Bad calls aren't limited to penalties. If you can say with a straight face that the ball wasn't down at the 1 and not a touchback. you're a blind homer. The rule states that on a punt, as soon as the opposing team touches the ball, it is dead where the ball is touched. Cartwright touched it down at the 1, rolled over, then had it kicked into him while he was in the endzone. Triplett rulled he touched the ball in the endzone, referring to the ball hitting his ***, which was also wrong, because even if he had not touched it, it would have been dead where it was kicked by the Skins, which was also outside of the endzone.
Also, late in the 1st half, Portis was clearly out of bounds when they said he wasn't and the clock continued to roll, forcing a FG instead of going for the endzone a few times.
I don't think either one would have meant much in the outcome of the game, but both were huge plays, and both calls were wrong.