Some 2006 self-torture to help pump us up for this Saturday


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I never blamed Romo for that bobbled snap. Parcells never should have had our starting QB holding . That was a coaching error . Second the center handles the ball way before the holder ever gets it so if its wet wipe it dry . If it greased get another ball . The center should be able to determine if the ball is suitable to use . Who has more experience in exactly what the ball should feel like more than the center .


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the ball looked slick but romo rushed himself on placing the ball on the ground and that also contributed to the bobbled snap. it was nothing more than a extra point and romo botched it. it happens unfortunately it happened in a playoff game. I am over that loss as a fan. I just hated how the cowboys played to lose that game and should have come out and taken that game because the cowboys had the better offense and the seahawks were an average defense we played in there hands.


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Has that second point been proven?
It was talked about a lot at that time. The seahawks didn't apply anything to the ball but it comes out of the package with a slick coating from the manufacturing process. Normally this is scuffed off and the ball broken in a bit before being put into play. The seahawks intentionally didn't do that to this ball. Not illegal but that's why the rule about who handles the k balls was changed the next season.


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Here's the game.
Start watching at the 2:00:00 mark. If you can stomach it.

Yeah, Witten was short. After he grabbed it, he tucked the ball in his right arm which was the trailing arm and the LB stopped his progress immediately before getting help. Had he tucked in the left arm the ball would have been further ahead but risked a strip from the hit. See, this is where we needed Rico and time travel and he would have bowled over that LB for the score. One thing I noticed was that TO looked to be open for a tall pass TD too in the end zone.


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They changed the way the footballs are handled on the sidelines as a result of that game. I know that much. I cant remember anything about a lubricant but I do know they were supposed to use a ball that was broken in and instead grabbed the slickest one they could find.
Now each team has their own kick balls as well as play balls, so the other team cant mess with the kick balls.

I have to wonder why the center didnt notice something wrong with the ball and ask for another, or wipe it off ruff it up etc.

also instead of a FG why not go for it and use a qb sneak ??
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Now each team has their own kick balls as well as play balls, so the other team cant mess with the kick balls.

I have to wonder why the center didnt notice something wrong with the ball and ask for another, or wipe it off ruff it up etc.

also instead of a FG why not go for it and use a qb sneak ??

Funny how that was never really talked about much either. That game was the beginning of the Romo choker talk. In some ways it defined his career. It makes me sick they got away with it.


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The ONE thing that sticks out to me about that game, and that play, is how close Romo came to getting the first down. If that end rusher doesn’t go all out, Romo gets the first down and probably scores. He was THIS close.
They say things like that can change entire careers. Who knows what the Boys do if they win that game? What it does for Romo?


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One thing that goes unnoticed is that after the botched fieldgoal Dallas had all 3 timeouts with Seattle pinned in at the 2. The play that really lost the game imo was giving up the 20 yard run to Alexander on first down.

There was still a minute plus left on the clock, the defense had collapsed down the stretch that year. Even if we make the fieldgoal I don't think the defense manages to hold the Seahawks. They really needed either a TD there or to stop the Seahawks and get the ball back.