News: Snyder has told others: He has dirt on Jerry Jones

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Desperate? Or maybe he is just fighting fire with fire. If he did stuff that he knows for a fact many other owners have done the same thing, yet they are coming after him to sell his team, Id do the same thing. You want to take me down? Well half you mofos are coming with me.

Scorched earth. Really want to know what he has on Jerry.
the latter is exactly why what Snyder “has” won’t work. It’ll be buried by the tv stations who are in bed with the nfl with billions and billions of dollars at stake. They’ll eviscerate him publicly and make him lose the pr battle. The nfl is the strongest American sports league. They have great influence over networks and news.

no one is losing their teams from this. Look how long it’s taken Snyder to even get on the cusp of losing his and that’s with real evidence against. The legality involved to warrant taking ownership from a team away from these guys is incredibly understated.

I couldnt disagree with you more. You remember the owner of the clippers? Remember how quickly he lost his team due to his N word comments? You think if they had an NFL owner on tape doing something like that the networks would stay away from it? What is the NFL going to do? They have LONG term contracts, they cant do anything to keep the tv shows from being all over that kind of story.
Okay, this thread is going off in all sorts of directions.
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