News: Snyder has told others: He has dirt on Jerry Jones

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It would not surprise me at all if there is stuff nobody in the public sphere knows about.
More mistresses, more kids, racial stuff. Epstein stuff. Who knows? Could be anything really.
Again, these billionaires think they are invincible. Rules don't apply to them. That financial payouts are the cure for every problem that may arise.
I have thought for a while that Jerry is a ticking time bomb and a scandal will force him out before he’s ready,
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Don’t know… Barring the news that Jerry is gambling on his own team or was sharing secret camera shots of nude cheerleaders with Rich Dalrymple, I’m having a hard time envisioning anything that would stick with the public more than anything else that has come out.

If Snyder came out and said that Jerry was in an orgy with 5 midgets and Michael Irvin, with a bowl full of blow on the center table. I didn’t know about it... but I’m not shocked about it.

Pretty obvious to all of us that Jerry works hard, lives hard as much s those 90’s Teams and he wants nothing else than to be considered ‘one of the boys.’
Put it like this….if he pulled a Donald Sterling and it comes out? It’s over. He’s outta there.
He owns Fedex. He was essentially a ruthless dude well before he ever became a nfl mafia member-owner. He's been that all along whether or not he realizes it. He is getting what he deserves. When owners start talking about outing other owners and THE NFL figure head IE THE DON, only bad things can happen to the guy running his mouth..if ya know what I mean. Dan is treading on thin ice.

He doesn't own FedEx the company, the owner of FedEx was a partner of his and tried to get him to sell the team.

All this will do is expedite Snyder being thrown out of the league. You can’t publicly threaten “owners” plural and threaten the commissioner.
really? If Sneyder has info that would cause others to also lose their teams, watch how quickly the crusade to get Snyder out of the NFL ebds.

Personally, I dont care if these guys have 20 children and 4 mistresses and use illegal immigrant labor to paint their mansions, Im still watching NFL games every time they are on.
I mean if he does think the NFL is a mafia, you’re then going to fight it? just seems desperate and cornered.

Desperate? Or maybe he is just fighting fire with fire. If he did stuff that he knows for a fact many other owners have done the same thing, yet they are coming after him to sell his team, Id do the same thing. You want to take me down? Well half you mofos are coming with me.
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really? If Sneyder has info that would cause others to also lose their teams, watch how quickly the crusade to get Snyder out of the NFL ebds.

Personally, I dont care if these guys have 20 children and 4 mistresses and use illegal immigrant labor to paint their mansions, Im still watching NFL games every time they are on.

the latter is exactly why what Snyder “has” won’t work. It’ll be buried by the tv stations who are in bed with the nfl with billions and billions of dollars at stake. They’ll eviscerate him publicly and make him lose the pr battle. The nfl is the strongest American sports league. They have great influence over networks and news.

no one is losing their teams from this. Look how long it’s taken Snyder to even get on the cusp of losing his and that’s with real evidence against. The legality involved to warrant taking ownership from a team away from these guys is incredibly understated.
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