Some of you will never be happy. Will you.

Doomsday101 said:
Bledsoe is doing the job despite folks like you who have done nothing but B**** and moan since he got here. You more concerned over your little pot head QB who is about as worthless as they come. You would bend over backwards to sing that idiots praise so why the hell would I think you even have a clue as to what your talking about. So keep on hating on Bledsoe all you want but he is doing a better job than that idiot you drool over

See if feel the same way about Bledsoe at seasons end.
Kilyin said:
Funny, before we beat the Eagles they were often labeled as one of the best secondaries in the league. Now they're not even a "good defense".

They showed signs of trouble the week before in Kansas City who has mediocre receivers. They're now in the bottom half of the Nfl against the pass. That should tell you it was more them than it was us. Otherwise, why couldn't we beat the Raiders or Commanders.
kartr said:
They showed signs of trouble the week before in Kansas City who has mediocre receivers. They're now in the bottom half of the Nfl against the pass. That should tell you it was more them than it was us. Otherwise, why couldn't we beat the Raiders or Commanders.

Still sticking with your 6-10 record prediction? Just curious.
kartr said:
He's only played good against defenses that are struggling. We wont see those teams in the playoffs, if we get there. He's been mediocre against any team with a semblance of good defense.

You must be talking about Quincy Carter in 2003. In fact, in the Cowboy's hot 5-1 start of 2003, the Cowboys and Quincy Carter faced defenses ranked 25th, 29th, 30th, and 32nd in points allowed. One of those victories (Eagles) would not have happened if not for the special teams TD Randal Williams scored off Philly's onside kick to start the game.

Then in the latter half of the season when the Quincy faced defenses like Tampa (4th), Patriots (1st), Dolphins (3rd), Eagles (7th), and even the Saints (14th), saying that he was even "mediocre" against them would be an overstatement. The truth is that he folded like a map once he had to go against better defenses.

Your inconsistency is laughable. I'll take my chances with Bledsoe versus these "better defenses" (you claim are on the horizon) over a proven failure any day of the week!
Hostile said:
The Eagles won't make the playoffs?

Are you cereal, or just malt?

Of course the Eagles will make the playoffs, but not if McNabb can't stay healthy and they don't run the ball and fix their leaky secondary. Their play against us was extremely poor, it was like they didn't even show up. I could here the excitement in Aikman's voice," I never saw that kind of defense from the Eagles when I played". He was clearly salivating, wishing he could play against the Eagles non-existent defense that day. Even the media knew that they were just having a bad day. No one penciled us in as super bowl favorites after that game except the homers.
Wolverine said:
Give Parcells time to do to the offensive line like what he did to the DL this year. Next year our OL will be one of the best 5 in the NFL. BP will get it done next year.

Yes, outside of free safety and possibly adding another top-notch linebacker, Dallas likely will be devoting free agency and the draft to the offense, esp. the line.

That's one thing that excites me about this team. We can see the defense growing and know it still has more room to do so this year. That means when this year is complete the offense gets the rest of the parts it needs to be a dominating unit and have the kind of depth we have on the D-line.

Bledsoe has shown what kind of quarterback he can be when given time, and Parcells will do what is necessary to buy him that time. By not having to concentrate much of defense, it will make the job much easier to do.
Hostile said:

We had Witten open in both games and probably would have scored, yet he made misreads. In the Seahawks game, on that last pass, if he throws the ball away, takes a sack or dumps the ball off to a back, we go into overtime. He did the one thing you must not do in that situation, throw the pick, and he threw it to a double-covered receiver who's only 5"10'. His pick led directly to the winning field goal for Seattle. If Q had done that or Vinny, you guys would have been ready to kick them to the curb. There would be none of that, "he's the only reason we're winning crap" because we now have a true top defense, capable of shutting down elite RB's like Alexander and Portis and Tomlinson. Our 2003 defense was pushed all over the field by Jay Fiedler and in the second half of the second Eagles game and in the playoffs against Carolina. Where was that number one defense that carried the team in those games and where was it last year with almost the same personnel. We played against nothing but mediocre offenses in 2003 and got exposed in 2004.

So now we have the kind of qb you want, but he's older,less athletic and makes the same kind of mistakes Q made in his third year in the NFL, and you think this is an upgrade. You make excuses for him like he's your brother and refuse to cut a younger, less experienced qb any slack for making 3rd year qb mistakes. Nonsense, you invented it and have the nerve criticize others.
Doomsday101 said:
He clearly lost those game? Get your head out of your *** guy you really have no clue as to what your talking about!!!

Yeah buddy, and you probably make the same excuses for David Carr, the notorius pretty man. You don't even follow your hometown team.
kartr said:
We had Witten open in both games and probably would have scored, yet he made misreads. In the Seahawks game, on that last pass, if he throws the ball away, takes a sack or dumps the ball off to a back, we go into overtime. He did the one thing you must not do in that situation, throw the pick, and he threw it to a double-covered receiver who's only 5"10'. His pick led directly to the winning field goal for Seattle. If Q had done that or Vinny, you guys would have been ready to kick them to the curb. There would be none of that, "he's the only reason we're winning crap" because we now have a true top defense, capable of shutting down elite RB's like Alexander and Portis and Tomlinson. Our 2003 defense was pushed all over the field by Jay Fiedler and in the second half of the second Eagles game and in the playoffs against Carolina. Where was that number one defense that carried the team in those games and where was it last year with almost the same personnel. We played against nothing but mediocre offenses in 2003 and got exposed in 2004.

So now we have the kind of qb you want, but he's older,less athletic and makes the same kind of mistakes Q made in his third year in the NFL, and you think this is an upgrade. You make excuses for him like he's your brother and refuse to cut a younger, less experienced qb any slack for making 3rd year qb mistakes. Nonsense, you invented it and have the nerve criticize others.

Actually your wrong, you could go back on any of my post in the past regarding QC and not once did I ever blame him for a loss. I don't think that highly of him as a QB but never did I blame him for a loss. I agree that Drew made a big mistake aginst Seattle but I'll also point out it was a zone coverage the seahawks were in and Drew admitted as well that he should have thrown the ball up higher and more to the outside but fact is he didn't. See I don't think 1 man wins a game or loses a game many people on the offensive side of the ball made costly mistakes as well that hurt this team.
kartr said:
Of course the Eagles will make the playoffs, but not if McNabb can't stay healthy and they don't run the ball and fix their leaky secondary. Their play against us was extremely poor, it was like they didn't even show up. I could here the excitement in Aikman's voice," I never saw that kind of defense from the Eagles when I played". He was clearly salivating, wishing he could play against the Eagles non-existent defense that day. Even the media knew that they were just having a bad day. No one penciled us in as super bowl favorites after that game except the homers.
~pulling on my hip waders~

Getting awfully deep in here.

Sean Sailsbury, a noted critic, said we would represent the NFC in the Super Bowl after that game.

I have no recollection of Aikman saying anything remotely close to that and am not taking your word for it that he did. Back it up by finding someone who agrees with you or a trasncript of the game. I ain't buying it.

Know what you're talking about before you launch into a lecture.
kartr said:
Yeah buddy, and you probably make the same excuses for David Carr, the notorius pretty man. You don't even follow your hometown team.

I think Carr is on his last leg here in Houston and I really don't care what he or any other QB looks like. As for pulling for my hometown team. I have been a Cowboy fan long before coming to Houston and have been a die hard since Don Meredith was QBing the Cowboys. I also understand the game of football and know damn well this is a team sport and no one person wins a game or loses a game. Every time you start that cr@p about Carter winning this game or that game only shows me you don't understand a damn thing about football.
Kilyin said:
The second int against Seattle was a bonehead throw. Claiming he was trying to throw it out of bounds was weak too, as that was downright laughable. "Sorry guys, I was trying to draw a flag for intentional grounding, but I threw an interception instead." You could make an argument Bledsoe lost us the Seattle game, but there's plenty of other things to blame it on also. I don't agree we lost to the Skins or the Raiders because of him, though.

Well thank you for that one concession, but Witten was deep behind everybody in the Commanders game and was open in the end zone in the Raider game. Previous qb's we've had would have been vilified for those mistakes, but Bledsoe seems to get a pass for the same mistakes. Also Bledsoe held the ball too long a couple of those sacks. Read Roger Craigs analysis of the game on Fox sports. He starts out giving kudos to Bledsoe, but as the game progressed, Bledsoe's mistakes piled up and he then called Bledsoe on them. It was very fair reporting for a former Niner. I think he wanted to say good things about Bledsoe thruout, but Drew's mistakes got progressively worse, so he had to be honest. He gave kudos to Drew when he did well, and criticized him when he didn't. "Drew man, you're killing them", after the second time Drew held the ball too long and got sacked in the redzone. Our defense forced turnovers that put us in range to put the game away. Parcells play-calling or whoever called them didn't make Bledsoe hold the ball too long, or throw that last int.
I don't know why, but it just now dawned on me that I was wrong, it wouldn't have been intentional grounding. I'll call it a brain fart. Regardless, it was clear Bledsoe was trying to force it in there.

Just clearing that up before someone catches it. ;)
Wolverine said:
Ok yeah I am pissed we lost to the Seahawks and the way we lost. Hopefully next time we get 2 turnovers in such great field position BP will go for the TD instead of just playing for the FG. The game is over.

We are 4-3 and we beat the Eagles. If around training camps someone was to say we would be 4-3 and totally owned the Eagles in our 1st game with them all of us would be real happy wouldnt we.

Yet here we are at 4-3 and I see Bledsoe sucks. Pettiti sucks. Or how they are not the answers. Get rid of them and other crap like this.

Wow. Bledsoes only bad game of the year and some of you throw out the come back wins he has gotten us and how he nearly won us some others. And how some of you with just one bad game throw out how Bledsoe is a big reason we have 4 wins right now. It is pretty daym hard to complain about a QB with a 90+ rating and a 2-1 TD-INT number. Maybe some of you should go back and take a look at how long it has been since a Dallas QB has done that. I have no idea when but I am pretty sure it has been a very long time.

I have faith in Bledsoe. I know he will get over this bad game and have alot more good ones then bad ones.

Rob Pettiti. How can some of you already quit on him after just 7 games. I thank God that Parcells is the coach and not some of you. I think Pettiti is gonna be just fine and be a very good OL for us in the future. I am not gonna quit in him like some of you have.

Some of you quit on Terrence Newman last year. Well guess what SURPRISE!! He is one of the best CBs in the NFL again.

I am not saying not to be critical of them for bad games. Bledsoe and Pettiti did have bad games and deseve to be slammed for it. But to say some of the things some of you have said....geez. How totally wack.

Have some of you stopped to think how big of a loss Adams was. That did not help Bledsoe at all.

When this team totally destroyed the Eagles it gave me alota hope for its future. We are gonna win a Super Bowl under Parcells. The team we saw that kicked Phillys butt is the team we will see much more of in later this year and all of next year.

Give Parcells time to do to the offensive line like what he did to the DL this year. Next year our OL will be one of the best 5 in the NFL. BP will get it done next year.

Some players do deserve the slams you give them. Like Cortez and Rivera and our Centers. But after them most of these guys are pretty good

Have some faith peeps. The best is yet to come.
I've been a Cowboys fan since I was 5 years old in '68. I've been happy 6 times, five Super Bowl wins and when Theisman broke his leg. :eek:

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