still be ahead of us in the rankings. In fact, I think we would be even farther down because TO is a cancer and we are overpaying for the aging big name superstar. Whereas, Dallas would have added the final 2 pieces to their Super Bowl puzzle, and their offense would be unstoppable.


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gotta love it.

The funny thing is that they have serious p evny for Dallas...while Cowboys fans don't even think of them unless Taylor waves a gun around or it is game week.


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O brother never mind the obvious talent difference in the players mentioned. Nevermind Snyder's history of overpaying veterans...Nah, let's not tell it like it is.


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if the fans mind set is that defeatist, wonder how the teams attitude is facing him and the rest of the team on the field, could be we win before we ever get on the field, got to love it when they fear us again............


The Duke
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Calicowboy said:
O brother never mind the obvious talent difference in the players mentioned. Nevermind Snyder's history of overpaying veterans...Nah, let's not tell it like it is.
Exactly. I don't like TO, but I'd take him over Lloyd and Randle El put together. Especially for what they cost.


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Hostile said:
Exactly. I don't like TO, but I'd take him over Lloyd and Randle El put together. Especially for what they cost.

My sentiments exactly Hos. Neither Lloyd nor Randle El has ever impressed me much, not that they aren't good players but they aren't THAT good. As much as I dislike Owens I would still put him as one of the best WRs in the game today (top-7 in my rankings but most put him in the top-3).

The Commanders... :lmao2:


What's it going to be then, eh?
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calico said:
gotta love it.

The funny thing is that they have serious p evny for Dallas...while Cowboys fans don't even think of them unless Taylor waves a gun around or it is game week.

That's basically it all in one post. Bravo. Well done.


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Hostile said:
Exactly. I don't like TO, but I'd take him over Lloyd and Randle El put together. Especially for what they cost.

You are by far one of the most intelligent posters on this board. I know that you know the 'backloaded' nature of the Skins' FAs' deals. Those players will never see the $30M value of their contracts. They are 25-26 year old guys thrilled to get 7-10M as a signing bonus with a 1-3M base salary for 3-5 years. Then, they will renegotiate or be gone.

All of the Skins' FAs essentially signed 5 year 16M deals, which is a bargain for the team and functionally serves as a test run during the prime of proven veterans.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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MossBurner said:

You are by far one of the most intelligent posters on this board. I know that you know the 'backloaded' nature of the Skins' FAs' deals. Those players will never see the $30M value of their contracts. They are 25-26 year old guys thrilled to get 7-10M as a signing bonus with a 1-3M base salary for 3-5 years. Then, they will renegotiate or be gone.

All of the Skins' FAs essentially signed 5 year 16M deals, which is a bargain for the team and functionally serves as a test run during the prime of proven veterans.

Sadly, we basically signed Owens (a better talent) to a series of one year deals.

We trumped you.



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Alexander said:
Sadly, we basically signed Owens (a better talent) to a series of one year deals.

We trumped you.

Yeah, the Boys drew the Queen of Spades. The Skins drew Four Jacks.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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MossBurner said:
Yeah, the Boys drew the Queen of Spades. The Skins drew Four Jacks.

Four jacks?

A punt returner who was never a starter? A chronic underachiever with an attitude problem? A beat up safety who cannot cover? A supposed pass rusher who couldn't get it done in defense that was tailor-made for his skills?

Sounds like two threes and a couple of face cards.

I'll take the Queen of Spades which gives me four pair.

What you and many forget is that our offseason wasn't just about Owens. Our other acquisitions are just as important. Owens was the icing on the cake.


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You don't understand the Commanders mindset. Having a brother who is sadly a Skins fan and becoming very much a homer, he and most of them feel every one they sign is better then the Cowboys. I once said to my brother that we now had probably the best 2-some WR in NFL. He immediately countered that no the Skins have that with the signing of Randal El, Lloyd & Moss. What I pointed out he was discussing 3-some, not the 2-some I stated, he simply said Skins had always been able handle Owens w/o any problem and that Lloyd's potential trumped our TO signing. I countered I was discussing potential with TO & Glenn but proven recent stats; but again all he talked about was El & Lloyde's potential in the Saunders offense & that Williams counter easily counter any offense we could throw at them.

I even mentioned we were going to primarily use 2 TE offense, pointing out versatility he would give us by putting TO & Witten? on one side & Glenn & Fasano? (or was it the other way around re TEs) on other side with Julius Jones in the backfield. No matter he said, Skins would simply counter with 6 DBs if necessary. Finally, I just changed the subject cause there simply no way of getting through to him. And my brother is one smart dude with doctorate, etc.


rock music matters
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KD said:

sounds like the same whining i hear here when the cowboys are rated low in any given area. excuse city.

just ironic ot me that while a fan is a fan, we'll bash one set and turn around and do the same thing we bash them for doing. reference the superbowl polls we had not long ago. that was meant to prove homer-ism in DC and yet, we outdid 'em or stayed close in the boards opinion *we* were gonna win it all.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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iceberg said:
sounds like the same whining i hear here when the cowboys are rated low in any given area. excuse city.

just ironic ot me that while a fan is a fan, we'll bash one set and turn around and do the same thing we bash them for doing. reference the superbowl polls we had not long ago. that was meant to prove homer-ism in DC and yet, we outdid 'em or stayed close in the boards opinion *we* were gonna win it all.

You are right.

Fans are fans. But Commander fans are a totally different breed entirely.

You will see homers and whining from every fanbase. But the Commander fans make a living out of feeling slighted, disrespected and ignored. They spend hours grumbling about Peter King "hating" them, Len Pasquarelli "hating" them and even the local press as having some sort of grudge. That's basically as was stated before: a paranoid mindset coupled with a massive inferiority complex, perhaps a huge case of p envy.

Their jealousy-fueled obsession with a division rival speaks to that. It is always on their minds even though we represent just 2/16ths of their schedule this year and every year.


rock music matters
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Alexander said:
You are right.

Fans are fans. But Commander fans are a totally different breed entirely.

You will see homers and whining from every fanbase. But the Commander fans make a living out of feeling slighted, disrespected and ignored. They spend hours grumbling about Peter King "hating" them, Len Pasquarelli "hating" them and even the local press as having some sort of grudge. That's basically as was stated before: a paranoid mindset coupled with a massive inferiority complex, perhaps a huge case of p envy.

Their jealousy-fueled obsession with a division rival speaks to that. It is always on their minds even though we represent just 2/16ths of their schedule this year and every year.

well, art doesn't help their cause for being "reasonable" homers, no. : )


What's it going to be then, eh?
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iceberg said:
well, art doesn't help their cause for being "reasonable" homers, no. : )

I am not even talking about that pompous windbag who their faithful have built into high status.

I am talking about the majority of their fans. Go visit Extremeskins or CPND.

Homers rule, skeptics are clearly and cleanly dispatched.

They are like Moonies or something. It is amazing. Completely brainwashed.


rock music matters
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Alexander said:
I am not even talking about that pompous windbag who their faithful have built into high status.

I am talking about the majority of their fans. Go visit Extremeskins or CPND.

Homers rule, skeptics are clearly and cleanly dispatched.

They are like Moonies or something. It is amazing. Completely brainwashed.

well, i can go to dallascowboyscentral and get the same treatment. booze bans me almost as fast as art would for disagreements.


The Duke
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MossBurner said:

You are by far one of the most intelligent posters on this board. I know that you know the 'backloaded' nature of the Skins' FAs' deals. Those players will never see the $30M value of their contracts. They are 25-26 year old guys thrilled to get 7-10M as a signing bonus with a 1-3M base salary for 3-5 years. Then, they will renegotiate or be gone.

All of the Skins' FAs essentially signed 5 year 16M deals, which is a bargain for the team and functionally serves as a test run during the prime of proven veterans.
Thank you. Since we're playing "do you understand" I'd like to throw some posers back at ya, if you don't mind.

Yes, I do understand the dynamics of how the Skins repeatedly can sign players to huge contracts and not get bit by it. It isn't impressive because it hasn't paid off. Do you undestand that?

The next question I have for you is, do you understand that you pay more than the monetary value of the contract? Let's take Mark Brunnell for instance. I wanted us to get Brunnell when Jacksonville released him. I make no bones about that. I would have been royally pissed if Dallas had signed him for the amount the Skins did, but even worse you gave up a 2nd round Draft pick to get him before he hit the FA market. In the meantime we got a QB of roughly the same caliber without the huge contract and without sacrifcing draft picks.

Why pay for a guy you can get for much cheaper? It doesn't make much sense.

Lest you think this is the Cowboys homer in me talking let me cite an example where we did similar. We traded Joey Galloway for Keyshawn Johnson whom we already knew was going to be released by Tampa Bay. I wasn't happy about that.

Does this knowledge sit well with you? If it does then I suggest you lack some grasp of the actual dynamics of the game. These players you're signing for large amounts of cash are usually players who get drafted. That's a much cheaper way to acquire talent that can help your team long term. Your team throws away draft picks like they have no value other than as a bargaining chip.

If you were doing this for guys who were NFL All Pros, I could understand it. I could even applaud it. That isn't what you're doing though is it? You mentioned the prime of their playing careers. If their "prime" is only marginal where is the bargain? Do you understand that while Lloyd, Randle El, and Archuleta are more established than rookies would be that their "prime" level of play has never been that much above what a rookie can give you?

My gosh man, you've got Sean Taylor on your football team. You saw what he did as a rookie. Has Archuleta ever come close to that? But you'd rather pay Adam millions than roll the dice in the draft for someone who could probably give you the same results?

Is this sinking in? Hey, applaud the move, at least you get to look at his wife in the stands. We had a guy with a hot wife last year too, Billy Cundiff. Thank heavens he's gone.

The bottom line is, Dan Snyder makes these bold moves every year and they simply don't work out. Who pays for his mistakes? You and your fellow fans do. How? By not having a nucleus of young players you can identify with for a long period of time. All you have is the colors man. That's your team identity. Is it enough? If so then you have lower standards than I do.

Hey, that's not a dig. Maybe mine are too high. I certainly am more frustrated about my team than you seem to be about yours. I'm not into howling at the moon over Free Agents. Don't believe me? Find me a post where I whoop and holler over any over our acquistions in Free Agency. Not even the big ones, TO and Vanderjagt. Our Draft on the other hand, there's where you'll find me excited.

Why? Because I understand that in a parity driven league the only way to be truly happy with your team is to identify with it. I don't identify with retreads for the most part. I appreciate their contributions and I root for them. My team is the guys who are original Cowboys. They're family. The rest are hired hands. Some are better hands and assets than others. They're still just hired hands.

I've got nothing against you at all if the big splashes make you horny. More power to you. Until those big splashes do anything other than stir up the water in your pool, you're still just suffering blue balls with the rest of the unlucky. Meanwhile the rest of the unlucky are building for the long term and having virtually the same success that your team is with all the big splashes.

Seriously, you're good with that? For heaven's sake why?