Some of y'all will never get it


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Hire this coach! Sign this free agent! Draft this guy! It's not about a guy here or there with this team, it starts at the top. It's a dysfunctional organization.

Jerry and Stephen Jones are unique. No other NFL team has the owner as GM and his son as Director of Player Personnel. This has been the arrangement in Dallas for 28 years. They have won four wild card games. That's it. That's all they have to show for it. They've fired more head coaches than playoff wins in that time.

Take a good hard look. These are the masterminds you're counting on after 28 years of trying. If you weren't a Cowboys fan, you'd laugh at them. They're a joke.

They aren't going to suddenly figure it out, they aren't going to quit while the money still rolls in, so accept 12-5. It's as good as it is going to get. Enjoy.

You might as well have started a thread saying the sun will come up tomorrow :huh:


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Carl, I'm flattered that you're following me and stalking me but that's creepy.
who is carl is he important in your life? want to talk about the scar he left? Im betting the list of people who have stalked you is very short and undistinquished...


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who is carl is he important in your life? want to talk about the scar he left? Im betting the list of people who have stalked you is very short and undistinquished...
this is you, Carl.

Jerry loves your support of his choices!


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Yep, I hear ya man.
What I truly wasnt expecting was when Jerry caved to McCarthys release of Moore which was something I never thought he'd do because I thought Moore was gonna be Jerry's Garrett Part II. I was very surprised. He gave up more power to McCarthy than I thought.

And I am totally on board with your post regarding how a real GM and HC should be in lockstep in the building of the team and who's job it is to do what.

In this case or OP, I just thought that McCarthy was getting a free pass on team failure because of the same old past blame it on Jerry philosophy.

In 3 of the 4 playoff games under his tenure this coach has not had his team prepared.

And that's not Jerry's fault.
Bout all I got.
Jerry Jones does not cave in my opinion. I believe time was Kellen Moore's worse enemy as far as his ascension to head coach under Jones.

Flashback to 2008. Jones promoted Jason Garrett to assistant head coach--after one season as offensive coordinator--which followed two seasons as a quarterback coach. Jones made Garrett interim head coach as soon as the roster lost faith in Wade Phlllips. Jones was not about to risk his wunderkind coach (his opinion) leaving for greener pastures.

Moore had a similar coaching resume as Garrett. That worked in his favor--for someone like Jones, that is. A roster collapse did not happen under Mike McCarthy. Additionally, Phillips was a defensive minded hire. McCarthy was an offensive minded hire. McCarthy already did what Jones hoped Moore would eventually refine.

So McCarthy made his pitch to Jones. Meanwhile, Moore saw the writing on the wall. Why would he stay? Everything just fell into place.


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Jerry Jones does not cave in my opinion. I believe time was Kellen Moore's worse enemy as far as his ascension to head coach under Jones.

Flashback to 2008. Jones promoted Jason Garrett to assistant head coach--after one season as offensive coordinator--which followed two seasons as a quarterback coach. Jones made Garrett interim head coach as soon as the roster lost faith in Wade Phlllips. Jones was not about to risk his wunderkind coach (his opinion) leaving for greener pastures.

Moore had a similar coaching resume as Garrett. That working in his favor--for someone like Jones, that is. A roster collapse did not happen under Mike McCarthy. Additionally, Phillips was a defensive minded hire. McCarthy was an offensive minded hire. McCarthy already did what Jones hoped Moore would eventually refine.

So McCarthy made his pitch to Jones. Meanwhile, Moore saw the writing on the wall. Why would he stay? Everything just fell into place.
Yep, agreed to all.
But wouldn't it just be the cherry on top if McCarthy were to fail and Jerry brought Moore back as HC?

Then Jerry would have his guy all over again.

Seems unlikely right now but I wouldn't put it past ol' Jerry.

And the hits just keep on coming, lol


Cowboys 24/7/365
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But wouldn't it just be the cherry on top if McCarthy were to fail and Jerry brought Moore back as HC?
Let's put a pin in this and see how the future unfolds in this regard. Jones does not have a track record of having coaches leave and then promoting them. This would be a first involving the top coaching position. We'll see.


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That's what Broadus and others are reporting. They say Stephen makes the personnel decisions, and they made fun of him during the draft when he got a call about a trade for a player they all knew, and Stephen asked "Who is that?" Then said he'd call the guy back, but never did and never asked anyone about the player being offered.
New rule Jeruh and Jr are not allowed to answer the phone on draft day.


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I think cap is an excuse. Other teams have to deal with the same cap limitations.

I also think blaming the head coach and the quarterback doesn't hold up (completely). We haven't been to an NFC Championship Game in 28 years, we've had several head coaches and quarterbacks since then.

Yes, there are always multiple factors involved in coming up short, but the one constant in our failures is the front office. We shouldn't just blame Jerry, but we also should realize that he's the one part of the equation that has not changed.

I think fans get distracted from that by a bad performance, bad coaching decision, etc. The way you overcome the bad things that happen is by putting together a team that has players at every level who can step up. The front office's main fault is its approach to roster building, which leaves this team with weak links that break under pressure.
It is not cap limitations. It is cap allocation. As an organization you have to decide how to spend the money. Ex: 45% on defense, 45% on offense,
10% Special teams.

On defense do you tie up a majority of your money on DB's and pass rushers, because it is a passing league now and then you can't stop the run?

If you are going to pay elite money to a player they better be good at everything. Not just 1 thing.

Pay by position seems to change every few years. Now WR are getting big money and RB's not so much. I would draft the more expensive positions and pick up the cheaper ones in free agency. Need to now and be able to understand the trends in advance.

I am not sure the Jones' even have a strategy.

What I noticed a lot about Belichick over years is he did not follow the trends, and often went in the opposite direction. Trends create demand which drives up the price, when you go in the opposite direction you are getting things on a discount.

Example if the entire league is switching to a 3-4, he went to a 4-3. Resulting in more supply for him, lowering costs.

Belichick was the master of the tweener. Good player in college that would get passed up because they were too small as WR, or not big enough to play TE.

A tweener would fall in the draft creating great value, then defenses would struggle on how to defend it.

Example. 6'5 TE, too small to be a great inline blocker, bur not fast enough to be a WR. These types of players would fall in the draft regardless of how successful in college. Belichick recognized that and took advantage of it. Spit them out or put them in the slot, too fast for a LB to cover and too big and physical for DB's to cover.

Belichick basically started small WR's playing out of the back field as a RB. No way LB's could keep up with them. He basically re-invented the run game with quick passes to undersized WR's.

Good coaches figure out what you do best and take advantage of it. They don't force a square peg in a round hole to fit their system. Adjust the system weekly to take advantage of mismatches. That is what good teams do.