Some new evidence in the Zimmerman case

Romo_To_Dez;4522420 said:
I admitted that Trayvon wasn't perfect but according to Zimmerman's history he was the perfect peaceful man either. In all of the cases Zimmerman claims that he was attacked first. So he's just a guy that everyone picks fights with?

Why didn't Trayvon call the police? Sometimes people don't think rationally or clearly in fear or high emotion which was what Trayvon was in that night.

How long ago was Zimmerman's issues vs how long ago was Martin's? I don't know the answer on Zimmerman but it was very recent with Martin.
Cajuncowboy;4522430 said:
How long ago was Zimmerman's issues vs how long ago was Martin's? I don't know the answer on Zimmerman but it was very recent with Martin.

So would/should age be considered when dealing with Trayvon, but not Martin?

BTW, I think it's irrelevant. I'm just curious what you think.
Cajuncowboy;4522430 said:
How long ago was Zimmerman's issues vs how long ago was Martin's? I don't know the answer on Zimmerman but it was very recent with Martin.

I don't know a history with violence/anger issues is a history that shows that the person could go back to those problems. Heard that Zimmerman went to anger management classes.

So I guess we should look at the fact that both had their faults and behavior issues
CowboyMcCoy;4522436 said:
So would/should age be considered when dealing with Trayvon, but not Martin?

BTW, I think it's irrelevant. I'm just curious what you think.

Age no, but the time between issues, yes. If Zimmerman had problems in the past and he hasn't shown a proclivity to it recently then I think it could be said that he tamed those demons. Martin however, we know he was still having problems. They say he got suspended from school for being in an "Unauthorized Area" but you don't get suspended for 10 days for something like that. Plus we also know that he recently tried to punch the bus driver as well.

Again, if someone comes forth and say that last month Zimmerman punched someone unprovoked then I think he has a real problem.
CanadianCowboysFan;4522529 said:
I do have to ask though, why does Cajun care about this case so much? Has no effect on his life.

Because I care about people regardless of their color. I care that people wait to hear what the facts are before making a decision instead of listening to race baiting hate mongers who threaten people to get their way. I care because Martin was no less of a human being than I am. And neither is Zimmerman. They both deserve to hear the evidence, all of it, before an opinion is formulated.

I think I proved some hypocrisy in the other thread. And I hate hypocrites as much as I do racists, whether they are white, black blue or green. And since this is my country and my society, it surely does effect me.

It effected this guy...
You have also said you do not trust anyone you do not know.

Whether the cop wannabe goes down for taking a life or not, will not have any effect on you whatsoever.

All you seem to want to do is prove that blacks kill/hurt whites too. OK, you made your point even though it doesn't prove that fatty didn't deliberately go after Travvon because he was black.
CanadianCowboysFan;4522547 said:
You have also said you do not trust anyone you do not know.

Whether the cop wannabe goes down for taking a life or not, will not have any effect on you whatsoever.

All you seem to want to do is prove that blacks kill/hurt whites too. OK, you made your point even though it doesn't prove that fatty didn't deliberately go after Travvon because he was black.

See, this is what I mean about common sense. You have none.

Yes, I don't trust anyone I don't know. You have to earn trust. Otherwise you are a fool. And as I laid out in the above post, it does effect my life and that of every American what happens and how it is handled.

And I don't need t prove blacks kill whites. They do. And I don't need to prove that whites kill blacks. They do. You don't even make any sense with this point at all.

And until you can point to something that said he followed him BECAUSE he was black, you don't are just talking out of your anus again.
Cajuncowboy;4522561 said:
See, this is what I mean about common sense. You have none.

Yes, I don't trust anyone I don't know. You have to earn trust. Otherwise you are a fool. And as I laid out in the above post, it does effect my life and that of every American what happens and how it is handled.

And I don't need t prove blacks kill whites. They do. And I don't need to prove that whites kill blacks. They do. You don't even make any sense with this point at all.

And until you can point to something that said he followed him BECAUSE he was black, you don't are just talking out of your anus again.

The chances of some random black man taking you out because of Travvon is slim and none so you need not worry about that.

You are right about not trusting anyone, I definitely would not trust you around my son. Who knows what ideas you would fill his head with in an attempt to make him think like you.
Cajuncowboy;4522534 said:
Because I care about people regardless of their color. I care that people wait to hear what the facts are before making a decision instead of listening to race baiting hate mongers who threaten people to get their way. I care because Martin was no less of a human being than I am. And neither is Zimmerman. They both deserve to hear the evidence, all of it, before an opinion is formulated.

I think I proved some hypocrisy in the other thread. And I hate hypocrites as much as I do racists, whether they are white, black blue or green. And since this is my country and my society, it surely does effect me.

It effected this guy...

it's very unfortunate. all we can do is prosecute those who get "this stupid" and stay the course.

idiots suck.
Cajuncowboy;4522523 said:
Age no, but the time between issues, yes. If Zimmerman had problems in the past and he hasn't shown a proclivity to it recently then I think it could be said that he tamed those demons.

This is similar to Ron Artest. It had been a few years since he acted a buffoon, but now he has and it is very reminiscent of his past. Sometimes people can't really change who they are no matter how much time has passed. Not out of the realm of possibilities that this could apply to Zimmerman.
CanadianCowboysFan;4522529 said:
I do have to ask though, why does Cajun care about this case so much? Has no effect on his life.
This case has pretty much been the #1 news story here in the states for the past 6 weeks or so (although I think now it is finally being displaced by the Secret Servive shenanigans). Nevertheless, it is very much a topic of discussion around the internet water coolers.
CanadianCowboysFan;4522569 said:
The chances of some random black man taking you out because of Travvon is slim and none so you need not worry about that.

You are right about not trusting anyone, I definitely would not trust you around my son. Who knows what ideas you would fill his head with in an attempt to make him think like you.

Speaking of your son, since you brought him up, I'm still praying for him.
joseephuss;4522591 said:
This is similar to Ron Artest. It had been a few years since he acted a buffoon, but now he has and it is very reminiscent of his past. Sometimes people can't really change who they are no matter how much time has passed. Not out of the realm of possibilities that this could apply to Zimmerman.

Ron Artests history is vastly more tattered with issues than Zimmerman. While you are right, it could be an issue that comes back up, but the one fact we know for sure was that Martin was engaging in this kind of behavior very recently.
CanadianCowboysFan;4522529 said:
I do have to ask though, why does Cajun care about this case so much? Has no effect on his life.

The ramifications of things like this absolutely could have an impact on his life and any other Americans life as well. And it won't matter if they're white, black, green, purple, whatever.

These things can, and often do, affect a lot more than just the people initially involved.

CanadianCowboysFan;4522547 said:
You have also said you do not trust anyone you do not know.

Whether the cop wannabe goes down for taking a life or not, will not have any effect on you whatsoever.

All you seem to want to do is prove that blacks kill/hurt whites too. OK, you made your point even though it doesn't prove that fatty didn't deliberately go after Travvon because he was black.

Again yes it could. You speak far to much in absolutes as if you're some sort of higher authority on it all.

Lets say that Zimmerman winds up getting off completely and it causes riots in some big cities and people get hurt or killed. Are you telling me it didn't effect those peoples lives, who have absolutely nothing to do with this case?

Don't be niave.

These kinds of things absolutely have far reaching ramifications and that's the unfortunate fact of human beings still not being able to get past race, hatred, and all that other junk.
Rogah;4522608 said:
This case has pretty much been the #1 news story here in the states for the past 6 weeks or so (although I think now it is finally being displaced by the Secret Servive shenanigans). Nevertheless, it is very much a topic of discussion around the internet water coolers.

Oh I don't disagree but he seems to be taking it so personally, like his own crusade to ensure fatty is treated fairly. Whether Zimmerman goes down the river or not really won't effect you or me.
BraveHeartFan;4522651 said:
The ramifications of things like this absolutely could have an impact on his life and any other Americans life as well. And it won't matter if they're white, black, green, purple, whatever.

These things can, and often do, affect a lot more than just the people initially involved.

Again yes it could. You speak far to much in absolutes as if you're some sort of higher authority on it all.

Lets say that Zimmerman winds up getting off completely and it causes riots in some big cities and people get hurt or killed. Are you telling me it didn't effect those peoples lives, who have absolutely nothing to do with this case?

Don't be niave.

These kinds of things absolutely have far reaching ramifications and that's the unfortunate fact of human beings still not being able to get past race, hatred, and all that other junk.

if you are afraid that him getting off will cause riots, then you should be calling for him to be executed summarily.

I wonder though, is Nancy Grace going after him as hard as she did that mom from last summer?
Romo_To_Dez;4521026 said:
Don't forget that Trayvon died in FEB a couple of months ago so the family's wounds are still very fresh as is their anger and grief. Trayvon's family feels like many would angry at the person who killed their loved one.

So you can question others about how they feel about this case or jumping to conculsions, but Trayvon's family had the right to feel how they do. I don't think that they are entitled to forgive Zimmerman or accept his apology and just accept that it was Self Defense like they shouldn't be angry over Trayvon dying the way that he did.

They sure do. IMO, Zimmerman should of apologized earlier, but then again, he was in hiding. He still should of done so at least through his attorney.
I don't know, the whole ordeal is a mess and a young life has been lost.

Anymore, it's not innocent till proven's guilty before proven innocent.
CanadianCowboysFan;4522667 said:
good, pray for him to get a hattrick in his hockey game next Sunday

Would that make you happy if he did?

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