Skins Fans Crying

SkinsHokieFan said:
So if the Cowboys had beaten the Commanders in the 1982 NFC Championship game then went on to beat the Dolphins in Superbowl 17 would that Superbowl be "tarnished? :confused:

Somehow I dont think so

You know every Commander fan would be saying the very same thing if the tables were turned.
Alexander said:
You know every Commander fan would be saying the very same thing if the tables were turned.

que crickets where skins fans were previously typing...
Alexander said:
You know every Commander fan would be saying the very same thing if the tables were turned.

Not if you beat us to win the Superbowl

The 1982 Cowboys could have stopped the Commanders cold and won on to take the big prize

Washington won it. At that point, any trash talking Cowboy fans had to say about the strike shortened season ended right there

As it would have for Commanders fans had the tables been turned

Similar to us trying to talk trash about sweeping you in 1995. You simply point to that shiney 5th Lombardi in your trophy case
BigDFan5 said:
Thanks Ice, and agains I am not saying we are a lock for the superbowl. Just that coming off a 9-7 season where even the coach agrees with a kicker we would have won a couple more game, added to obvious improvements in the kicking game, WR core, LB core, and IMO OLine. That it is not homerish or ridiculous to for 50% of Cowboys fans to *think* we could make the superbowl after seeing how often things like this occur.

thank you. i love talking and even arguing when arrogance is not a motive. : )

are we a lock? nope.

can it happen? sure it can.

but for a puzzle to become complete, all the pieces must fit.

we're forcing too many pieces.

and i'll disagree still. 50% is a representation of a fan based # that sees only the positives working out. NOT dealing with the crap that doesn't work out.

many pros feel we'll have a great year.

i'm a fan who think we're set up for huge disappointment.

i ain't swallowing bp's bait cause i see be as someone in it for him, not the game. could i be wrong?


but i could be right too.

we'll see later.

thanks for the solid convo man. and again, props to you for how you present your thoughts. i should take note. : )
What is the quote that Parcells had ?

You are what your record says you are ?

I know it was along those lines.

Commanders won during those years, beat the teams they needed to beat.

It is what it is.
Alexander said:
You know every Commander fan would be saying the very same thing if the tables were turned.

So you're pretty much admitting anyone calling that trophy "tarnished" is just whining. Regardless, I haven't seen every Cowboys fan call that SB win tarnished, just one idiot who rehashes the same 3 arguments no matter what the discussion is about.
Gamebreaker said:
Parcells in the Superbowl: 1-1
I found your hat.

If Pettiti does not develope we have Fabini. If Kosier does not look great we still have a shot with Peterman and Proctor- at the very least we have Gurode if we do not pick someone up. And guards are a lot easier to get then tackles. So even if only 50% there works out we are going to be better then we were last year.
iceberg said:
but for a puzzle to become complete, all the pieces must fit.

we're forcing too many pieces.

and yet you're unhappy because we didn't draft an Oline starter...

sorry, just finding an inconsistency in your argument :)
Gamebreaker said:
So you're pretty much admitting anyone calling that trophy "tarnished" is just whining. Regardless, I haven't seen every Cowboys fan call that SB win tarnished, just one idiot who rehashes the same 3 arguments no matter what the discussion is about.


Your joke of a team cannot even win the SuperBowl right! Those two trophys are as rusty as an old nail...yet, here the RedStinks come, to gaze all starry eyed, proud as can be, little chests poking out, at two of the most tarnished SuperBowl trophys there are! :lmao2:

The Cowboys FIVE (5) SUPERBOWL TROPHYS are shining like the day the team won them...against full professional NFL rosters...not like St. Gibby won his...against some street construction workers, truck drivers, and garbage collectors!

Man, on, man, it must really suck to be a RedStink fan! Especially you RedStink fans that just showed up THIS YEAR! By the way, where have you the closet? :lmao: Now, you're over at this forum, trying to hang with a real football team?

I feel sorry for you....(nah, you deserve it)! :lmao2:
summerisfunner said:
and yet you're unhappy because we didn't draft an Oline starter...

sorry, just finding an inconsistency in your argument :)

you do that.
I'm glad I read this thread,,, I'd forgotten all about the Skins trophies being tarnished! LMAO,,,, A strike season SB trophy should be melted down and turned into bullets for DC Police Department,,, :laugh1:
every year the skins think that this is the year that danny boy's ridiculous free agent signings will pay off. wrong again. none of the guys they signed is better than an average player in this league and they gave them stupid $. been there, done that.. nothing to see here. move along. :lmao2:
Tarnished superbowl trophies huh? You think Gibbs has any say over whether or not there's a strike season? No. His bust is in the Hall of Fame, I don't see any asterix next to it saying anything about a strike season next to his 3 Superbowl trophies. Gibbs is a Commander for life. Loyal to the team until he dies. Enjoy your journeyman coach with a 2-1 Superbowl record, he'll be gone after this year. And if he goes to the Hall (he probably will) it'll be as a Giant or a Patriot. He hasn't done anything with the cowboys...all this last stop in his coaching career has done is TARNISH his legacy. I'll take Joe Gibbs, lifelong Commander, 3-1 Superbowl record 17-5 Playoff record.
SantanaOwnsU said:
Tarnished superbowl trophies huh? You think Gibbs has any say over whether or not there's a strike season? No. His bust is in the Hall of Fame, I don't see any asterix next to it saying anything about a strike season next to his 3 Superbowl trophies. Gibbs is a Commander for life. Loyal to the team until he dies. Enjoy your journeyman coach with a 2-1 Superbowl record, I'll take Joe Gibbs, lifelong Commander, 3-1 Superbowl record 17-5 Playoff record.

ignore 'em dude. if we had won it i doubt they'd be saying we have 5 and a half tropies.

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