I am a theme movie guy and love the holiday ones. I've got my movies to kick off the baseball season, Memorial, Veteran's and D Day military movies and even 4th of July and horse racing season but the holiday ones are special.
There's been this debate about what actually constitutes a holiday movie, a movie about Christmas or taking place during Christmas and even Bruce Willis weighed in and said Die Hard is not a Christmas movie and I agree but it is a holiday movie, just like 2, Lethal Weapon and Gremlins. Those are on my must watch list. As well as Inside Moves because of the scene at Christmas.
I watch a lot of them and while Christmas Vacation is my favorite for laughs, there is only one that really warms my heart and gives me that special feeling, It's a Wonderful Life.
Considering all of the controversy when that film came out up against Best Years of Our Lives and the incompleteness of no justice for Mr. Potter, it has endured and is considered the definitive American Christmas film.