Some stunning ROMO facts


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windward;2332374 said:
Ben has one more fumble than Romo this year and the same amount of fumbles lost in one fewer game.

Nice try, though.

ajk23az;2332331 said:
I agree. But look at Big Ben and how many times he gets sacked. He doesn't fumble nearly as much. Romo needs to cure this.

Maybe you should check some stats before you open your mouth.....


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Boysboy;2332373 said:
Uhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm............I believe that was our point that Romo is regressing.

Outside of that bad game against Buffalo, his negative stats weren't 1/2 bad. This year, he's almost guaranteed a pick AND a fumble game, something he WASN'T doing last year.

This year he will have around 35 TDS...4200+ Yds...we make the playoffs...we much for regressing...we lose well that's the same thing that happened last regression...the only way that I see Romo doing any regressing is if the team doesn't make the playoffs...then you can contribute not making the playoffs to his turnovers...until then there isn't that much regression taking place...assuming he posts the same numbers as last year which he is doing in every category. If its week 9 or 10 and he has a considerable amount of turnovers compared to last year then I will be convinced and you can re post this thread and prove me which I will say that you were correct...until then I'm not buying it.


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sweetness0986;2332413 said:
Except for the fact that "oops" game has been happening pretty much EVERY week. The Bills game last year? Romo was having a rare bad day. We pretty much have come to terms with the fact that he's probably going to make one stupid play per game given his style of play (or former style of play I guess). We'd get 1 bad play, but have several other outstanding plays to counteract it. We can now count on him to make multiple careless mistakes and don't have nearly as many miracle plays.

Well, I wish he would cut down on the mistakes. Really-we were on our way to a double digit win against Philly until he threw one into Asante Samuel's breadbasket. All he had to do was to just throw it away and live for another down.

Gemini Dolly

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The good news is Tony didnt throw an interception today. Now, he has to stop fumbling and be aware of when to throw the ball away instead of holding it too long. It can happen. I still believe in Tony. I refuse to think he sucks and is average.


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Garland powerplay;2332467 said:
The off the field distractions are definitely starting to show for this team.

Not really-the D actually played very well(Pacman's side, that is). It was the Oline and ST that didn't.


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Boysboy;2332352 said:
I got to watch the Bears/Falcons game earlier(somehow, DFW decided to broadcast this instead of the Skins game)-Kyle Orton has been a big surprise this year, he's really improved his game. But nonetheless, he knows when to throw it away when things aren't there, and he protects that ball very well too.

Romo needs to get his head out of his ***, IMHO.

Oh really you saw Orton do good for the Bears. I guess thats why they lost to a team that has a rookie QB. Yes we need Orton instead of Romo :rolleyes:


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braw;2332472 said:
Oh really you saw Orton do good for the Bears. I guess thats why they lost to a team that has a rookie QB. Yes we need Orton instead of Romo :rolleyes:

Orton DID play well today-it was the Bears D that lost it for them. No excuse for giving up that long pass play that set up that game-winning FG.


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It's not in the numbers or the stats.
It's in the "when and where" of his big-plays and/or mistakes and turnovers.
As of RIGHT NOW, mid-October of 2008, if you played a highlight reel of Romo's career, it would be all blunders, goofy fumbles, loosy-goosy ball handling (usually around his own end-zone), and in general a B-Movie Brett Favrerorverreerror wanna-be.
THAT'S HIS STORY if your a Cowboy fan, which I am. It's disgusting.
This guy, every time ANY pass rusher or blitzer is either chasing him from behind or from the side, it's a fumble waiting to happen. He as zero sense of the pass rush unless it's coming right at him from the front. Even then, it usually results in some squirrly twisty move, half bent over to the ground, with the ball exposed for any and all ball slappers. This doesn't even approach how many times the ball has "squirted" out of his hands without ANYBODY but him touching it...........which is at least twice a game.
I think the jury's out on this guy. He'll hold you're attention and loyalty with a glitzy play or two, his flashy smile, his "never say die" gunslinger attitude and play. But just when you need him the most to be a mature, seasoned vet who shines under pressure, you'll get the kid from some Div. 1AA school who never grew up and blows it.................
We need a QB.................NOW!!!!

Da Hammer

The Natural
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like i was saying earlier the turnovers and decision making are alarming because he is consistently having 2 turnovers a game and got lucky on 2 balls today the missed easy int/and the "tuck" rule. again he's still the QB i want on this team and is still a great player but nobody can argue successfully that those turnovers dont hurt the team. he wasnt the reason we lost or the reason we lost the Commanders game but i mean he deserve his bit of blame just like he deserves the praise when he has a great game that results in a cowboys victory


Brain Dead Shill
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My god. I've always tried to avoid using the ignore function, but the stupidity on this forum over the course of the last few weeks is becoming unbearable.


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Boysboy;2332484 said:
Orton DID play well today-it was the Bears D that lost it for them. No excuse for giving up that long pass play that set up that game-winning FG.

320 yds and 3 TDs but you rather have Orton. Our D let BREASTON have 8 rec 102 yds 1 td. He had a better game than any of our WRs. Again BREASTON not Larry or Bolden. Our QB leads the league in TDs is 3rd in rating but he is the problem.:rolleyes:


NFL Historian
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Breaston is actually proving to be a good receiver in this league. He's a main reason the Cardinals will let Boldin go at the end of the year.


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lewpac;2332500 said:
It's not in the numbers or the stats.
It's in the "when and where" of his big-plays and/or mistakes and turnovers.
As of RIGHT NOW, mid-October of 2008, if you played a highlight reel of Romo's career, it would be all blunders, goofy fumbles, loosy-goosy ball handling (usually around his own end-zone), and in general a B-Movie Brett Favrerorverreerror wanna-be.
THAT'S HIS STORY if your a Cowboy fan, which I am. It's disgusting.
This guy, every time ANY pass rusher or blitzer is either chasing him from behind or from the side, it's a fumble waiting to happen. He as zero sense of the pass rush unless it's coming right at him from the front. Even then, it usually results in some squirrly twisty move, half bent over to the ground, with the ball exposed for any and all ball slappers. This doesn't even approach how many times the ball has "squirted" out of his hands without ANYBODY but him touching it...........which is at least twice a game.
I think the jury's out on this guy. He'll hold you're attention and loyalty with a glitzy play or two, his flashy smile, his "never say die" gunslinger attitude and play. But just when you need him the most to be a mature, seasoned vet who shines under pressure, you'll get the kid from some Div. 1AA school who never grew up and blows it.................
We need a QB.................NOW!!!!

Hate to break it to ya but Romo is the man for at least another 4 years regardless of what happens throughout his career...coaches would be the first to go...not you better get used to things.


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The only concerning thing is his fumbling. Add the bonehead call by the refs in the first quarter (forward progress, haha) and the tuck rule incident and he records 5 (FIVE!!) fumbles in one game. If he can stop that and start protecting the ball better, then he is totally fine


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SquiggDoggs;2332540 said:
Hate to break it to ya but Romo is the man for at least another 4 years regardless of what happens throughout his career...coaches would be the first to go...not you better get used to things.

Think so?
You don't know Jerry Jones that well...........

Yeah, if this year doesn't "happen" (and I mean nothing less than a Ring will do), then Jerry will go with Garrett, the so called "Vunder-child" who has the extended resume' of two (2, as in duce) years QB coach in Miami (name the QB's in Miami under his tenure???????????). The same OC who calls a game as exciting and inventive as bean dip!!!
After that, it's the QB's head in Dallas. If Romo, who's been the starter since 2006, doesn't get us ring by the time the SB is in the new Cowboy Stadium in 2011, then Romo will NOT be the QB in Dallas. Jerry will pull the plug.
In fact, if Dallas does NOT win the SB this year, look for Jerry to pick a top QB in the draft next year. Remember where you heard it first..........


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tomson75;2332317 said:
Lets also not forget that most of his fumbles this year were due to the O line's inability to protect him (today). Absolutely pathetic performance by the line. Romo shouldn't be 100% to blame for those...but I'm sure you'll continue to think so regardless.
i have to disagree with you here...with all due respect, its not the lines fault that Romo can't protect the football...this is the same apologism that is currently hampering the maturity and accountability of this football team...

...Romo still has'nt learned YET that sometimes you have to live to fight another day...his pocket presensce has deteriorated this year for some reason and he's not extending plays with his legs as much...he looks tentative and hurried...he's not having fun so far this year and his enthusiasm, or lack thereof, shows...

...last week was telling...Romo comes back to the sidelines with a look of stoicism after throwing touchdown pass just seconds before...Owens is on the bench with a towel over his head after scoring HIS touchdown...these two are supposed to be leaders and captains...heck, Phillips himself is supposed to be a leader...

...i'm afraid that this team has taken on the personality of its head coach, who keeps absolving them of the responsibility for their mistakes...Phillips strategy of leading by coddling is going to sink this team and his tenure with the Dallas Cowboys...when the margin calls come in at the end of this year Phillips is going to need some playoff victories or else...

...if fans are disgruntled its because people remember what championship football looks like in Dallas and it sure ain't the putrid spectacle that was on display in Arizona sunday afternoon...unprepared, unmotivated and uninvolved...

...this team had better find some leaders FAST, be it coaches or players, or they are going to witness, firsthand, the absolute demolition of a season once filled with promise and championship the late John Facenda once opined, if they truly have the Roman appetite for victory they'd better develop the Spartan will to sacrifice for it...


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kramskoi;2332606 said:
i have to disagree with you here...with all due respect, its not the lines fault that Romo can't protect the football...this is the same apologism that is currently hampering the maturity and accountability of this football team...

...Romo still has'nt learned YET that sometimes you have to live to fight another day...his pocket presensce has deteriorated this year for some reason and he's not extending plays with his legs as much...he looks tentative and hurried...he's not having fun so far this year and his enthusiasm, or lack thereof, shows...

...last week was telling...Romo comes back to the sidelines with a look of stoicism after throwing touchdown pass just seconds before...Owens is on the bench with a towel over his head after scoring HIS touchdown...these two are supposed to be leaders and captains...heck, Phillips himself is supposed to be a leader...

...i'm afraid that this team has taken on the personality of its head coach, who keeps absolving them of the responsibility for their mistakes...Phillips strategy of leading by coddling is going to sink this team and his tenure with the Dallas Cowboys...when the margin calls come in at the end of this year Phillips is going to need some playoff victories or else...

...if fans are disgruntled its because people remember what championship football looks like in Dallas and it sure ain't the putrid spectacle that was on display in Arizona sunday afternoon...unprepared, unmotivated and uninvolved...

...this team had better find some leaders FAST, be it coaches or players, or they are going to witness, firsthand, the absolute demolition of a season once filled with promise and championship the late John Facenda once opined, if they truly have the Roman appetite for victory they'd better develop the Spartan will to sacrifice for it...

Period!! :hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer:

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I'm officially worried about Romo. His first year and a half, he had his occasional stinker of a game, which all QBs will have. But this is three poor games in a row. Today he looked like Chad Hutchinson with his fumbles. That cannot continue or we won't win, regardless of who our head coach or special teams coach is.


NFL Historian
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I'm not worried about Romo.I'm more worried about the OLINE protection

Last 3 weeks 9 TDS 2 INTS

If we protect better, and Romo holds onto ball better, problem solved.