Some bold (and not so bold) predictions for 2024


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While he’s a bonehead I would like to see Sam full time at DE. He always seemed to be near the QB when he did take snaps


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my bold predictions one that halfway through the season everybody will figure out mccarthy's offense and dak will start throwing interceptions, micah will regress, and we will be a wild card team and one and done and jerry will come out in his babbling stupidity and say only thing he can say ( dak will get us to the super bowl in 2035


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Dallas won’t reach the nfc champ game next season.

Any other predictions are irrelevant
If that's how you think...then all posts are irrelevant...and you should just find something else to do.


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My worthless predictions....

Dak plays 24 on his full last year contract, no extension, his last year in Dallas, we move on after this.

Ferguson isn't elite, he's a good pass catching TE but he's not in the same conversation as a Kelce or Witten.

D Law plays his last year in Dallas in 24 as does Tyrone Smith and Javon Kearse. Mazi Smith gets bust status

Diggs has a rough go as he climbs back from his season ending surgery

Cowboys finish 9-7 and miss the playoffs


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First the not so bold

- Jake Ferguson will be an elite TE.

Not so bold because some may say he is right now. To me his 2023 was very good, but not elite. He made huge jumps in 2023, and glimpsed at elite ability, but he didnt produce as consistently as the top tier guys do. In 2024 I believe he will

- Mazi Smith will be a much more effective player in 2024

Such a weird case he was this year. They draft him to be a run stopper, have him lose almost 50 pounds and play him primarily at 3T. From what Ive seen the descion to have him lose weight was to get him off the snap faster. Terrible idea. Thats something that an offseason program should have been used for. Not pre camp weight management. This prediction is based on him getting his weight back up to at least 320. I think he can be an Alim McNeal type, and I think 2024 will start him on that path

- Jalen Brooks will beat out Jalen Tolbert

Tolbert improved in 2023, but he was still mediocre. I think his upside is that of a Cedrick Wilson type WR. #4 guy that can step in as a #3 and play a little outside snd a little slot. Brooks flashed a bit as a rookie 7th rounder when targeted, and I think he is the better talent. I think Brooks has a #2 ceiling whereas Tolbert doesnt. Hopefully the competition is for who is #4 and not #3. Either way I think Brooks comes out ahead

- Sam Williams becomes Montez Sweet

Meaning a good #2 rusher capable of 8-10 sacks. His stats for his career have been good for the amount of snaps he has gotten. However he has been our #5 DE edge rusher since he has gotten here. With Armstrong and Fowler likely gone, Williams will get more consistent playing time next season. With 600 or so snaps, I think you see him get 8 to 10 sacks.
I don't think it was their idea to have Mazi to lose so much weight. Tolbert isn't bad, they target Lamb.


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As a fan you want to be hopeful as a Dallas Cowboy fan it’s hard when it’s been the same thing over and over again. Each season hoping that this will be the off season we finally put it all together.
It’s gonna be hard with a Dead Man Walking for a Head Coach A one year DC and up against the cap.
Can it be done we’re all about to find out.


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Lots of interesting predictions although I think I'll wait until after the free agent period and the draft because anything before that is only a hot guess. Besides, we all are waiting to see what "all in" really means in Dallas.


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..with our schedule. Getting 11-10 wins will be lucky.