First of all, Spencer rattler's not here he was on the Saints team so I guess they're cheap as well look man you're barking up the wrong tree yes when you move on from your veterans and you look for younger players they're typically cheaper that's just an added benefit... But they just paid Cooper rush and Trey Lance a combined almost $9 million would be the backup here the last couple of years and it didn't help anything so what's your point they just went through paying them just like they chose not to pay the running back position last year but they overpaid the running back position for eight years prior I mean you just don't seem to get it this is a natural ebb and flow of the league when you make changes at positions especially when you go younger but I'd rather get a couple of stud draft picks in the draft at running back then pay Derek Henry 9 million I would rather do that too as an owner I'd rather have the younger future guy here under a rookie contract that's not being cheap that's trying to get value and be smart...
I'm saying your implying motive is money, it's not it's just happens to happen that way when you get rid of your older veterans and you replace them with younger ones it's a natural order of things they're not doing it 'cause they're cheap they just paid a crap ton of money the last two years to Cooper rush and Trey Lance and now they want to just go younger..
so I'm sorry you're implying it's about money no the end result becomes they're less expensive.. That's it it just happens to be that they're probably gonna be less money but that's not their motive.. And I think it's smart Cooper rush isn't getting us anywhere anymore we've done that whole rodeo for eight years now Trey Lance wasn't the answer and now they're shifting but we don't know they might ended up with another 4 or $5,000,000 veteran by the time the season starts..
It is there's more than one goal you're trying to say that they're not looking for the next Prescott or Romo yeah that is what every team is doing it may take them longer but yes this is the process when you choose to replace players that have been on the team for a very long time you're hoping that the people they choose in their place do turn out to be the next Tony Romo or Prescott yes that is the process but many times it doesn't work out that's why you got to keep doing it and they should do it more often instead of letting these guys linger making more money and they're really not doing much for the team trying to tell me that Cooper rush winning a couple extra games got us a worst draft pick was a bonus no he didn't win enough he wasn't good this is a smart move and you're seeing it as a money move no less money just happens to be a happy benefit it's a positve side effect...
That's like saying all these teams allow their veterans to walk that it's mostly about money no that would be a factor they had to consider to let them go because they're up in age they're typically injury prone and they're making too much money yes they're making too much money but they're just trying to go younger and get better because those players are no longer the future they didn't do it just to save money if that player was playing great you know like debo samuel's people act like he's still 2021 debo he's not they let him go because he was making too much money and no longer producing like 2021 money's always a factor but it's not the main motive you gotta build a roster that fits the salary cap and that means moving on from players who are not producing to the level of their contract or not helping the team..
I mean what good would it be to bring I don't know Aaron Rodgers here and pay him $30 million to sit on the bench to Prescott's backup it would kill the team,, that's what it would do,
so yes money's always a factor but that's not their main motive for getting rid of Cooper rush and Trey Lance is simply, they're moving on, they want to go younger ,they want a new direction, they want to give somebody else a shot... Saving money is simply a happy side effect.