Some of you guys will love this story - QC Cut *MERGED*

BigDFan5 said:
:lmao2: :lmao: :lmao2: :lmao:

So... Crankcase wanted the job handed to him? I'm just shocked! :eek:

But his body is brimming with quarterbacking talent the likes of which has never been seen in this galaxy and he's the last QB to take Dallas to the playoffs!!! Who wouldn't just give him the job, sight unseen?

We all know with his talent, had he not gotten tangled up with drugs, he would've been still in Dallas leading us to victories! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
They got the translation wrong yet again. Quincy does not equal Crankcase.

Quincy=A Case of Crank.
TonyS said:
Enough talent to play in the NFL.

I think that is, nad has always been debateable.

I feel bad for the guy, and I'll pray for him, but ..................

I'm LMAO at everyone who loved this guy as a QB and defended his play at every chance.
Well I can't defend that something really must be wrong anytime he gets cut from a CFL team... still I wish QC good luck..
WoodysGirl said:
Loosely translated using

He was cut after leaving camp. Said he had a groin injury.

BTW, the literal translation was hilarious. :)
I couldn't is the complete translation:

Quincy Crankcase Wednesday May 24 2006 - (RDS) - After only six days of work, the team dismissed the quarter Quincy Crankcase because of its unsatisfactory performances.

It will be necessary now to add his name to lists of old ones of the NFL that never reached to adapt itself to the trains Canadian League.

Not later than Tuesday, Crankcase had shown frustration signs after to have claimed an injury to the groin. And in interview to the network TSN, it had not liked the manner of which a colleague had asked his question.

Some hours after to have seen Crankcase to leave the campus of the Holy Fort John, the Larks announced that they had liberated it. According to Jim Popp, its performances did not be rather satisfactory and his departure will allow the other quarter to play more often.

"Big names as him, said Éric Lapointe, it some arrives to every season to the entraînement camp. Before the camp, I found that the people excited themselves for nothing. In eight years, I visible several to pass and the majority left."

Crankcase is not the first player coming from the NFL to fail in his attempt to deserve a post in the Canadian League. Considering his potential one, some talk about a disappointment, but not Gift Matthews. It cannot be disappointed, he says, since it had no expectation.

A question is on all the lips: that will assist Anthony Calvillo? Tuesday, Matthews declared that Calvillo was number one and that all the others were at equality to the second row. 24 hours later, despite the Crankcase departure, the trainer had not changed opinions.

Question: Crankcase he disputed his last game in the professional rows, him that is now 28 years old? Popp believes that Crankcase has the talent to play in the LCF and hopes that another equips will give to him another luck.