Skins Fans Crying

SantanaOwnsU said:
I'll take Joe Gibbs, lifelong Commander, 3-1 Superbowl record 17-5 Playoff record.

Please do! Take them as far away as possible!

As far as astericks needed by St. Gibbs's plastic bust in the Hall Of Shame, people don't need reminders that Gibby won two of his tarnished, rusty trophys against a bunch of street football players! :lmao:

But, I will say this...those tarnished trophys fit St. Gibbs perfectly! Both are fake...


summerisfunner said:
I already did...

you sure like to make stuff up as you go along don't you?

why do you sit there and try to pick fights by being a total stainwad?

you got a problem w/me - PM me and let's work it out. otherwise cut this crap out.
5Stars said:
Please do! Take them as far away as possible!

As far as astericks needed by St. Gibbs's plastic bust in the Hall Of Shame, people don't need reminders that Gibby won two of his tarnished, rusty trophys against a bunch of street football players! :lmao:

But, I will say this...those tarnished trophys fit St. Gibbs perfectly! Both are fake...



Alright, now you're just being asinine. Plastic bust? Hall Of Shame? The man has 3 rings. No matter what they mean to you, they count. The man will go down as a coaching legend. Not to mention what he does off the field and his Nascar success. He is a winner and a class act, if you don't know that you don't know football.
SantanaOwnsU said:
Not to mention what he does off the field and his Nascar success.

What does Gibbs do off the field? And if he's a lifelong Commander... why did he quit for over a decade to play with cars and sell batteries?

Doesn't he embarass you as a fan when he starts whining incessently about the officiating? Sending film to the NFL offices? :laugh1: You know, for all that film he sent to the NFL office last year... not one thing was done to any of the officiating crews... nothing. Don't you think that if Gibbs would've had a legitimate gripe that something would've been done? I mean, Tags is a Commanders fan after all... it seems like had the officiating been wrong at all, something would've been done, doesn't it?
SantanaOwnsU said:
Tarnished superbowl trophies huh? You think Gibbs has any say over whether or not there's a strike season? No. His bust is in the Hall of Fame, I don't see any asterix next to it saying anything about a strike season next to his 3 Superbowl trophies. Gibbs is a Commander for life. Loyal to the team until he dies. Enjoy your journeyman coach with a 2-1 Superbowl record, he'll be gone after this year. And if he goes to the Hall (he probably will) it'll be as a Giant or a Patriot. He hasn't done anything with the cowboys...all this last stop in his coaching career has done is TARNISH his legacy. I'll take Joe Gibbs, lifelong Commander, 3-1 Superbowl record 17-5 Playoff record.

Just to clarify... you don't go into the HOF representing any team. Parcells doesn't have to make the decision "what cap to wear" like in the baseball HOF. Saying BP has tarnished his legacy by coaching the Cowboys is asinine. He took a team of scrubs into the playoffs his first year. And now he's changed the philosophy of the team while putting a nucleus of young guys that will set us up for years to come. I guess you don't know anything about drafting a nucleus though:rolleyes:

And if you want to talk about journeymen coaches... remind me, how many coaches have the Commanders had over the franchise's existence?? Hell Danny boy alone has fired almost as many coaches as the Cowboys. Gibbs is a journeyman too, he just goes from NFL to NASCAR instead of NFL team to NFL team. And after this year BP will match Gibbs record in Super Bowls:)
AsthmaField said:
What does Gibbs do off the field? And if he's a lifelong Commander... why did he quit for over a decade to play with cars and sell batteries?

Doesn't he embarass you as a fan when he starts whining incessently about the officiating? Sending film to the NFL offices? :laugh1: You know, for all that film he sent to the NFL office last year... not one thing was done to any of the officiating crews... nothing. Don't you think that if Gibbs would've had a legitimate gripe that something would've been done? I mean, Tags is a Commanders fan after all... it seems like had the officiating been wrong at all, something would've been done, doesn't it?

He quit for a decade to spend time with his family, he was burnt out. Sleeping in his office, 18 to 20 hour days watching film and meeting with coaches. He went into Nascar with his son so they could so something together. His son now runs the day to day opperations for Joe Gibbs racing. Its been a pretty successful venture, ask some Nascar fans down there in Texas, I'm not a big Nascar guy. Off the field Coach Gibbs started Youth for Tomorrow, here's a link. Not to mention his many speeches and books about living a Christian life through the teachings of Christ.

As far as sending in film, when he thinks they missed a call, its all he can do. He's not calling out officials like Mark Cuban, all he's saying is he thinks they missed a call, here's the film. Tell me you saw that Tampa Bay game. Mike Alstott didn't get in. I don't care who you root for, I've had many Tampa fans come up to me and tell me they saw his elbow touch the ground before he reached the ball over the goal line. If we would have won that game we would have probably won the NFC East and gotten a 1st round bye in the playoffs. So every play of every game counts. That's why he sends in the film.
AsthmaField said:
What does Gibbs do off the field? And if he's a lifelong Commander... why did he quit for over a decade to play with cars and sell batteries?

Doesn't he embarass you as a fan when he starts whining incessently about the officiating? Sending film to the NFL offices? :laugh1: You know, for all that film he sent to the NFL office last year... not one thing was done to any of the officiating crews... nothing. Don't you think that if Gibbs would've had a legitimate gripe that something would've been done? I mean, Tags is a Commanders fan after all... it seems like had the officiating been wrong at all, something would've been done, doesn't it?

Gibby has already started moaning and groaning this year already! He started whining about having a two or three early road trips!

He fits right in with Lil Danny who likes to jump up and down, up and down, like a little kid with his binky in his hand...ON NATIONAL TV! :lmao:

Now, that is embarrassing! :lmao2:
SantanaOwnsU said:
He quit for a decade to spend time with his family, he was burnt out. Sleeping in his office, 18 to 20 hour days watching film and meeting with coaches.

Alright. I can't sit at my computer all day and defend Joe Gibbs. I know deep down, past all the Commanders and Cowboys hatred, you respect Coach Gibbs. If you don't, then you're just as classless and ignorant as your boy Terrell Owens. 14-13 then 35-7, that's all you need to know about Joe Gibbs. I'm out.
SantanaOwnsU said:
Alright. I can't sit at my computer all day and defend Joe Gibbs. I know deep down, past all the Commanders and Cowboys hatred, you respect Coach Gibbs. If you don't, then you're just as classless and ignorant as your boy Terrell Owens. 14-13 then 35-7, that's all you need to know about Joe Gibbs. I'm out.

What? No Sean Taylor history lesson? :lmao:

You're "out" alright! You got knocked out! :lmao2:
SantanaOwnsU said:
If we would have won that game we would have probably won the NFC East and gotten a 1st round bye in the playoffs. So every play of every game counts. That's why he sends in the film.

The league also sent the Commanders a letter of apology for that play, essentially agreeing that the officials screwed the pooch. There were one or two other games last season where letters were sent as well, I can't remember exactly which two they were.
Gamebreaker said:
The league also sent the Commanders a letter of apology for that play, essentially agreeing that the officials screwed the pooch. There were one or two other games last season where letters were sent as well, I can't remember exactly which two they were.

Any links for any of that? I haven't heard anything about the NFL apologizing for the Tampa call. Until I see a link for that or get some sort of proof, I'll call BS on that one.
Gamebreaker said:
The league also sent the Commanders a letter of apology for that play, essentially agreeing that the officials screwed the pooch. There were one or two other games last season where letters were sent as well, I can't remember exactly which two they were.

How cute! Did those letters make Gibby and Lil Danny cheer up and go into happy land? :rolleyes:

Parcells said he "would never send in tape or complain" like Gibbs does! He says the game is played on the field, win or lose...any moaning or groaning after the fact is just poor sportmanship, period!

And, that poor sportsmanship trickles down to the fans...because after every one excuse after another. :cool:

When Joe Gibbs was burned out he found time to purchase a small share of the Atlanta Falcons, and interview to be their coach
SantanaOwnsU said:
Alright. I can't sit at my computer all day and defend Joe Gibbs. I know deep down, past all the Commanders and Cowboys hatred, you respect Coach Gibbs. If you don't, then you're just as classless and ignorant as your boy Terrell Owens. 14-13 then 35-7, that's all you need to know about Joe Gibbs. I'm out.
Ask Moss Flamer if you can borrow his hat.

Decade of the 60's, Dallas vs. Washington

Dallas, 10 wins.
Washington, 7 wins.
2 ties.

Decade of the 70's, Dallas vs. Washington

Dallas, 11 wins.
Washington, 9 wins.

Decade of the 80's, Dallas vs. Washington

Dallas, 9 wins.
Washington, 9 wins.

Decade of the 90's, Dallas vs. Washington

Dallas, 12 wins.
Washington, 8 wins.

2000 through 2005, Dallas vs. Washington

Dallas, 9 wins.
Washington, 3 wins.

Translation, take your weak "2005 we swept you" smack, stand in our shadow, and shiver from the cold.
Hostile said:
Ask Moss Flamer if you can borrow his hat.

Decade of the 60's, Dallas vs. Washington

Dallas, 10 wins.
Washington, 7 wins.
2 ties.

Decade of the 70's, Dallas vs. Washington

Dallas, 11 wins.
Washington, 9 wins.

Decade of the 80's, Dallas vs. Washington

Dallas, 9 wins.
Washington, 9 wins.

Decade of the 90's, Dallas vs. Washington

Dallas, 12 wins.
Washington, 8 wins.

2000 through 2005, Dallas vs. Washington

Dallas, 9 wins.
Washington, 3 wins.

Translation, take your weak 2005 we swept you smack, stand in our shadow and shiver from the cold.

:lmao: :lmao2:
Hostile said:
Translation, take your weak 2005 we swept you smack, stand in our shadow and shiver from the cold.

:lmao: ...oh, man!

SantanaOwnsU said:
As far as sending in film, when he thinks they missed a call, its all he can do.

No, he could also do nothing. The vast majority of coaches do like Parcells and simply move on to the next game. They view it as they shouldn't have put themselves in a position for one call to lose the game for them.

Parcells has said that he knows the refs do the best job they can and that mistakes are going to be made. He's never sent film to the NFL about a bad call ever. It's whining and there isn't anything you can do about it after the matter.

SantanaOwnsU said:
Tell me you saw that Tampa Bay game. Mike Alstott didn't get in. I don't care who you root for, I've had many Tampa fans come up to me and tell me they saw his elbow touch the ground before he reached the ball over the goal line.

I did see that game and play and the replay (over and over). He got in. Commander fans love to post all kinds of pictures of Allstott's elbow on the ground short of the goalline... but what they fail to see or understand, is that before those pictures were taken, that elbow (and the ball) had crossed the plane of the goalline and then Allstott was pushed back where he fell on the ground short of the goalline. Why you guys fail to see that I don't know. I saw his elbow cross the plane and then clearly saw him go backwards as he got pushed back. Even being pushed back the ball was just a couple of inches short. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that if he got pushed back and was only a couple inches short when he landed, that the ball had to have crossed the plane.

Bubba on ES posted picture after picture of Allstott's elbow on the ground with all kinds of circles and arrows... he had gotten them from his TIVO. When a Cowboy fan asked him to post an earlier picture from when Allstott was still up (when the elbow did cross the line) he completely ignored the guy. When the guy asked again, Bubba had some stupid answer that the pictures were cropped. LOL. It had nothing to do with anything... he just didn't want to post the pic from when the ball was across the plane.

If you had some Tampa fans who said he didn't cross... either they were uninformed or simply didn't want to argue with you about something that couldn't be changed.

Say what you want... I saw with my own eyes how Allstott was pushed back and know too well the little fantasy that Commander fans came up with to justify Gibbs throwing his fit about it.

All that is not even mentioning that the refs looked at it on instant replay and still said he crossed the plane.

He scored.

SantanaOwnsU said:
So every play of every game counts. That's why he sends in the film.

Of course each play counts... but like I've already mentioned a couple of times... sending film to the NFL isn't going to change a thing. Its sour grapes if you ask me... and it isn't only Cowboy fans that feel that way. A lot of people around the NFL feel like Gibbs is throwing a fit because the questionable call didn't go his way. Maybe if he would send in the questionable calls that went FOR the Commanders, he would have a little sympathy in that... but no way. He's fine with the questionable calls that get his team a score... it's the one's that hurt him that he screams about. That's why some call him a hypocrit.

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