Video: Skip Bayless: 'Cooper Rush would've won at Arizona, book it'

Rush would have taken more sacks. If we are going again with 3 O-Lineman out then maybe we do let him play.
I would think that most here know that I am amongst the Dak critics here , but from what I saw from our defense I’m not focused as much on the quarterbacks performance.

we all thought the defense was elite……not the offense so what hell?

The D laid an egg and it hard to believe that the whole house of card collapses because Diggs is out
a good offense makes a defense better. Maybe they were tired from carrying the offense the first 2 games. shrugs
Wouldn't be a Cowboys season without Skip Bayless detecting weakness and slithering into the crack as quick as possible.
Rush or Dak is not the answer. Lance remains to be seen. Our dumbo FO needs to put more emphasis on the QB position.
While I can see how Cooper might be able to handle quick drop, wco type plays better at times…I don’t think it makes a difference in a game where the D is giving up gouge plays.
Your first sentence says everything
I'll look to Skip if I want advice on a flower arrangement, not football.
right our backup quarterback would function perfectly with no offensive line and no defense and 100 yards worth of penalties and just no support LMAO :thumbdown::espn:

no Cooper rush would have been murdered did anybody watch those games Cooper rush could not function without great D, great SRTs and no penalty's. The game has to be perfect to have him win. Cooper rush is not even looked at as top BU let alone as a starter in this league.
that a fact period end this ridiculousness, some say start Lance for this game see what hes got lmao as if the seasons over..2-1 14 to go just dumb!!!

i don't care what people say NO team in the nfl could have a functioning offense missing 3 PB starting players the offensive line at the same time.. and then you have tyler smith still .... so he's rusty in his first full game... You can't cover that many up.. missing 3 starters having one back playing his first game and Steele off major injure, right no reason that the d keyed al night on Dak easily pass rushing with base 4 man line and paying max zone converge which our WRs couldn't get open regular...tighter window throws like last year, right easy to play offense that way. :facepalm: :muttley: skip is dumber by the he day..

defense was horrible, penalties killed the game and yet the INT is the big story LOL Dak had less then 5% to do with the loss its fact i said it tried of the cover up over the D and penalty's actually being the reason we lost..
I tried to watch the video, but then I saw his face...
I didn’t know Rush played defense? The guy needs to say controversial things to get views and clicks. He makes millions doing it.
Listening to anything Skip says is like a baby crying, you just want to shut the kid up!
Cooper pissed me off when he was winning those games. If dak isn't winning them, I don't want any other guy to do it, if they do, I'll give everybody the credit but noodle-arm.
Easy folks, relax.

His show is likely struggling without Shannon and they need the ratings.

He basically said yesterday Zeke was good in 2016 and did nothing the rest of his time here (Despite 2 and would have been a 3rd rushing title without suspension)
Win or lose the fact is that Cooper Rush would have given you the exact same result with his noodle arm that Dak gave you. The exact same dink and dunk passes coupled with a steep discount. Basically Dak is a Ferrari that has been rebuilt with a lawn mower engine in it.