So it's "we're almost there" then?

what are we going to do as fans? storm jerry world with leather belts and demand change
This is what we do: "I want you all to get up out of your chairs and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, I'm as mad as h.e. double hockey sticks and I'm not going to take this anymore!!!!!" :muttley:
This is what we do: "I want you all to get up out of your chairs and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, I'm as mad as h.e. double hockey sticks and I'm not going to take this anymore!!!!!" :muttley:
you have to take it or pick another team ! or just look at cowboys as entertainment, nothing else.
Yeah don't forget the good move they already made getting rid of the OC of the 2nd best offense in the league while he was here.
In all seriousness it seems like you find fault with everything Cowboys. I figured the Moore departure would have made you giddy.

They have had many years with great rosters.

The fail has been coaching. Now they finally have a legit Head Coach that is hiring his own assistants and they have a big time D-Coordinator.
- No more Head Coach in training (Garrett and Campo) and no more guy that has failed everytime he was a Head Coach (Wade Phillips).
MM has really proven to me that he is a legitimate head coach and that we are lucky to have him instead of another Garrett or a Dave Campo.
there you go, elliot no dropoff, dak is the future, we are close!
As fans you have to be like ace ventura, and tell yourself "so there is a chance"
Has everyone forgotten that this time of year the lies fly freely as smoke screens?
In all seriousness it seems like you find fault with everything Cowboys. I figured the Moore departure would have made you giddy.
That's his way of avoiding the pesky replacing the coordinator of the 2nd most productive offense thing.
Jerry should've trademarked "We'll get 'em next year!" two decades ago. Think of how many t-shirts he could've sold by now.
We are back to being "next year's champion's" ...sigh.
So it seems like they're going with the "we're almost there" approach. QB stays, RB1 and 2 stay, old OL guys stay... Will the TE1 stay too? Oh, but we're trying something else with the kicker! Jerry the gunslinger GM.

What do you guys think of this approach? Would you have preferred a bigger shake up on the players side? Or is this squad so full of talent, that we just need new coaches to get the most of it?

I'd have preferred a bigger shake up, but there's always the elephant in the room, Dak's contract. Without change on that position you couldn't start rebuilding anyway.

But if they really mean it, they have to sign at least another top dog WR. None of this digging through the scrap yard anymore.

So with that being said, as long as we're stuck with Dak, I guess it makes sense to keep this line up together for at least those two more years, right? Right?
If they don’t add any big time players and we run it back with what we have that means they blamed the entire failures in KM. That would be the death of Big Mike if they don’t win it all next year. DQ will take over and demand Jerry let him build the offense like he did the defense.
So it seems like they're going with the "we're almost there" approach. QB stays, RB1 and 2 stay, old OL guys stay... Will the TE1 stay too? Oh, but we're trying something else with the kicker! Jerry the gunslinger GM.

What do you guys think of this approach? Would you have preferred a bigger shake up on the players side? Or is this squad so full of talent, that we just need new coaches to get the most of it?

I'd have preferred a bigger shake up, but there's always the elephant in the room, Dak's contract. Without change on that position you couldn't start rebuilding anyway.

But if they really mean it, they have to sign at least another top dog WR. None of this digging through the scrap yard anymore.

So with that being said, as long as we're stuck with Dak, I guess it makes sense to keep this line up together for at least those two more years, right? Right?

We’re close. It’s Jerry’s job to complete the team. Must get rid of zeke.
So it seems like they're going with the "we're almost there" approach. QB stays, RB1 and 2 stay, old OL guys stay... Will the TE1 stay too? Oh, but we're trying something else with the kicker! Jerry the gunslinger GM.

What do you guys think of this approach? Would you have preferred a bigger shake up on the players side? Or is this squad so full of talent, that we just need new coaches to get the most of it?

I'd have preferred a bigger shake up, but there's always the elephant in the room, Dak's contract. Without change on that position you couldn't start rebuilding anyway.

But if they really mean it, they have to sign at least another top dog WR. None of this digging through the scrap yard anymore.

So with that being said, as long as we're stuck with Dak, I guess it makes sense to keep this line up together for at least those two more years, right? Right?
Nope, they'll blame the new offense for Dakota "WENTZ 2.0 Prescot's struggles in 2023! In 2024 they'll blame the waterboy for WENTZ 2.0 struggles. Etc..........LOL!
So it seems like they're going with the "we're almost there" approach. QB stays, RB1 and 2 stay, old OL guys stay... Will the TE1 stay too? Oh, but we're trying something else with the kicker! Jerry the gunslinger GM.

What do you guys think of this approach? Would you have preferred a bigger shake up on the players side? Or is this squad so full of talent, that we just need new coaches to get the most of it?

I'd have preferred a bigger shake up, but there's always the elephant in the room, Dak's contract. Without change on that position you couldn't start rebuilding anyway.

But if they really mean it, they have to sign at least another top dog WR. None of this digging through the scrap yard anymore.

So with that being said, as long as we're stuck with Dak, I guess it makes sense to keep this line up together for at least those two more years, right? Right?
It seems to me like this has been the approach for about a decade now.

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